

Steven Greenhut – On the Most Unpredictable California Legislative Session in Recent Memory

R Street Institute’s Steven Greenhut returns for his annual look at the year’s legislative session in Sacramento.  We discuss how the Legislature and Governor have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and rising social unrest, a $54 billion budget deficit, and worsening homeless and housing crises.  He also looks ahead to ...
Energy Costs

Impact Magazine – Summer 2020

DOWNLOAD THE PDF .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom:56.25%; height:0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;} Letter from the President These are stressful times for our nation. Americans have faced shelter-in-place orders that lasted weeks. ...

High on Spending, Light on Stimulus: Legislative Democrats Propose $100 Billion Borrowing Plan

This week in Washington, Democrats and Republicans are squabbling over the next economic stimulus package.  Republicans have proposed a roughly $1 trillion plan, while Speaker Pelosi is pushing a $3 trillion plan.  The partisan haggling and negotiations via shuttle diplomacy have already begun. Upon returning from their summer recess, Sacramento ...

Newsom: Police And Firefighters Will Be Laid Off But We’ll Spend Millions To Enforce AB5

Gov. Gavin Newsom is leveraging the state’s $54.3 billion budget deficit. Give us what we want, he demands, or public safety programs will be cut. At the same time, he wants $20 million to enforce Assembly Bill 5, maybe the most damaging piece of legislation that ever became law in ...

Assembly’s Festivus-Style ‘Airing of Grievances’ Does Not Disappoint

In my last blog post, I previewed the Assembly’s unusual “Committee of the Whole” hearing on the state budget, comparing it to Seinfeld’s Festivus “Airing of Grievances.” Little did I know how clairvoyant I really was. Last Tuesday’s five hour session could charitably be called a “gripe fest” as lawmakers ...

What We’re Watching – May 29

Kerry Jackson – California:  The Exodus from the Golden State Anyone who still doesn’t think California’s future is questionable at best, bleak at worst, needs to spend 10 minutes watching this video. Ben Smithwick – Protecting Your Right to Run a Business from Home In this video from the Goldwater Institute, ...

What We’re Watching – May 22

Rowena Itchon – A Memorial Day Tribute 2020 Kerry Jackson – This Doctor Won’t Take Health Insurance – and Charges Just $35 a Visit Meet the Pittsburgh doctor who doesn’t take health care insurance and charges only $35 for most office visits. That makes him a doctor from a different era. But ...

What We’re Watching – May Day Edition

Kerry Jackson – When Will California Reopen? Question asked: Some states begin re-opening from stay home orders – is California close behind? The bet here is California will be the last state to fully open. Rowena Itchon – Blue Angels Fly Over Philadelphia and New York A Cockpit View: The Blue ...

Can Taxpayers Afford a Big Spending Sacramento “Economic Recovery Plan”?

Speaker Pelosi and her allies in Congress received significant pollical pushback for using the COVID-19 crisis to enact their budget wish list in the $2 billion “phase 3” stimulus. Recently, Rowena Itchon wrote on Right by the Bay about tens of millions being spent on priorities for Democrats like propping ...

Proposition 13, Back On The Ballot, In A Sense, In California

Voters will likely have a chance in November to decide if Proposition 13 will remain as it has since its passage in 1978, or if it will turn it into a chimera that treats homes and businesses differently, bleeding the latter for tens of billions of dollars. Supporters of a ...

Steven Greenhut – On the Most Unpredictable California Legislative Session in Recent Memory

R Street Institute’s Steven Greenhut returns for his annual look at the year’s legislative session in Sacramento.  We discuss how the Legislature and Governor have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and rising social unrest, a $54 billion budget deficit, and worsening homeless and housing crises.  He also looks ahead to ...
Energy Costs

Impact Magazine – Summer 2020

DOWNLOAD THE PDF .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom:56.25%; height:0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;} Letter from the President These are stressful times for our nation. Americans have faced shelter-in-place orders that lasted weeks. ...

High on Spending, Light on Stimulus: Legislative Democrats Propose $100 Billion Borrowing Plan

This week in Washington, Democrats and Republicans are squabbling over the next economic stimulus package.  Republicans have proposed a roughly $1 trillion plan, while Speaker Pelosi is pushing a $3 trillion plan.  The partisan haggling and negotiations via shuttle diplomacy have already begun. Upon returning from their summer recess, Sacramento ...

Newsom: Police And Firefighters Will Be Laid Off But We’ll Spend Millions To Enforce AB5

Gov. Gavin Newsom is leveraging the state’s $54.3 billion budget deficit. Give us what we want, he demands, or public safety programs will be cut. At the same time, he wants $20 million to enforce Assembly Bill 5, maybe the most damaging piece of legislation that ever became law in ...

Assembly’s Festivus-Style ‘Airing of Grievances’ Does Not Disappoint

In my last blog post, I previewed the Assembly’s unusual “Committee of the Whole” hearing on the state budget, comparing it to Seinfeld’s Festivus “Airing of Grievances.” Little did I know how clairvoyant I really was. Last Tuesday’s five hour session could charitably be called a “gripe fest” as lawmakers ...

What We’re Watching – May 29

Kerry Jackson – California:  The Exodus from the Golden State Anyone who still doesn’t think California’s future is questionable at best, bleak at worst, needs to spend 10 minutes watching this video. Ben Smithwick – Protecting Your Right to Run a Business from Home In this video from the Goldwater Institute, ...

What We’re Watching – May 22

Rowena Itchon – A Memorial Day Tribute 2020 Kerry Jackson – This Doctor Won’t Take Health Insurance – and Charges Just $35 a Visit Meet the Pittsburgh doctor who doesn’t take health care insurance and charges only $35 for most office visits. That makes him a doctor from a different era. But ...

What We’re Watching – May Day Edition

Kerry Jackson – When Will California Reopen? Question asked: Some states begin re-opening from stay home orders – is California close behind? The bet here is California will be the last state to fully open. Rowena Itchon – Blue Angels Fly Over Philadelphia and New York A Cockpit View: The Blue ...

Can Taxpayers Afford a Big Spending Sacramento “Economic Recovery Plan”?

Speaker Pelosi and her allies in Congress received significant pollical pushback for using the COVID-19 crisis to enact their budget wish list in the $2 billion “phase 3” stimulus. Recently, Rowena Itchon wrote on Right by the Bay about tens of millions being spent on priorities for Democrats like propping ...

Proposition 13, Back On The Ballot, In A Sense, In California

Voters will likely have a chance in November to decide if Proposition 13 will remain as it has since its passage in 1978, or if it will turn it into a chimera that treats homes and businesses differently, bleeding the latter for tens of billions of dollars. Supporters of a ...
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