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  • D.C. City Council Members Stand Up for Students, Tell Duncan to Hand Back Vouchers

    Bi-partisan (see here at 96.45 minutes, here, and here), bi-cameral efforts are underway in Congress to save the program. Now a majority of the D.C. City Council has joined the fray by urging Secretary Duncan to give students their scholarships back-students like Latasha Bennett’s four-year-old daughter Nia, who was set to attend kindergarten at the private school where her son has excelled until Duncan caved. Now Nia, and more than 200 scholarship students like her, must return to one of the country’s most expensive, dysfunctional, and dangerous school systems-one Duncan, President Obama, and many Members of Congress wouldn’t dream of sending their own children. Thankfully, a majority of the D.C. City Council grasps that Opportunity Scholarships mean brighter futures for those students…and our country, which was founded on the principle of equal opportunity for all.

    This post was co-authored by Evelyn B. Stacey, Education Studies Policy Fellow at the Pacific Research Institute in Sacramento, California.

    This blog post originally appeared in Independent Women’s Forum.

    Nothing contained in this blog is to be construed as necessarily reflecting the views of the Pacific Research Institute or as an attempt to thwart or aid the passage of any legislation.

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