

Piping Up: Do Waivers Make Way For A Single-Payer Health Care System?

The Senate is currently considering a new measure that would allow states to opt out of ObamaCare three years earlier than originally planned. It’s attracted support from an unlikely source: President Obama. Why would the president endorse an effort that would seemingly undermine his signature law? Because the provision would ...
Business & Economics

Conservative Spotlight: Pacific Research Institute

Human Events had it right in 2005 when it named Sally Pipes one of the “Top 10 Women in the Conservative Movement.” As president and CEO of Pacific Research Institute (PRI), Pipes has become an essential voice in the health-care debate, frequently sounding the alarm against the single-payer system. During ...

That Took No Time at All

Well, apparently not. Having only begun the lame-duck session — and well before the seating of the new Congress that heard the voice of the people — Eric Cantor, soon to be the House majority leader, has already caved on an essential element of eliminating central planning in health care. ...

That Took No Time At All: Part II

The Hill now reports that its earlier story on Congressman Eric Cantor’s backpedaling on repeal of Obamacare was incorrect. He does not seek to preserve the proscription on exclusion of patients with preexisting conditions or the provision allowing 26-year-olds to remain on their parents’ policies. No indeed: Cantor continues to ...

A glimpse of a future with Obamacare

The one-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act this week brings new reason to consider a major health-care announcement by Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick. Almost five years into his state’s Romneycare plan, it turns out that spending is out of control, threatening public-sector budgets and private-sector wealth generation. The solution ...

Interview with Sally Pipes on ObamaCare at Six Months

“I would say the mainstream media, of course, always likes to increase the role of government in our lives, and Obama, Pelosi, and Reid believe that government can make decisions for the American people better than we can make for ourselves.” AIM recently interviewed Sally Pipes, President and CEO of ...

Governor Schwarzenegger: Don’t Build This Wall!

One of President Reagan’s most famous quotes was his appeal to Soviet Communist Party Chairman Gorbachev to “tear down this wall!” Governor Schwarzenegger has a similar opportunity to prevent a wall that limits people’s freedom from being built in the first place. ObamaCare relies on states to implement most of ...

State health exchange will slash, not boost, choice

Anticipating repeal, states are using a variety of tactics to oppose Obamacare, but in California the Legislature is trying to rush it into existence. That should concern every Californian, especially Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Unless repealed, Obamacare will require every American not dependent on government health plans like Medicaid or Medicare, ...
Health Care

The Road to CanadaCare? Sally Pipes on The Truth About ObamaCare

Sally Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute and author of The Truth About ObamaCare sits down with Ted Balaker to discuss what’s really on the way courtesy of the recent health care overhaul: higher costs, decreased access to care, and the looming spectre of a single-payer system ...
Government Spending

Medicare needs systemic remedies

President Barack Obama signed a bill to “fix” payments to doctors by Medicare — until November. Although costing taxpayers $6.5 billion, this short-term patch will just have to be “fixed” again right after the next election. Throwing more money at a broken Medicare reimbursement schedule is what passes for bipartisan ...

Piping Up: Do Waivers Make Way For A Single-Payer Health Care System?

The Senate is currently considering a new measure that would allow states to opt out of ObamaCare three years earlier than originally planned. It’s attracted support from an unlikely source: President Obama. Why would the president endorse an effort that would seemingly undermine his signature law? Because the provision would ...
Business & Economics

Conservative Spotlight: Pacific Research Institute

Human Events had it right in 2005 when it named Sally Pipes one of the “Top 10 Women in the Conservative Movement.” As president and CEO of Pacific Research Institute (PRI), Pipes has become an essential voice in the health-care debate, frequently sounding the alarm against the single-payer system. During ...

That Took No Time at All

Well, apparently not. Having only begun the lame-duck session — and well before the seating of the new Congress that heard the voice of the people — Eric Cantor, soon to be the House majority leader, has already caved on an essential element of eliminating central planning in health care. ...

That Took No Time At All: Part II

The Hill now reports that its earlier story on Congressman Eric Cantor’s backpedaling on repeal of Obamacare was incorrect. He does not seek to preserve the proscription on exclusion of patients with preexisting conditions or the provision allowing 26-year-olds to remain on their parents’ policies. No indeed: Cantor continues to ...

A glimpse of a future with Obamacare

The one-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act this week brings new reason to consider a major health-care announcement by Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick. Almost five years into his state’s Romneycare plan, it turns out that spending is out of control, threatening public-sector budgets and private-sector wealth generation. The solution ...

Interview with Sally Pipes on ObamaCare at Six Months

“I would say the mainstream media, of course, always likes to increase the role of government in our lives, and Obama, Pelosi, and Reid believe that government can make decisions for the American people better than we can make for ourselves.” AIM recently interviewed Sally Pipes, President and CEO of ...

Governor Schwarzenegger: Don’t Build This Wall!

One of President Reagan’s most famous quotes was his appeal to Soviet Communist Party Chairman Gorbachev to “tear down this wall!” Governor Schwarzenegger has a similar opportunity to prevent a wall that limits people’s freedom from being built in the first place. ObamaCare relies on states to implement most of ...

State health exchange will slash, not boost, choice

Anticipating repeal, states are using a variety of tactics to oppose Obamacare, but in California the Legislature is trying to rush it into existence. That should concern every Californian, especially Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Unless repealed, Obamacare will require every American not dependent on government health plans like Medicaid or Medicare, ...
Health Care

The Road to CanadaCare? Sally Pipes on The Truth About ObamaCare

Sally Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute and author of The Truth About ObamaCare sits down with Ted Balaker to discuss what’s really on the way courtesy of the recent health care overhaul: higher costs, decreased access to care, and the looming spectre of a single-payer system ...
Government Spending

Medicare needs systemic remedies

President Barack Obama signed a bill to “fix” payments to doctors by Medicare — until November. Although costing taxpayers $6.5 billion, this short-term patch will just have to be “fixed” again right after the next election. Throwing more money at a broken Medicare reimbursement schedule is what passes for bipartisan ...
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