Webinar with New York Times bestselling author Carol Roth

August 2, 2023
11:00 am
On Zoom
You Will OwnNothing book LOW2

You Will Own Nothing

Webinar with New York Times bestselling
author Carol Roth
In Conversation with PRI’s Dr. Wayne Winegarden


***Note new date and time
August 2, 2023
11:00 am Pacific
On Zoom




Join PRI for a special live webinar with New York Times bestselling author Carol Roth, where she will discuss her new book, You Will Own Nothing, in conversation with PRI senior fellow in business and economics Dr. Wayne Winegarden.

Personal wealth, and the freedom and independence that goes along with it, comes from ownership. So, when Carol Roth first heard that the World Economic Forum, an organization littered with the global elite, was predicting the end of private property ownership in less than a decade, she thought it was a conspiracy theory. Then, she did the research.

In You Will Own Nothing¸ Roth reveals how world governments, globalist organizations, Big Tech, Wall Street and other powerful elites are proactively trying to control every finite resource and determining who has access to such resources.

During the webinar, Winegarden and Roth will discuss ESG investing, rising debt, debasing currency, digital currency, housing unaffordability, and more.  They will also explore what you can do to preserve your and your family’s freedom and wealth – and will take viewer questions.

Click here to register to watch the webinar live!

Click here to register to watch the webinar live!


Carol Roth is a “recovering” investment banker; entrepreneur; TV pundit and host; speaker; economic, business, and financial commentator; content developer; and New York Times bestselling author. Her books include The Entrepreneur Equation, The War on Small Business and now, You Will Own Nothing (out 7/18/23).

Carol has worked in a variety of capacities across industries, including currently as an outsourced chief customer officer (CCO), as a director on public and private company boards, and as a strategic advisor and C-level consigliere.

Carol connects the dots on financial, business, and economic issues for novice and pro audiences alike. She is also the creator of the Future File legacy planning system and software (FutureFile.com).

Carol advocates for small business, small government, and big hair. Coming from a blue-collar family, Carol has worked hard to seize the American Dream, and is fighting to preserve that opportunity for all Americans.

For more information or to connect with Carol, visit CarolRoth.com.



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