American Health Care and American Productivity: An International Comparison
Key Points Domestic critics claim that U.S. health care is a drag on productivity, but the United States is the world’s most productive nation. American productivity leads to much higher national income than in other countries, suggesting that our high health spending as a share of GDP is not out ...
John R. Graham
November 9, 2010
Should Your State Establish an Obamacare Health Insurance Exchange?
Obamacare is unpopular, unwieldy, expensive, likely unconstitutional, and will shortly be a prime target for repeal. Obamacare is unpopular, unwieldy, expensive, likely unconstitutional, and will shortly be a prime target for repeal. And the worst is yet to come: Obamacare expects states to do much of the law’s dirty work. ...
John R. Graham
November 8, 2010
ObamaCare to debut in Calif. – will it fly?
An expert on healthcare policy thinks ObamaCare must fail in at least one state at taxpayers’ expense before Democrats realize it won’t work. California will lead the nation in implementing the new healthcare law with a $10-billion plan, approved by the Obama administration, to grant citizens Medicaid waivers. The new ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 8, 2010
It’s time to start dismantling Obamacare
Last week, voters nationwide delivered a stinging rebuke of President Obama’s big-government vision for the country. A primary reason for the “shellacking,” as the president termed the Democrats’ defeat, was Americans’ disgust with the new health reform law. Indeed, a Rasmussen poll released on Election Day found that 58 percent ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 7, 2010
Health Care
Beyond ObamaCare: The Ninth and Tenth Amendments and the “Right to Health Care”
Key Points: Libertarians and conservatives need not fear a “right to health care,” because defining such a right prevents ObamaCare and similar federal interference, according to the Ninth and Tenth Amendments. A number of legislators and attorneys general have decided to challenge ObamaCare on constitutional grounds, citing the Tenth Amendment, ...
John R. Graham
November 5, 2010
Federal lawsuit against BCBSM illustrates Obamacare’s hypocrisy
The new federal health care legislation promotes consolidation among providers and insurers, yet its advocates touted their desire to reduce costs. DOJ says BCBSM’s use of MFNs has reduced competition in the sale of health insurance in markets throughout Michigan by inhibiting hospitals from negotiating competitive contracts with Blue Cross ...
Pacific Research Institute
November 5, 2010
Election Gives States Momentum to Defeat Obamacare
Yesterday’s election resulted in a resounding setback for Obamacare. The federal government takeover of Americans’ access to medical services will suffer significant setbacks in the new Congress. While Congress works towards repeal, states have to choose whether to enable or obstruct Obamacare, which will further pummel states’ fiscal situations. If ...
John R. Graham
November 3, 2010
Business & Economics
The Senate Looks Like a Toss-Up
[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_column_text]To be sure, this is not what most people are saying, and it’s not what the polls — on their surface — are showing. But the Senate polls appear to be under-sampling independents and over-sampling Democrats — and thereby understating the Republican Senate ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
November 2, 2010
Business & Economics
Memo to DC: Don’t follow California’s bad example
In instance after instance, Washington has mimicked the failed policies of the Golden State. For the sake of the nation, it’s time Washington stopped following California and started heading in a new direction. Between the budget and legislation such as Obamacare, the Democrats have proposed large-scale increases in taxes on ...
Jason Clemens
November 1, 2010
Surge Of M.D.s Into Politics Shows Doctors Aren’t Fans Of ObamaCare
Do doctors like ObamaCare? Judging by the number of doctors who are running for Congress in opposition to it, the answer would appear to be a resounding no. By our count, 42 doctors (counting 35 M.D.s, five dentists, an optometrist and a psychologist) are running for one of the 435 ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
October 28, 2010
American Health Care and American Productivity: An International Comparison
Key Points Domestic critics claim that U.S. health care is a drag on productivity, but the United States is the world’s most productive nation. American productivity leads to much higher national income than in other countries, suggesting that our high health spending as a share of GDP is not out ...
Should Your State Establish an Obamacare Health Insurance Exchange?
Obamacare is unpopular, unwieldy, expensive, likely unconstitutional, and will shortly be a prime target for repeal. Obamacare is unpopular, unwieldy, expensive, likely unconstitutional, and will shortly be a prime target for repeal. And the worst is yet to come: Obamacare expects states to do much of the law’s dirty work. ...
ObamaCare to debut in Calif. – will it fly?
An expert on healthcare policy thinks ObamaCare must fail in at least one state at taxpayers’ expense before Democrats realize it won’t work. California will lead the nation in implementing the new healthcare law with a $10-billion plan, approved by the Obama administration, to grant citizens Medicaid waivers. The new ...
It’s time to start dismantling Obamacare
Last week, voters nationwide delivered a stinging rebuke of President Obama’s big-government vision for the country. A primary reason for the “shellacking,” as the president termed the Democrats’ defeat, was Americans’ disgust with the new health reform law. Indeed, a Rasmussen poll released on Election Day found that 58 percent ...
Beyond ObamaCare: The Ninth and Tenth Amendments and the “Right to Health Care”
Key Points: Libertarians and conservatives need not fear a “right to health care,” because defining such a right prevents ObamaCare and similar federal interference, according to the Ninth and Tenth Amendments. A number of legislators and attorneys general have decided to challenge ObamaCare on constitutional grounds, citing the Tenth Amendment, ...
Federal lawsuit against BCBSM illustrates Obamacare’s hypocrisy
The new federal health care legislation promotes consolidation among providers and insurers, yet its advocates touted their desire to reduce costs. DOJ says BCBSM’s use of MFNs has reduced competition in the sale of health insurance in markets throughout Michigan by inhibiting hospitals from negotiating competitive contracts with Blue Cross ...
Election Gives States Momentum to Defeat Obamacare
Yesterday’s election resulted in a resounding setback for Obamacare. The federal government takeover of Americans’ access to medical services will suffer significant setbacks in the new Congress. While Congress works towards repeal, states have to choose whether to enable or obstruct Obamacare, which will further pummel states’ fiscal situations. If ...
The Senate Looks Like a Toss-Up
[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_column_text]To be sure, this is not what most people are saying, and it’s not what the polls — on their surface — are showing. But the Senate polls appear to be under-sampling independents and over-sampling Democrats — and thereby understating the Republican Senate ...
Memo to DC: Don’t follow California’s bad example
In instance after instance, Washington has mimicked the failed policies of the Golden State. For the sake of the nation, it’s time Washington stopped following California and started heading in a new direction. Between the budget and legislation such as Obamacare, the Democrats have proposed large-scale increases in taxes on ...
Surge Of M.D.s Into Politics Shows Doctors Aren’t Fans Of ObamaCare
Do doctors like ObamaCare? Judging by the number of doctors who are running for Congress in opposition to it, the answer would appear to be a resounding no. By our count, 42 doctors (counting 35 M.D.s, five dentists, an optometrist and a psychologist) are running for one of the 435 ...