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  • Decision against Wyeth would clog courts

    Regarding “Wyeth should win/Otherwise, a bad case will make bad law” (Editorial, Nov. 17):

    Your editorial on the ramifications of a ruling against Wyeth Pharmaceuticals for the U.S. health care system was right on the money, particularly regarding the potential for a torrent of frivolous and wasteful lawsuits. A decision against Wyeth would clog the courts with meritless cases and effectively install juries of laymen as the de facto drug regulators in this country. As director of business and economic studies at the Pacific Research Institute, I believe it doesn’t make any sense to have 12 randomly selected jurors determine drug-safety policy instead of the more than 8,000 expert scientists at the Food and Drug Administration.

    San Francisco

    Nothing contained in this blog is to be construed as necessarily reflecting the views of the Pacific Research Institute or as an attempt to thwart or aid the passage of any legislation.

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