Kamala Harris’ worst plan yet: bringing the NHS to America
Something, of course, must be done. Less than one in four people are satisfied with the NHS and its outdated centralised system of universal coverage, which routinely fails to provide adequate services. Some 7.6 million patients, including individuals suffering from cancer, are waiting to start treatment. About half have waited ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 14, 2024
Learn why support for single-payer continues to fall
Kamala Harris aims to hide her long record of backing Medicare for All
Just 37% of likely voters support a government takeover of the country’s health insurance system and a concomitant ban on private health insurance, according to a survey conducted by Echelon Insights and sponsored by the Pacific Research Institute. And support for such a single-payer system has been eroding, dropping three ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 2, 2024
Read the latest about VP Harris' healthcare platform
Harris commits to worst of Biden healthcare policies
One proposal Harris has explicitly backed would enshrine President Joe Biden’s enhanced Obamacare subsidies, which are slated to expire in 2025. “Republicans want to let those credits expire, increasing premiums,” the Democratic platform asserts. “Democrats will fight to make them permanent.” Read the full article at the Washington Examiner
Sally C. Pipes
August 24, 2024
Harris’ and Walz’s Healthcare Vision a Socialist One
Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris joined President Joe Biden at the White House last Thursday for an event on healthcare policy. The two presented a unified vision for the future of America’s health sector. But the space between them on this issue, historically speaking, is difficult to ignore. As recently as ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 21, 2024
U.S. Left Take Note: UK’s Healthcare an Unending Nightmare
Great Britain has new leadership. The Labour Party rode dissatisfaction with the Conservative Party, and in particular its stewardship of the country’s National Health Service, to victory in this month’s elections. Democrats in the United States may hope they can follow their left-wing brethren to victory this fall by campaigning ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 17, 2024
Read about the latest push for government health care
Cross out Medicare X
Democrats argue that Medicare X “would help achieve universal health care by making coverage more affordable and accessible,” especially in rural communities. Democrats claim that they just want to offer another health insurance choice. But Medicare X would simply nudge us along toward the Democrats’ endgame: a complete government takeover ...
Sally C. Pipes
June 30, 2024
Read the latest on single payer health care proposals
Sanders Views Canada’s Healthcare Through Rose-Colored Glasses
Sen. Bernie Sanders’s, I-Vt., assessment of U.S. healthcare during an event at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health earlier this month, was “It is a system not designed to provide health care to all people in a cost-effective way.” What Sen. Sanders failed to mention is that his preferred model for care delivery ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 30, 2024
Oh, Canada: U.S. Patients Don’t Want Your Health Policies
There’s never been a worse time to get sick in Canada. Our northern neighbors must wait 2.5 years longer than Americans enrolled in Medicare to access new drugs, according to a report published this month by the Canadian Health Policy Institute. The Canadian government has chosen to deprive its citizens of the ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 29, 2024
Read the latest on CA single-payer health care proposals
California’s Single-Payer Health Insurance Dream Remains a Fantasy
The state Assembly’s Health Committee advanced Assembly Bill 2200 this week. The bill would ban private health insurance and force all state residents into “CalCare,” a government-run health plan. Nine Democrats voted aye, four Republicans voted no, and three Democrats abstained. The measure now heads to the Appropriations Committee. But AB 2200’s odds ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 25, 2024
Read the latest on California single payer health care proposals
California’s single-payer health care boondoggle is back and worse than ever
Karl Marx could have been forecasting the future of California when he said that history repeats itself – first as tragedy, then as farce. The tragedy is a state budget of $225.9 billion this year, with a budget deficit equivalent to nearly one-third of that figure – $73 billion, according to the latest estimate from the state ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 20, 2024
Kamala Harris’ worst plan yet: bringing the NHS to America
Something, of course, must be done. Less than one in four people are satisfied with the NHS and its outdated centralised system of universal coverage, which routinely fails to provide adequate services. Some 7.6 million patients, including individuals suffering from cancer, are waiting to start treatment. About half have waited ...
Learn why support for single-payer continues to fall
Kamala Harris aims to hide her long record of backing Medicare for All
Just 37% of likely voters support a government takeover of the country’s health insurance system and a concomitant ban on private health insurance, according to a survey conducted by Echelon Insights and sponsored by the Pacific Research Institute. And support for such a single-payer system has been eroding, dropping three ...
Read the latest about VP Harris' healthcare platform
Harris commits to worst of Biden healthcare policies
One proposal Harris has explicitly backed would enshrine President Joe Biden’s enhanced Obamacare subsidies, which are slated to expire in 2025. “Republicans want to let those credits expire, increasing premiums,” the Democratic platform asserts. “Democrats will fight to make them permanent.” Read the full article at the Washington Examiner
Harris’ and Walz’s Healthcare Vision a Socialist One
Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris joined President Joe Biden at the White House last Thursday for an event on healthcare policy. The two presented a unified vision for the future of America’s health sector. But the space between them on this issue, historically speaking, is difficult to ignore. As recently as ...
U.S. Left Take Note: UK’s Healthcare an Unending Nightmare
Great Britain has new leadership. The Labour Party rode dissatisfaction with the Conservative Party, and in particular its stewardship of the country’s National Health Service, to victory in this month’s elections. Democrats in the United States may hope they can follow their left-wing brethren to victory this fall by campaigning ...
Read about the latest push for government health care
Cross out Medicare X
Democrats argue that Medicare X “would help achieve universal health care by making coverage more affordable and accessible,” especially in rural communities. Democrats claim that they just want to offer another health insurance choice. But Medicare X would simply nudge us along toward the Democrats’ endgame: a complete government takeover ...
Read the latest on single payer health care proposals
Sanders Views Canada’s Healthcare Through Rose-Colored Glasses
Sen. Bernie Sanders’s, I-Vt., assessment of U.S. healthcare during an event at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health earlier this month, was “It is a system not designed to provide health care to all people in a cost-effective way.” What Sen. Sanders failed to mention is that his preferred model for care delivery ...
Oh, Canada: U.S. Patients Don’t Want Your Health Policies
There’s never been a worse time to get sick in Canada. Our northern neighbors must wait 2.5 years longer than Americans enrolled in Medicare to access new drugs, according to a report published this month by the Canadian Health Policy Institute. The Canadian government has chosen to deprive its citizens of the ...
Read the latest on CA single-payer health care proposals
California’s Single-Payer Health Insurance Dream Remains a Fantasy
The state Assembly’s Health Committee advanced Assembly Bill 2200 this week. The bill would ban private health insurance and force all state residents into “CalCare,” a government-run health plan. Nine Democrats voted aye, four Republicans voted no, and three Democrats abstained. The measure now heads to the Appropriations Committee. But AB 2200’s odds ...
Read the latest on California single payer health care proposals
California’s single-payer health care boondoggle is back and worse than ever
Karl Marx could have been forecasting the future of California when he said that history repeats itself – first as tragedy, then as farce. The tragedy is a state budget of $225.9 billion this year, with a budget deficit equivalent to nearly one-third of that figure – $73 billion, according to the latest estimate from the state ...