YLC Event – One Year Away: A 2018 Election Preview

November 8, 2017
222 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco, CA, United States

Thursday, November 8, 2017
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Maritime Wine Tasting Studio

222 Columbus Ave
San Francisco, CA 94133

YLC Members: Free Admission

Non-Members: $45

It’s hard to believe that the November midterm elections are just one year away.

If you turn on a TV, it seems as if the last election never really ended as Democrats and Republicans have engaged in continual partisan warfare ever since Donald Trump’s election.

YLC member and tech start-up investor Josh York will moderate a lively discussion between San Francisco Republican Party Chairman Jason Clark and the United Democratic Club’s Martin Yeung on the candidates and issues facing San Francisco and California in 2018.

Tonight’s cultural entrepreneur: Jules Leyhe, blues guitarist


Jason Clark is the chairman of the San Francisco Republican Party. Prior to his election as Chairman, he served as the party’s First Chair and the party’s volunteer General Counsel. In 2012, he ran for State Assembly in San Francisco’s 17th Assembly District, receiving 105 percent above party registration in the general election. He has been active in Republican volunteer organizations, including the San Francisco Young Republicans and the Log Cabin Republicans. He is a practicing attorney, and graduate of the University of San Francisco School of Law and the University of California, Berkeley.

Martin Yeung is the internal communications director of the United Democratic Club of San Francisco. During the 2016 elections, he was a community organizer with Scott Weiner’s successful State Senate campaign. Outside politics, he advises tech startups as an independent consultant with Yeung Consulting. He is a graduate of Stanford University and Carnegie Mellon University, and was an undergraduate fellow at Harvard University.

For more information, please contact Steven Schaerer, Manager of YLC, at
(415) 955-6103 or [email protected].

YLC Event with
TechCrunch COO Ned Desmond

Ned Desmond will be joining us another time.

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