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    PRI Former Speechwriters on Pres. Biden’s Inaugural Address

    PRI former speechwriters offer their perspective on President Biden’s inaugural speech.  Lance Izumi was speechwriter to Attorney General Edwin Meese and Gov. Deukmejian and is now PRI’s senior director of education studies,  Tim Anaya was speechwriter to Gov. Schwarzenegger and other California lawmakers and now PRI senior director of communications, ...
    Press Release

    PRI’s Bartlett Cleland Quoted in Federal Data Privacy Article

    Democrats control Congress. Will 2021 be the year for federal privacy laws? By Samantha Schwartz Democrats cemented control of federal executive and legislative branches this week, after two Democrats won run-off Senate elections in Georgia. The transition creates the potential for a federal privacy law to make it out of chambers ...

    Winners and Losers – January 8

    Tim Anaya, Senior Director of Communications Winner:  Stacey Abrams – Say what you will about her, but there’s no doubt that the former Georgia House Democratic leader and failed Democratic gubernatorial candidate succeeded beyond her wildest imagination this week in her decade-long effort to turn Georgia blue with the election ...

    2020’s Winners and Losers

    Recently, the PRI All Stars (Rowena Itchon, Ben Smithwick, Lance Izumi, Evan Harris and Tim Anaya) got together to hand out their annual 2020 year end awards on PRI’s “Next Round” podcast.  Below are their choices for the biggest winners and losers of 2020.  To hear their other award winners, ...

    PRI Advances Free Market Policy Victories in Challenging, Turbulent Year

    This year has been a challenging one for our nation – and a particularly turbulent time in PRI’s home state of California. 2020 ushered in weeks of rioting and protesting, devastating wildfires, pandemic restrictions and draconian lockdowns, a worsening homelessness crisis, and unaccountable social services. We saw a continued exodus ...

    California’s Self-Inflicted Mental Health Crisis

    Nine months into California’s pandemic restrictions and no one knows how things will end. Are most of us going to succumb to “poverty… depression … (and) suicide” brought on by being locked down? Or will history validate those who insisted that the only course was to “cancel everything”? No one ...

    Winners and Losers – December 18

    Tim Anaya – Senior Director of Communications Winner – Tesla, who makes their debut today on the S&P 500.  According to Reuters, “Elon Musk’s Tesla on Monday will become the most valuable company ever admitted to Wall Street’s main benchmark, accounting for over 1% of the index. The shares have ...

    PRI’s Winners and Losers – Week of December 11

    Tim Anaya Senior Director of Communications and the Sacramento Office  Winner:  Restaurants in Los Angeles.  Restaurants in the City of Angels have been a punching bag for Los Angeles County health director Barbara Ferrer and for the county Board of Supervisors, who recently announced the shut-down of outdoor dining in ...

    Winners and Losers – Week of December 4

    Tim Anaya Senior Director of Communications and the Sacramento Office Winner – The Flowbee.  Remember that great contraption you could plug into your vacuum cleaner and give yourself a haircut at home that they used sell on late-night informercials in the 1990’s?  Long forgotten, the Flowbee made a big comeback ...

    PRI is Reclaiming the American Dream on Giving Tuesday 2020

    “To restrain the growth and the power of government to deprive people of personal freedom. That is what PRI is all about. And it’s why this organization admirably fights so far above its weight.” That’s what former California Governor Pete Wilson said at the Pacific Research Institute’s Annual Thatcher Gala ...

    PRI Former Speechwriters on Pres. Biden’s Inaugural Address

    PRI former speechwriters offer their perspective on President Biden’s inaugural speech.  Lance Izumi was speechwriter to Attorney General Edwin Meese and Gov. Deukmejian and is now PRI’s senior director of education studies,  Tim Anaya was speechwriter to Gov. Schwarzenegger and other California lawmakers and now PRI senior director of communications, ...
    Press Release

    PRI’s Bartlett Cleland Quoted in Federal Data Privacy Article

    Democrats control Congress. Will 2021 be the year for federal privacy laws? By Samantha Schwartz Democrats cemented control of federal executive and legislative branches this week, after two Democrats won run-off Senate elections in Georgia. The transition creates the potential for a federal privacy law to make it out of chambers ...

    Winners and Losers – January 8

    Tim Anaya, Senior Director of Communications Winner:  Stacey Abrams – Say what you will about her, but there’s no doubt that the former Georgia House Democratic leader and failed Democratic gubernatorial candidate succeeded beyond her wildest imagination this week in her decade-long effort to turn Georgia blue with the election ...

    2020’s Winners and Losers

    Recently, the PRI All Stars (Rowena Itchon, Ben Smithwick, Lance Izumi, Evan Harris and Tim Anaya) got together to hand out their annual 2020 year end awards on PRI’s “Next Round” podcast.  Below are their choices for the biggest winners and losers of 2020.  To hear their other award winners, ...

    PRI Advances Free Market Policy Victories in Challenging, Turbulent Year

    This year has been a challenging one for our nation – and a particularly turbulent time in PRI’s home state of California. 2020 ushered in weeks of rioting and protesting, devastating wildfires, pandemic restrictions and draconian lockdowns, a worsening homelessness crisis, and unaccountable social services. We saw a continued exodus ...

    California’s Self-Inflicted Mental Health Crisis

    Nine months into California’s pandemic restrictions and no one knows how things will end. Are most of us going to succumb to “poverty… depression … (and) suicide” brought on by being locked down? Or will history validate those who insisted that the only course was to “cancel everything”? No one ...

    Winners and Losers – December 18

    Tim Anaya – Senior Director of Communications Winner – Tesla, who makes their debut today on the S&P 500.  According to Reuters, “Elon Musk’s Tesla on Monday will become the most valuable company ever admitted to Wall Street’s main benchmark, accounting for over 1% of the index. The shares have ...

    PRI’s Winners and Losers – Week of December 11

    Tim Anaya Senior Director of Communications and the Sacramento Office  Winner:  Restaurants in Los Angeles.  Restaurants in the City of Angels have been a punching bag for Los Angeles County health director Barbara Ferrer and for the county Board of Supervisors, who recently announced the shut-down of outdoor dining in ...

    Winners and Losers – Week of December 4

    Tim Anaya Senior Director of Communications and the Sacramento Office Winner – The Flowbee.  Remember that great contraption you could plug into your vacuum cleaner and give yourself a haircut at home that they used sell on late-night informercials in the 1990’s?  Long forgotten, the Flowbee made a big comeback ...

    PRI is Reclaiming the American Dream on Giving Tuesday 2020

    “To restrain the growth and the power of government to deprive people of personal freedom. That is what PRI is all about. And it’s why this organization admirably fights so far above its weight.” That’s what former California Governor Pete Wilson said at the Pacific Research Institute’s Annual Thatcher Gala ...
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