School Choice: California Looks Backwards, Florida Looks Forward
Reviewing the 2019 education landscape shows some states taking giant steps backwards, while others made great strides, and this contrast is nowhere more stark than between California and Florida. In California, the education theme was “let’s take choice away from parents and children.” The teacher strikes in Oakland and Los ...
Lance Izumi
December 18, 2019
New PRI Single-Payer Poll Watch Tracks Growing Opposition to Medicare for All
Health care has dominated the early Democrat presidential debates, with progressive candidates battling “moderates” over the question of a public option versus a Medicare for All plan that would outlaw private insurance. As the public has focused more on what single-payer would mean for them, such as having to pay ...
Evan Harris
December 17, 2019
Things Just Keep Going The Wrong Way In California
Two days before Thanksgiving, financial services firm Charles Schwab announced it was relocating its headquarters from San Francisco to Texas. The Wall Street Journal’s explanation: “The brokerage giant heads for a state that doesn’t punish finance.” Fresh from its $26 billion acquisition of TD Ameritrade, Schwab, located in San Francisco ...
Kerry Jackson
December 16, 2019
What We’re Watching – December 13
Rowena Itchon – Brexit and this week’s UK Election If you’re following the British elections and Brexit, here’s a terrific interview with Dan Hannan, Conservative Member of the European Parliament by Nick Gillespie of Reason. Kerry Jackson – How Los Angeles is Spending Homeless Dollars Inefficiently Cities, counties and the ...
Pacific Research Institute
December 13, 2019
CAPITAL IDEAS: The Old City Dumps Aren’t What They Used To Be
Nearly two decades ago, before “ban everything” fever was sweeping through California, San Francisco committed to eliminating a staple of human progress: the modern landfill. The idea, concocted in 2002, was to reach a “zero waste” existence by 2020, which “means that we send zero discards to the landfill or ...
Kerry Jackson
December 12, 2019
The Real Reason Behind Shelving of Full and Fair Funding Initiative
The California School Boards Association (CSBA) and proponents of the “Full and Fair Funding” proposal – a $15 billion annual tax increase for school funding – announced last week that they were pulling the proposal from the November 2020 ballot. The reason? CSBA said publicly that its polling showed voters ...
Tim Anaya
December 11, 2019
State Leaders Admit California Is Subsidizing the Rich at the Expense of the Poor
You won’t read this headline anytime soon, but it is consistent with the recent changes to California’s electric-car rebate program enacted by the state’s Air Resources Board. Both California and the federal government offer generous tax credits to purchasers of electric vehicles. Until the recent changes, California offered purchasers of ...
Wayne Winegarden
December 10, 2019
Water World
A state overflowing with natural resources and more than 840 miles of direct access to the largest body of water on Earth seems to always be suffering through a dry spell. Even though seven years of drought ended earlier this year, and winter storms have lashed the state, thirsty Central ...
Kerry Jackson
December 9, 2019
What We’re Watching – December 6
Tim Anaya – Texas vs. California: Which is Better? Prager U’s Will Witt asks Texas college students to compare the Lone Star State versus California. Their answers are both amusing and quite insightful – even for liberal college students. Kerry Jackson – This is a “Can’t Miss Video” Columnist and ...
Pacific Research Institute
December 6, 2019
What’s the deal with state attorneys general?
California’s attorney general has become one of the most powerful political offices in the state. The powers granted to the Golden State’s top cop are numerous and impactful. The attorney general is often front and center for state and federal lawsuits, legal reform, even writing the titles and summaries for ...
Evan Harris
December 5, 2019
School Choice: California Looks Backwards, Florida Looks Forward
Reviewing the 2019 education landscape shows some states taking giant steps backwards, while others made great strides, and this contrast is nowhere more stark than between California and Florida. In California, the education theme was “let’s take choice away from parents and children.” The teacher strikes in Oakland and Los ...
New PRI Single-Payer Poll Watch Tracks Growing Opposition to Medicare for All
Health care has dominated the early Democrat presidential debates, with progressive candidates battling “moderates” over the question of a public option versus a Medicare for All plan that would outlaw private insurance. As the public has focused more on what single-payer would mean for them, such as having to pay ...
Things Just Keep Going The Wrong Way In California
Two days before Thanksgiving, financial services firm Charles Schwab announced it was relocating its headquarters from San Francisco to Texas. The Wall Street Journal’s explanation: “The brokerage giant heads for a state that doesn’t punish finance.” Fresh from its $26 billion acquisition of TD Ameritrade, Schwab, located in San Francisco ...
What We’re Watching – December 13
Rowena Itchon – Brexit and this week’s UK Election If you’re following the British elections and Brexit, here’s a terrific interview with Dan Hannan, Conservative Member of the European Parliament by Nick Gillespie of Reason. Kerry Jackson – How Los Angeles is Spending Homeless Dollars Inefficiently Cities, counties and the ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: The Old City Dumps Aren’t What They Used To Be
Nearly two decades ago, before “ban everything” fever was sweeping through California, San Francisco committed to eliminating a staple of human progress: the modern landfill. The idea, concocted in 2002, was to reach a “zero waste” existence by 2020, which “means that we send zero discards to the landfill or ...
The Real Reason Behind Shelving of Full and Fair Funding Initiative
The California School Boards Association (CSBA) and proponents of the “Full and Fair Funding” proposal – a $15 billion annual tax increase for school funding – announced last week that they were pulling the proposal from the November 2020 ballot. The reason? CSBA said publicly that its polling showed voters ...
State Leaders Admit California Is Subsidizing the Rich at the Expense of the Poor
You won’t read this headline anytime soon, but it is consistent with the recent changes to California’s electric-car rebate program enacted by the state’s Air Resources Board. Both California and the federal government offer generous tax credits to purchasers of electric vehicles. Until the recent changes, California offered purchasers of ...
Water World
A state overflowing with natural resources and more than 840 miles of direct access to the largest body of water on Earth seems to always be suffering through a dry spell. Even though seven years of drought ended earlier this year, and winter storms have lashed the state, thirsty Central ...
What We’re Watching – December 6
Tim Anaya – Texas vs. California: Which is Better? Prager U’s Will Witt asks Texas college students to compare the Lone Star State versus California. Their answers are both amusing and quite insightful – even for liberal college students. Kerry Jackson – This is a “Can’t Miss Video” Columnist and ...
What’s the deal with state attorneys general?
California’s attorney general has become one of the most powerful political offices in the state. The powers granted to the Golden State’s top cop are numerous and impactful. The attorney general is often front and center for state and federal lawsuits, legal reform, even writing the titles and summaries for ...