

Prop. 45 support dropping for a good reason

Proposition 45, a ballot initiative that would give the state’s Insurance Commissioner, Dave Jones, power to determine insurance rates for millions of Californians, looked like a winner last summer. A Field poll conducted in June and July showed 69 percent in favor versus only 16 percent opposed. However, in August ...

A Silver Lining in the Legal Threats to Obamacare?

The battle over Obamacare has shifted to the courts. This time, the president is on the defensive. Last month, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled 2-1 in Halbig v. Burwell that the federal government lacks the authority to provide subsidies to offset ...
Drug Pricing

Hospitals Making Hundreds of Millions Off Program for Poor

Affluent hospitals are ginning up hundreds of millions of dollars in ill-gotten gains every year by exploiting a federal health care program intended to help poor and vulnerable Americans. That’s the conclusion of a report from the inspector general at the federal Department of Health and Human Services. The hospitals ...

The Pipes Proviso

When our oldest daughter was in second grade her best friend was a classmate who was the daughter of an ophthalmologist from Canada. He devoted much of his practice to treating Medicaid patients at the county hospital. The family moved to Ottawa at the end of the school year and ...

Michael Moore Is Right: Obamacare Is Awful, But Single-Payer Would Be Much Worse

Obamacare is awful,” filmmaker Michael Moore recently wrote in the New York Times. He went on to say that President Obama “knew in his heart that a single-payer, Medicare-for-all model was the true way to go.” Moore’s been preaching the single-payer gospel for years, most famously in his 2007 “documentary” ...

The indispensable man revisited

We are in San Francisco visiting daughter number two, who is working here for a start-up. We picked this weekend to visit so that we could attend the gala annual dinner held by the Pacific Research Institute. This year’s dinner honored George Shultz. Charles Krauthammer was the featured speaker and, ...

Gov. Deval Patrick’s New Health Law Is Flat-Out Dangerous

Beacon Hill was the scene of great fanfare earlier this month when Governor Deval Patrick signed controversial new healthcare reform legislation into law. The governor proudly proclaimed that Massachusetts was “the first to crack the code” on the problem of ever-increasing healthcare costs. The mood outside the statehouse, however, has ...

The CBO Just Rendered Its Verdict On The Cost Of Obamacare, And It Isn’t Pretty

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) just rendered its latest opinion on the cost of Obamacare following the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold most of the law back in June. The numbers aren’t pretty. Despite breathless media reports of additional “savings,” the government’s bean counters actually exposed several flaws in the ...

The New Resident Duty Hours Fail

A year ago, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) changed the rules governing the schedules of medical residents. The new work hours were intended to curb resident fatigue, which the Institute of Medicine (IOM) had previously concluded was contributing to medical errors and accidents. But the new duty ...

User Fees for Medical Devices: Third Time Lucky?

President Obama just signed the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act. The Act includes the third authorisation of user fees, paid by the medical-device industry to the FDA, so that the FDA can improve its performance in licensing new medical devices. The FDA’s process has long been unsatisfactory. ...

Prop. 45 support dropping for a good reason

Proposition 45, a ballot initiative that would give the state’s Insurance Commissioner, Dave Jones, power to determine insurance rates for millions of Californians, looked like a winner last summer. A Field poll conducted in June and July showed 69 percent in favor versus only 16 percent opposed. However, in August ...

A Silver Lining in the Legal Threats to Obamacare?

The battle over Obamacare has shifted to the courts. This time, the president is on the defensive. Last month, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled 2-1 in Halbig v. Burwell that the federal government lacks the authority to provide subsidies to offset ...
Drug Pricing

Hospitals Making Hundreds of Millions Off Program for Poor

Affluent hospitals are ginning up hundreds of millions of dollars in ill-gotten gains every year by exploiting a federal health care program intended to help poor and vulnerable Americans. That’s the conclusion of a report from the inspector general at the federal Department of Health and Human Services. The hospitals ...

The Pipes Proviso

When our oldest daughter was in second grade her best friend was a classmate who was the daughter of an ophthalmologist from Canada. He devoted much of his practice to treating Medicaid patients at the county hospital. The family moved to Ottawa at the end of the school year and ...

Michael Moore Is Right: Obamacare Is Awful, But Single-Payer Would Be Much Worse

Obamacare is awful,” filmmaker Michael Moore recently wrote in the New York Times. He went on to say that President Obama “knew in his heart that a single-payer, Medicare-for-all model was the true way to go.” Moore’s been preaching the single-payer gospel for years, most famously in his 2007 “documentary” ...

The indispensable man revisited

We are in San Francisco visiting daughter number two, who is working here for a start-up. We picked this weekend to visit so that we could attend the gala annual dinner held by the Pacific Research Institute. This year’s dinner honored George Shultz. Charles Krauthammer was the featured speaker and, ...

Gov. Deval Patrick’s New Health Law Is Flat-Out Dangerous

Beacon Hill was the scene of great fanfare earlier this month when Governor Deval Patrick signed controversial new healthcare reform legislation into law. The governor proudly proclaimed that Massachusetts was “the first to crack the code” on the problem of ever-increasing healthcare costs. The mood outside the statehouse, however, has ...

The CBO Just Rendered Its Verdict On The Cost Of Obamacare, And It Isn’t Pretty

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) just rendered its latest opinion on the cost of Obamacare following the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold most of the law back in June. The numbers aren’t pretty. Despite breathless media reports of additional “savings,” the government’s bean counters actually exposed several flaws in the ...

The New Resident Duty Hours Fail

A year ago, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) changed the rules governing the schedules of medical residents. The new work hours were intended to curb resident fatigue, which the Institute of Medicine (IOM) had previously concluded was contributing to medical errors and accidents. But the new duty ...

User Fees for Medical Devices: Third Time Lucky?

President Obama just signed the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act. The Act includes the third authorisation of user fees, paid by the medical-device industry to the FDA, so that the FDA can improve its performance in licensing new medical devices. The FDA’s process has long been unsatisfactory. ...
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