California’s Anti-Car Culture
Outside a few conspiracy theorists, no one believes the COVID-19 lockdowns are a test run for eventually shuttering economic sectors to mitigate global warming. That said, the climate alarmists have surely been watching the public’s reaction, and they will use the stay-at-home restrictions to insist that government-imposed limits aren’t so ...
Kerry Jackson
May 13, 2020
Common Core Has Set Back Student Achievement in California
Back in 2012, I wrote a book entitled Obama’s Education Takeover that warned about the harmful impact that the Common Core national education standards would have on student achievement, especially in California. Now a just released study confirms my predictions. Pushed by a cabal including the Obama administration, Microsoft’s Bill ...
Lance Izumi
May 12, 2020
Sweeping Expansion of Workers Comp Benefits Could Hit Struggling CA Businesses Hard
There’s been a growing debate in California and nationally about extending workers’ compensation benefits for workers who are impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Some states are moving to make front line workers battling COVID-19 to be eligible for workers’ comp. Politico reports that “at least five smaller states have made ...
Tim Anaya
May 11, 2020
What We’re Watching – May 8
Rowena Itchon – Love in the Time of Coronavirus Watch some of our front line medical personnel battling COVID-19 and helping people stay alive take a much-needed break to recreate the iconic scene from Titanic, with an usual, personal protective equipment-themed twist. Kerry Jackson – Dorothy’s Song, COVID-19 Version Somewhere, ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 8, 2020
Is California Going To Open Without Newsom’s Approval?
Three California counties have earned the title of “free counties.” They “earned” the label for reopening ahead of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s announcement that Phase 2 of the statewide reopening would begin soon. Some small businesses outside of the “free counties” of Modoc, Sutter, and Yuba, so designated by Press California, ...
Kerry Jackson
May 7, 2020
And The Damage From AB 5 Begins
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has officially filed suit against Uber and Lyft for violating Assembly Bill 5 (AB 5). The action is a clear signal that the state’s policy leaders are determined to maximize the economic damage from this ill-considered policy at a time when millions have been furloughed ...
Wayne Winegarden
May 6, 2020
Coronavirus Chronicles: Why for Some Workers, Unemployment Makes More Sense
Roughly 30 million people have filed for unemployment since the coronavirus pandemic wreaked havoc on the nation’s economy. Economists estimate that the unemployment rate now ranges from 15 to 20 percent – numbers not seen since the Great Depression nearly a century ago. How H How quickly the economy bounces ...
Rowena Itchon
May 5, 2020
Growing Chorus Says Time to Reopen Areas with Few to Zero COVID-19 Cases
When is California going to lift the shelter-in-place orders? As temperatures soar and people gain cabin fever after weeks of being stuck inside, it’s the question on everyone’s minds these days. In his April 28 press conference, Gov. Gavin Newsom said that “we believe we are weeks, not months away, ...
Tim Anaya
May 4, 2020
What We’re Watching – May Day Edition
Kerry Jackson – When Will California Reopen? Question asked: Some states begin re-opening from stay home orders – is California close behind? The bet here is California will be the last state to fully open. Rowena Itchon – Blue Angels Fly Over Philadelphia and New York A Cockpit View: The Blue ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 1, 2020
Opening America
“Healthy people have rights too,” complained my 89-year old mother, who’s miffed because we’ve refused to take her to her favorite grocery store. Mom has joined the tens of thousands of people across America who believe that enough is enough. From California to Pennsylvania, from Michigan to Texas, people have ...
Rowena Itchon
April 29, 2020
California’s Anti-Car Culture
Outside a few conspiracy theorists, no one believes the COVID-19 lockdowns are a test run for eventually shuttering economic sectors to mitigate global warming. That said, the climate alarmists have surely been watching the public’s reaction, and they will use the stay-at-home restrictions to insist that government-imposed limits aren’t so ...
Common Core Has Set Back Student Achievement in California
Back in 2012, I wrote a book entitled Obama’s Education Takeover that warned about the harmful impact that the Common Core national education standards would have on student achievement, especially in California. Now a just released study confirms my predictions. Pushed by a cabal including the Obama administration, Microsoft’s Bill ...
Sweeping Expansion of Workers Comp Benefits Could Hit Struggling CA Businesses Hard
There’s been a growing debate in California and nationally about extending workers’ compensation benefits for workers who are impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Some states are moving to make front line workers battling COVID-19 to be eligible for workers’ comp. Politico reports that “at least five smaller states have made ...
What We’re Watching – May 8
Rowena Itchon – Love in the Time of Coronavirus Watch some of our front line medical personnel battling COVID-19 and helping people stay alive take a much-needed break to recreate the iconic scene from Titanic, with an usual, personal protective equipment-themed twist. Kerry Jackson – Dorothy’s Song, COVID-19 Version Somewhere, ...
Is California Going To Open Without Newsom’s Approval?
Three California counties have earned the title of “free counties.” They “earned” the label for reopening ahead of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s announcement that Phase 2 of the statewide reopening would begin soon. Some small businesses outside of the “free counties” of Modoc, Sutter, and Yuba, so designated by Press California, ...
And The Damage From AB 5 Begins
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has officially filed suit against Uber and Lyft for violating Assembly Bill 5 (AB 5). The action is a clear signal that the state’s policy leaders are determined to maximize the economic damage from this ill-considered policy at a time when millions have been furloughed ...
Coronavirus Chronicles: Why for Some Workers, Unemployment Makes More Sense
Roughly 30 million people have filed for unemployment since the coronavirus pandemic wreaked havoc on the nation’s economy. Economists estimate that the unemployment rate now ranges from 15 to 20 percent – numbers not seen since the Great Depression nearly a century ago. How H How quickly the economy bounces ...
Growing Chorus Says Time to Reopen Areas with Few to Zero COVID-19 Cases
When is California going to lift the shelter-in-place orders? As temperatures soar and people gain cabin fever after weeks of being stuck inside, it’s the question on everyone’s minds these days. In his April 28 press conference, Gov. Gavin Newsom said that “we believe we are weeks, not months away, ...
What We’re Watching – May Day Edition
Kerry Jackson – When Will California Reopen? Question asked: Some states begin re-opening from stay home orders – is California close behind? The bet here is California will be the last state to fully open. Rowena Itchon – Blue Angels Fly Over Philadelphia and New York A Cockpit View: The Blue ...
Opening America
“Healthy people have rights too,” complained my 89-year old mother, who’s miffed because we’ve refused to take her to her favorite grocery store. Mom has joined the tens of thousands of people across America who believe that enough is enough. From California to Pennsylvania, from Michigan to Texas, people have ...