Luncheon, discussion and book signing with Heather Mac Donald

July 20, 2023
12:00 pm
The Pacific Club
4110 MacArthur Blvd, Newport Beach, CA, USA
Registration is closed.
Those interested in attending can email [email protected] to be added to waiting list.


Please join us for a luncheon, discussion and book signing with Heather Mac Donald

When Race Trumps Merit:
How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives



11:30am Registration Opens
12:00pm Luncheon and Remarks
1:15pm Book Signing
1:30pm Luncheon Concludes


The Pacific Club
4110 MacArthur Blvd.
Newport Beach, CA


*Books will be available for purchase at the luncheon


Registration is closed. Those interested in attending can email [email protected] to be added to waiting list.

Heather Mac Donald Heather Mac Donald is the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a contributing editor of City Journal, and a New York Times bestselling author. She is a recipient of the 2005 Bradley Prize. Mac Donald’s work at City Journal has covered a range of topics, including higher education, immigration, policing, homelessness and homeless advocacy, criminal-justice reform, and race relations. Her writing has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The New Republic, and The New Criterion. Mac Donald’s newest book is When Race Trumps Merit.

Other previous works include The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture (2018), which argues that toxic ideas first spread by higher education have undermined humanistic values, fueled intolerance, and widened divisions in our larger culture. The War on Cops (2016), a New York Times bestseller, warns that raced-based attacks on the criminal-justice system, from the White House on down, are eroding the authority of law and putting lives at risk. The Burden of Bad Ideas (2001), a collection of Mac Donald’s City Journal essays, details the effects of the 1960s counterculture’s destructive march through America’s institutions. In The Immigration Solution: A Better Plan than Today’s (2007), coauthored with Victor Davis Hanson and Steven Malanga, she chronicles the effects of broken immigration laws and proposes a practical solution to securing the country’s porous borders. In Are Cops Racist? (2010), another City Journal anthology, Mac Donald investigates the workings of the police, the controversy over so-called racial profiling, and the anti-profiling lobby’s harmful effects on black Americans.

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