

Medicare for All Lost Big Time in the Midterms

Democrats won big during the midterm elections earlier this month. As of this writing, they appear to have picked up 39 seats in the House of Representatives. But Medicare for All — the rallying cry for much of the far left — lost big time. Voters outside liberal enclaves rejected ...

Florida voters rejected Medicare for All in the midterms. Thank goodness.

This month, Democrats took the House of Representatives. But many of the party’s most progressive candidates outside deep-blue coastal enclaves fell short at the polls. Voters in Nebraska, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Florida, and Maryland all rejected Democratic candidates who campaigned on Medicare for All. And thank goodness. The idea polled ...

Did Millennials Fuel 2018’s “Blue Wave”?

By Makaila Warga Move over baby boomers, millennials are on the cusp of becoming the nation’s largest adult generation – and with that comes a significant opportunity to influence the public policy debate. Based on data recently collected by Pew Research, millennials, already the largest generation in the labor force, ...

California’s predictably blue midterm elections – and what it means for you

The midterm elections were a rather tiresome affair in California. The Democratic Party maintained its dominance in the state, holding majorities in the Legislature, securing the governor’s mansion yet again, and sending another mass of winning candidates to Washington. As news goes, there’s not much to see here. Conventional wisdom ...

What to Expect from California’s New Governor and Liberal Supermajority

The 2018 election has come and passed. To paraphrase California’s governor-elect, Gavin Newsom will move to the “corner office” come January, “whether you like it or not.”  While a few races are still up in the air as of this writing, it looks like he will have a Democrat supermajority ...

So, Now What? The PRI All Stars Post-Election Wrap Up

The PRI All Stars are back with a post-election wrap up on the results of the key races and propositions in California and nationally.  We discuss what the election results will mean for single-payer health care, tax reform and free-market policies, and what Californians can expected from a divided Congress, ...

The future of healthcare is on the 2018 ballot

Tuesday’s midterm elections will shape the future of healthcare. A majority of Democrats running for House seats, a whopping 225 candidates, support “Medicare for all,” a single-payer system that would effectively outlaw private insurance and force virtually everyone into a government-run health plan. Sixteen Senate Democrats, including half a dozen senators considering ...

Democrats Bet Their Midterm Fortunes On Failed Health Care Policy

Health care has been the most-mentioned issue in Democratic advertisements in the run-up to this month’s midterm elections. Many Democrats are making Medicare for All the centerpiece of their pitch to voters. Cearly, Democrats didn’t learn their lesson in 2010, when their previous effort at government micromanagement of the health ...
Health Care

Watch Sally Pipes on The Accad and Koka Report

Watch PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes make the case against single-payer health care on “The Accad and Koka Report.”

Would Gavin Newsom Gut Prop. 98 to Fund Single-Payer Health Care?

Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, likely the next governor of California, is a single-payer health care evangelist. He has a vision of the state under his charge leading “this conversation in a way that ultimately advances” a single-payer system nationwide. Idealists like Newsom often talk about “guaranteed health care for all,” ...

Medicare for All Lost Big Time in the Midterms

Democrats won big during the midterm elections earlier this month. As of this writing, they appear to have picked up 39 seats in the House of Representatives. But Medicare for All — the rallying cry for much of the far left — lost big time. Voters outside liberal enclaves rejected ...

Florida voters rejected Medicare for All in the midterms. Thank goodness.

This month, Democrats took the House of Representatives. But many of the party’s most progressive candidates outside deep-blue coastal enclaves fell short at the polls. Voters in Nebraska, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Florida, and Maryland all rejected Democratic candidates who campaigned on Medicare for All. And thank goodness. The idea polled ...

Did Millennials Fuel 2018’s “Blue Wave”?

By Makaila Warga Move over baby boomers, millennials are on the cusp of becoming the nation’s largest adult generation – and with that comes a significant opportunity to influence the public policy debate. Based on data recently collected by Pew Research, millennials, already the largest generation in the labor force, ...

California’s predictably blue midterm elections – and what it means for you

The midterm elections were a rather tiresome affair in California. The Democratic Party maintained its dominance in the state, holding majorities in the Legislature, securing the governor’s mansion yet again, and sending another mass of winning candidates to Washington. As news goes, there’s not much to see here. Conventional wisdom ...

What to Expect from California’s New Governor and Liberal Supermajority

The 2018 election has come and passed. To paraphrase California’s governor-elect, Gavin Newsom will move to the “corner office” come January, “whether you like it or not.”  While a few races are still up in the air as of this writing, it looks like he will have a Democrat supermajority ...

So, Now What? The PRI All Stars Post-Election Wrap Up

The PRI All Stars are back with a post-election wrap up on the results of the key races and propositions in California and nationally.  We discuss what the election results will mean for single-payer health care, tax reform and free-market policies, and what Californians can expected from a divided Congress, ...

The future of healthcare is on the 2018 ballot

Tuesday’s midterm elections will shape the future of healthcare. A majority of Democrats running for House seats, a whopping 225 candidates, support “Medicare for all,” a single-payer system that would effectively outlaw private insurance and force virtually everyone into a government-run health plan. Sixteen Senate Democrats, including half a dozen senators considering ...

Democrats Bet Their Midterm Fortunes On Failed Health Care Policy

Health care has been the most-mentioned issue in Democratic advertisements in the run-up to this month’s midterm elections. Many Democrats are making Medicare for All the centerpiece of their pitch to voters. Cearly, Democrats didn’t learn their lesson in 2010, when their previous effort at government micromanagement of the health ...
Health Care

Watch Sally Pipes on The Accad and Koka Report

Watch PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes make the case against single-payer health care on “The Accad and Koka Report.”

Would Gavin Newsom Gut Prop. 98 to Fund Single-Payer Health Care?

Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, likely the next governor of California, is a single-payer health care evangelist. He has a vision of the state under his charge leading “this conversation in a way that ultimately advances” a single-payer system nationwide. Idealists like Newsom often talk about “guaranteed health care for all,” ...
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