

Michael Moore Is Right: Obamacare Is Awful, But Single-Payer Would Be Much Worse

Obamacare is awful,” filmmaker Michael Moore recently wrote in the New York Times. He went on to say that President Obama “knew in his heart that a single-payer, Medicare-for-all model was the true way to go.” Moore’s been preaching the single-payer gospel for years, most famously in his 2007 “documentary” ...

The indispensable man revisited

We are in San Francisco visiting daughter number two, who is working here for a start-up. We picked this weekend to visit so that we could attend the gala annual dinner held by the Pacific Research Institute. This year’s dinner honored George Shultz. Charles Krauthammer was the featured speaker and, ...

Gov. Deval Patrick’s New Health Law Is Flat-Out Dangerous

Beacon Hill was the scene of great fanfare earlier this month when Governor Deval Patrick signed controversial new healthcare reform legislation into law. The governor proudly proclaimed that Massachusetts was “the first to crack the code” on the problem of ever-increasing healthcare costs. The mood outside the statehouse, however, has ...

The CBO Just Rendered Its Verdict On The Cost Of Obamacare, And It Isn’t Pretty

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) just rendered its latest opinion on the cost of Obamacare following the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold most of the law back in June. The numbers aren’t pretty. Despite breathless media reports of additional “savings,” the government’s bean counters actually exposed several flaws in the ...

The New Resident Duty Hours Fail

A year ago, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) changed the rules governing the schedules of medical residents. The new work hours were intended to curb resident fatigue, which the Institute of Medicine (IOM) had previously concluded was contributing to medical errors and accidents. But the new duty ...

User Fees for Medical Devices: Third Time Lucky?

President Obama just signed the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act. The Act includes the third authorisation of user fees, paid by the medical-device industry to the FDA, so that the FDA can improve its performance in licensing new medical devices. The FDA’s process has long been unsatisfactory. ...

If Health Spending is Increasing Slower, Why Are Premiums Rising Faster?

Key Points: The rate of increase in private health spending has dropped significantly since the financial crisis hit in 2008, although government programs like Medicare and Medicaid have continued along their unsustainable path. However, administrative costs and private premiums began to increase immediately upon President Obama’s enacting the Patient Protection ...

The education victimizers in chief

When masses of unionized school teachers recently stormed into the state Capitol to protest in favor of higher taxes, they painted themselves as victims of Sacramento politics. Behind this scripted and bombastic street theater, the reality is that powerful and wealthy teachers unions are the victimizers in chief in the ...

Little Pain, Real Gains

The Republican budget plan proposed on Thursday in the California Assembly wouldn’t fix the fundamental problems with the state’s budget or make long-term reforms to right this long-mismanaged state. But the plan, which Assembly Republican leader Connie Conway called “a no-tax budget blueprint,” does give the lie to Democrats’ insistence ...

Mission Impossible: Medicare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board

Key Points • The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) is a new bureaucracy established by Obamacare that will limit Medicare beneficiaries’ access to certain medical goods and services—especially new prescription drugs. • IPAB puts Medicare beneficiaries’ access to prescription drugs and certain other medical goods and services under control of ...

Michael Moore Is Right: Obamacare Is Awful, But Single-Payer Would Be Much Worse

Obamacare is awful,” filmmaker Michael Moore recently wrote in the New York Times. He went on to say that President Obama “knew in his heart that a single-payer, Medicare-for-all model was the true way to go.” Moore’s been preaching the single-payer gospel for years, most famously in his 2007 “documentary” ...

The indispensable man revisited

We are in San Francisco visiting daughter number two, who is working here for a start-up. We picked this weekend to visit so that we could attend the gala annual dinner held by the Pacific Research Institute. This year’s dinner honored George Shultz. Charles Krauthammer was the featured speaker and, ...

Gov. Deval Patrick’s New Health Law Is Flat-Out Dangerous

Beacon Hill was the scene of great fanfare earlier this month when Governor Deval Patrick signed controversial new healthcare reform legislation into law. The governor proudly proclaimed that Massachusetts was “the first to crack the code” on the problem of ever-increasing healthcare costs. The mood outside the statehouse, however, has ...

The CBO Just Rendered Its Verdict On The Cost Of Obamacare, And It Isn’t Pretty

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) just rendered its latest opinion on the cost of Obamacare following the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold most of the law back in June. The numbers aren’t pretty. Despite breathless media reports of additional “savings,” the government’s bean counters actually exposed several flaws in the ...

The New Resident Duty Hours Fail

A year ago, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) changed the rules governing the schedules of medical residents. The new work hours were intended to curb resident fatigue, which the Institute of Medicine (IOM) had previously concluded was contributing to medical errors and accidents. But the new duty ...

User Fees for Medical Devices: Third Time Lucky?

President Obama just signed the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act. The Act includes the third authorisation of user fees, paid by the medical-device industry to the FDA, so that the FDA can improve its performance in licensing new medical devices. The FDA’s process has long been unsatisfactory. ...

If Health Spending is Increasing Slower, Why Are Premiums Rising Faster?

Key Points: The rate of increase in private health spending has dropped significantly since the financial crisis hit in 2008, although government programs like Medicare and Medicaid have continued along their unsustainable path. However, administrative costs and private premiums began to increase immediately upon President Obama’s enacting the Patient Protection ...

The education victimizers in chief

When masses of unionized school teachers recently stormed into the state Capitol to protest in favor of higher taxes, they painted themselves as victims of Sacramento politics. Behind this scripted and bombastic street theater, the reality is that powerful and wealthy teachers unions are the victimizers in chief in the ...

Little Pain, Real Gains

The Republican budget plan proposed on Thursday in the California Assembly wouldn’t fix the fundamental problems with the state’s budget or make long-term reforms to right this long-mismanaged state. But the plan, which Assembly Republican leader Connie Conway called “a no-tax budget blueprint,” does give the lie to Democrats’ insistence ...

Mission Impossible: Medicare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board

Key Points • The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) is a new bureaucracy established by Obamacare that will limit Medicare beneficiaries’ access to certain medical goods and services—especially new prescription drugs. • IPAB puts Medicare beneficiaries’ access to prescription drugs and certain other medical goods and services under control of ...
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