

The Power of the Plaintiffs’ Bar

Why Democrats are avoiding medical-malpractice reform at all costs. The health-care bill the Senate Finance Committee approved makes a lot of promises. It will cost American taxpayers $829 billion, on top of an already out-of-control federal budget, as well as guarantee an increase in their individual medical expenditures. But one ...

AHIP/PriceWaterhouse Blowback?

All intellectual capitalists since Adam Smith have known that we cannot rely on business to carry our philosophical water for us, but even I’m amazed that AHIP has waited so long to release a report (so ably summarized by Mr. Capretta), that describes how the Baucus memorandum (it’s not a ...

Obama flip-flops on insurance mandate

San Francisco Chronicle, October 13, 2009 President Obama has promised that his health reform plan will lower costs and expand coverage. He and his Democratic allies are counting on an “individual mandate,” or a requirement that everyone purchase health insurance, to achieve these goals. But Obama hasn’t always been gung ...

Earthquake Fears Halt California Geothermal Project

The federal government has halted a geothermal power project in California in response to concerns the project is causing an increase in regional earthquake activity. The project was launched last fall with more than $6 million in taxpayer funding. The project, in a Northern California region knows as The Geysers, ...

Governor to Impose $Quarter-Billion Tax Hike on California

Renewable energy that is forced on the California market means higher energy costs for everyone. Renewables are simply more expensive—which is why their proponents have to argue for mandates (and not coincidently, the highest levels of direct subsidy.) Ironically, the mandates—excused as ‘helping drive costs down through mass markets’ have ...
Climate Change

Can CO2 Emissions Be Cut Without Hurting Growth?

Wall Street Journal, September 21, 2009 No: Alternatives Are Too Expensive The U.S. and Western Europe can point to a remarkable achievement over the past 40 years: significant reductions in air pollution with only a modest effect on our economic growth and prosperity. So, why can’t we expect to do ...

The Tedium Sea

Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs (OR), September 19, 2009 National Review – Planet Gore, September 22, 2009 It seems that every time I check in to the Hyatt Embarcadero to visit my peeps at Pacific Research Institute there is some kind of environmental conference going on. Thursday this past week ...

Sally Pipes on Health Care

FutureOfCapitalism.com spoke recently with the president and ceo of the Pacific Research Institute, Sally Pipes, as part of a series of interviews we have planned in the coming days and weeks with experts on health-care policy experts. Ms. Pipes is author of The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care. ...
Climate Change

A War on CO2? Civil Libertarians, Beware!

It seems clear that the first major penalty man will have to pay for his rapid consumption of the earth’s nonrenewable resources will be that of having to live in a world where his thoughts and actions are ever more strongly limited, where social organization has become all pervasive, complex, ...
Climate Change

‘Environmental Justice’

The Van Jones backstory. So Van Jones now takes his place as the Lani Guinier of the Obama administration, undone by his radical views. Like Guinier, the ousted “green jobs” czar will doubtless employ his political martyrdom to transform himself from a minor celebrity of the left into a major ...

The Power of the Plaintiffs’ Bar

Why Democrats are avoiding medical-malpractice reform at all costs. The health-care bill the Senate Finance Committee approved makes a lot of promises. It will cost American taxpayers $829 billion, on top of an already out-of-control federal budget, as well as guarantee an increase in their individual medical expenditures. But one ...

AHIP/PriceWaterhouse Blowback?

All intellectual capitalists since Adam Smith have known that we cannot rely on business to carry our philosophical water for us, but even I’m amazed that AHIP has waited so long to release a report (so ably summarized by Mr. Capretta), that describes how the Baucus memorandum (it’s not a ...

Obama flip-flops on insurance mandate

San Francisco Chronicle, October 13, 2009 President Obama has promised that his health reform plan will lower costs and expand coverage. He and his Democratic allies are counting on an “individual mandate,” or a requirement that everyone purchase health insurance, to achieve these goals. But Obama hasn’t always been gung ...

Earthquake Fears Halt California Geothermal Project

The federal government has halted a geothermal power project in California in response to concerns the project is causing an increase in regional earthquake activity. The project was launched last fall with more than $6 million in taxpayer funding. The project, in a Northern California region knows as The Geysers, ...

Governor to Impose $Quarter-Billion Tax Hike on California

Renewable energy that is forced on the California market means higher energy costs for everyone. Renewables are simply more expensive—which is why their proponents have to argue for mandates (and not coincidently, the highest levels of direct subsidy.) Ironically, the mandates—excused as ‘helping drive costs down through mass markets’ have ...
Climate Change

Can CO2 Emissions Be Cut Without Hurting Growth?

Wall Street Journal, September 21, 2009 No: Alternatives Are Too Expensive The U.S. and Western Europe can point to a remarkable achievement over the past 40 years: significant reductions in air pollution with only a modest effect on our economic growth and prosperity. So, why can’t we expect to do ...

The Tedium Sea

Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs (OR), September 19, 2009 National Review – Planet Gore, September 22, 2009 It seems that every time I check in to the Hyatt Embarcadero to visit my peeps at Pacific Research Institute there is some kind of environmental conference going on. Thursday this past week ...

Sally Pipes on Health Care

FutureOfCapitalism.com spoke recently with the president and ceo of the Pacific Research Institute, Sally Pipes, as part of a series of interviews we have planned in the coming days and weeks with experts on health-care policy experts. Ms. Pipes is author of The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care. ...
Climate Change

A War on CO2? Civil Libertarians, Beware!

It seems clear that the first major penalty man will have to pay for his rapid consumption of the earth’s nonrenewable resources will be that of having to live in a world where his thoughts and actions are ever more strongly limited, where social organization has become all pervasive, complex, ...
Climate Change

‘Environmental Justice’

The Van Jones backstory. So Van Jones now takes his place as the Lani Guinier of the Obama administration, undone by his radical views. Like Guinier, the ousted “green jobs” czar will doubtless employ his political martyrdom to transform himself from a minor celebrity of the left into a major ...
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