
Business & Economics

Glenn Reynolds – America’s New Destiny in Space

University of Tennessee law professor and Instapundit founder Glenn Reynolds – author of an Encounter Intelligence book on space policy – joins us for a fascinating conversation about America’s future in space, which will be dominated by the private sector rather than the work of government space agencies.  We discuss ...

Dr. Henry Miller Provides a COVID-19 Vaccine Rate Update on the Lars Larson Show

PRI’s Dr. Henry Miller talks about the misleading claims about national vaccine rates versus progress by each state, and how the vaccine rates breakdown by region with the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show. Dr. Miller also discusses statements about vaccines by President Joe Biden during his run for the presidency and ...

Debra Saunders – Covering the Trump White House

This podcast features Debra Saunders, the long-time columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle who turned Trump White House beat reporter for the Las Vegas Review-Journal.  These days Debra Saunders is a fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Chapman Center for Citizen Leadership.  Debra discusses what it was like to be a ...

Erik Jaffe – The U.S. Supreme Court Cases this Session

The featured guest for this podcast Erik Jaffe, partner at Schaerr Jaffe, a constitutional lawyer, and a PRI fellow in Legal Studies.  Erik takes us through a tour of the major U.S. Supreme Court cases this session and the constitutional issues in question, from Obamacare to the First Amendment. Erik ...

PRI’s 2021 Summer Reading List

Today marks the unofficial start of the summer season.  Unlike last year, Americans might be able to take a vacation and go somewhere this summer as we begin to turn the corner on the Covid-19 pandemic.  What’s one of the most important things you’ll need for your summer vacation planning ...

Analyzing the Biden Administration’s Tech and Innovation Policy Agenda

While it took a couple months for clarity to replace idle speculation, the Biden administration’s tech and innovation public policy agenda is increasingly clear. The forecast? Government with little chance of free markets. At his recent address to Congress President Biden highlighted “technologies of the future” as a place where ...

$12 billion to house the homeless, but ‘housing first’ doesn’t work

The governor has plans to spend an extraordinary sum of public money on the homeless, most of which would be used to put them up in hotels. Sounds compassionate. But it’s another empty promise. Housing-first policy is indistinguishable from housing-and-nothing-else. Part of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s $100 billion “California Comeback Plan” ...

Winners and Losers – May 14

Tim Anaya – Senior Director of Communications and PRI’s Sacramento Office Winner: Vaccinated Americans – Americans who have received both jabs (or the single jab with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine) will no longer have to wear masks outdoors and in most indoor settings, the Centers for Disease Control announced ...

Winners and Losers – May 7

Tim Anaya – Senior Director of Communications and PRI’s Sacramento Office Winner: The NFL – Viewership for the 2021 NFL Draft, while slightly down from 2020’s record-high viewership, was higher this year than the previous week’s annual Academy Awards telecast.  It’s the first time NFL Draft viewership has exceeded the ...

Winners and Losers – April 30

Tim Anaya – Senior Director of Communications and PRI’s Sacramento Office Winner:  Corporate America’s Political Donations – Corporate America was spared a campaign donation ban in California this week when legislation by freshman Asm. Alex Lee was defeated in the Assembly Elections Committee without even receiving a second.  The chair ...
Business & Economics

Glenn Reynolds – America’s New Destiny in Space

University of Tennessee law professor and Instapundit founder Glenn Reynolds – author of an Encounter Intelligence book on space policy – joins us for a fascinating conversation about America’s future in space, which will be dominated by the private sector rather than the work of government space agencies.  We discuss ...

Dr. Henry Miller Provides a COVID-19 Vaccine Rate Update on the Lars Larson Show

PRI’s Dr. Henry Miller talks about the misleading claims about national vaccine rates versus progress by each state, and how the vaccine rates breakdown by region with the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show. Dr. Miller also discusses statements about vaccines by President Joe Biden during his run for the presidency and ...

Debra Saunders – Covering the Trump White House

This podcast features Debra Saunders, the long-time columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle who turned Trump White House beat reporter for the Las Vegas Review-Journal.  These days Debra Saunders is a fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Chapman Center for Citizen Leadership.  Debra discusses what it was like to be a ...

Erik Jaffe – The U.S. Supreme Court Cases this Session

The featured guest for this podcast Erik Jaffe, partner at Schaerr Jaffe, a constitutional lawyer, and a PRI fellow in Legal Studies.  Erik takes us through a tour of the major U.S. Supreme Court cases this session and the constitutional issues in question, from Obamacare to the First Amendment. Erik ...

PRI’s 2021 Summer Reading List

Today marks the unofficial start of the summer season.  Unlike last year, Americans might be able to take a vacation and go somewhere this summer as we begin to turn the corner on the Covid-19 pandemic.  What’s one of the most important things you’ll need for your summer vacation planning ...

Analyzing the Biden Administration’s Tech and Innovation Policy Agenda

While it took a couple months for clarity to replace idle speculation, the Biden administration’s tech and innovation public policy agenda is increasingly clear. The forecast? Government with little chance of free markets. At his recent address to Congress President Biden highlighted “technologies of the future” as a place where ...

$12 billion to house the homeless, but ‘housing first’ doesn’t work

The governor has plans to spend an extraordinary sum of public money on the homeless, most of which would be used to put them up in hotels. Sounds compassionate. But it’s another empty promise. Housing-first policy is indistinguishable from housing-and-nothing-else. Part of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s $100 billion “California Comeback Plan” ...

Winners and Losers – May 14

Tim Anaya – Senior Director of Communications and PRI’s Sacramento Office Winner: Vaccinated Americans – Americans who have received both jabs (or the single jab with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine) will no longer have to wear masks outdoors and in most indoor settings, the Centers for Disease Control announced ...

Winners and Losers – May 7

Tim Anaya – Senior Director of Communications and PRI’s Sacramento Office Winner: The NFL – Viewership for the 2021 NFL Draft, while slightly down from 2020’s record-high viewership, was higher this year than the previous week’s annual Academy Awards telecast.  It’s the first time NFL Draft viewership has exceeded the ...

Winners and Losers – April 30

Tim Anaya – Senior Director of Communications and PRI’s Sacramento Office Winner:  Corporate America’s Political Donations – Corporate America was spared a campaign donation ban in California this week when legislation by freshman Asm. Alex Lee was defeated in the Assembly Elections Committee without even receiving a second.  The chair ...
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