

What Does It All Mean? The PRI All Stars Post-California Primary Wrap

Now that the voters of California have spoken, what does it all mean?  The PRI all stars analyze the results of the California primary, preview the major fall contests and initiative battles, and ponder the future of the Top 2 primary.

Honoring our Fallen Heroes

The Pacific Research Institute joins all Americans in honoring our fallen heroes this Memorial Day Weekend.  We salute the bravery and sacrifices of the military servicemembers throughout our nation’s history who gave their lives so we could live in freedom. In lieu of our usual “What We’re Watching” feature, please take ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Should California Workers & Policymakers Fear Flippy the Hamburger-Making Robot?

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Flippy, California’s and the world’s first automated fast-food grill master, has been fired. But after a few tweaks, he will be rehired. The same can’t be said about the humans who will lose their jobs to robots due to the state’s minimum wage. Flippy worked one day ...

What We’re Watching: Can You Really Make Ice Cream by Throwing a Ball?

I’ve been watching lots of online videos this week to find the best ones to include on this week’s What We’re Watching. With the weather turning warming, I was tempted to recommend this one that went viral where a guy makes ice cream using kinetic energy by throwing a ball, but ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Will We Ever Build More Water Storage in California?

Read the PDF It’s not elected officials’ fault if it doesn’t rain. But they are largely responsible for the issues that arise when it doesn’t. That’s why California’s most-recent drought was often referred to as man-made. The next one, which will reportedly arrive this year, should carry the same label. ...
Business & Economics

Salim Furth and Emily Hamilton – The Free Market View of SB 827

Salim Furth and Emily Hamilton, research fellows with the free-market Mercatus Center at George Mason University, join us to discuss their new research brief on Senate Bill 827, one of this year’s highest-profile housing bills, and other ways that the free market can alleviate California’s housing crisis.

Former Speechwriters Respond to the State of the Union

PRI’s Lance Izumi, Rowena Itchon, and Tim Anaya – all former speechwriters – give their assessment of President Trump’s State of the Union Address and give a behind the scenes view of what goes into preparing “the big speech”.
Business & Economics

Tom Rogan – Issue 1 – What’s Going On in DC and the Return of “McLaughlin Group”

Political journalist and Washington Examiner columnist Tom Rogan gives his take on America’s foreign policy challenges, what’s going on in Trump’s Washington, and his new role as moderator in the return of the iconic TV debate program, “The McLaughlin Group”.

Taxing Robots Will Hurt California Innovation and Opportunity

A California governor who went on to greater things was known to say that if government sees something move, it will tax it. Ronald Reagan’s words, spoken more than 30 years ago, are being played out today by a lawmaker who wants to enact a robot tax. Jane Kim, a ...

UC Has a Long Way to Go to Build Back Trust of Students, Taxpayers, Lawmakers

A recently-released state audit faulting the University of California president’s office for mishandling the switch to a new payroll system – which was supposed to save money but will now cost nearly $1 billion – is the latest self-inflicted wound for the beleaguered system. Earlier this summer, UC announced that ...

What Does It All Mean? The PRI All Stars Post-California Primary Wrap

Now that the voters of California have spoken, what does it all mean?  The PRI all stars analyze the results of the California primary, preview the major fall contests and initiative battles, and ponder the future of the Top 2 primary.

Honoring our Fallen Heroes

The Pacific Research Institute joins all Americans in honoring our fallen heroes this Memorial Day Weekend.  We salute the bravery and sacrifices of the military servicemembers throughout our nation’s history who gave their lives so we could live in freedom. In lieu of our usual “What We’re Watching” feature, please take ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Should California Workers & Policymakers Fear Flippy the Hamburger-Making Robot?

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Flippy, California’s and the world’s first automated fast-food grill master, has been fired. But after a few tweaks, he will be rehired. The same can’t be said about the humans who will lose their jobs to robots due to the state’s minimum wage. Flippy worked one day ...

What We’re Watching: Can You Really Make Ice Cream by Throwing a Ball?

I’ve been watching lots of online videos this week to find the best ones to include on this week’s What We’re Watching. With the weather turning warming, I was tempted to recommend this one that went viral where a guy makes ice cream using kinetic energy by throwing a ball, but ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Will We Ever Build More Water Storage in California?

Read the PDF It’s not elected officials’ fault if it doesn’t rain. But they are largely responsible for the issues that arise when it doesn’t. That’s why California’s most-recent drought was often referred to as man-made. The next one, which will reportedly arrive this year, should carry the same label. ...
Business & Economics

Salim Furth and Emily Hamilton – The Free Market View of SB 827

Salim Furth and Emily Hamilton, research fellows with the free-market Mercatus Center at George Mason University, join us to discuss their new research brief on Senate Bill 827, one of this year’s highest-profile housing bills, and other ways that the free market can alleviate California’s housing crisis.

Former Speechwriters Respond to the State of the Union

PRI’s Lance Izumi, Rowena Itchon, and Tim Anaya – all former speechwriters – give their assessment of President Trump’s State of the Union Address and give a behind the scenes view of what goes into preparing “the big speech”.
Business & Economics

Tom Rogan – Issue 1 – What’s Going On in DC and the Return of “McLaughlin Group”

Political journalist and Washington Examiner columnist Tom Rogan gives his take on America’s foreign policy challenges, what’s going on in Trump’s Washington, and his new role as moderator in the return of the iconic TV debate program, “The McLaughlin Group”.

Taxing Robots Will Hurt California Innovation and Opportunity

A California governor who went on to greater things was known to say that if government sees something move, it will tax it. Ronald Reagan’s words, spoken more than 30 years ago, are being played out today by a lawmaker who wants to enact a robot tax. Jane Kim, a ...

UC Has a Long Way to Go to Build Back Trust of Students, Taxpayers, Lawmakers

A recently-released state audit faulting the University of California president’s office for mishandling the switch to a new payroll system – which was supposed to save money but will now cost nearly $1 billion – is the latest self-inflicted wound for the beleaguered system. Earlier this summer, UC announced that ...
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