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  • Obamacare


    The road ahead on Obamacare repeal

    There’s a case to be made that President Obama’s reform package is not just bad policy, it’s also of questionable constitutionality. As of this writing, 30 legal challenges to the health law have been launched involving states. Most notably, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta ...

    End Obamacare’s taxes before they end lifesaving medical advances

    Second of a series of three excerpts The Problem: Obamacare’s high taxes on pharmaceutical and medical device companies will deprive firms of capital that they need to be able to invest in new products. The Solution: Repeal Obamacare’s new taxes. Why It Will Work: Advances in medical science and technology ...

    Where to start in repealing Obamacare

    On March 23, 2010, President Obama forever altered the American health care system by signing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law. Its advocates promised that the measure would reinvent American health care and reinvigorate the American economy. As House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., put it, “This ...

    Hi, Doc. I’m from the government

    Officials in California just announced that they were working with Harvard University doctors Jerry Avorn and Michael Fischer to overhaul how painkillers are prescribed to disabled workers in the state. The federal health reform law aims to take this so-called “academic detailing” crusade nationwide. Proponents say it’s an effective way ...
    Health Care

    The Pipes Plan: The Top Ten Ways to Dismantle and Replace ObamaCare

    The devastation and economic destruction caused by Obamacare has begun. The devastation and economic destruction caused by Obamacare has begun. When President Obama laid out his grand plan for health care reform, he promised expansive coverage and cheaper costs for all. These two promises have already been broken as studies ...

    Forget The Doctor Fix, We Need A Medicare Fix

    Just before they jetted off for the holidays, Congress and the president brokered a $33-billion deal that extends the payroll tax cut, provides additional unemployment benefits, and spares physicians from steep cuts in Medicare reimbursements. Unfortunately, the compromise simply postpones the day of reckoning for all three issues until March. ...

    Rejecting health-care exchanges

    The Internal Revenue Service recently held a hearing that could have major ramifications for Obamacare’s much-ballyhooed insurance exchanges. The agency is trying to change the way the federal government hands out subsidies through the exchanges. There’s one problem, though — the IRS doesn’t have the power to rewrite the law. ...

    Doctors Say Obamacare Is No Remedy for U.S. Health Woes

    America’s doctors have conducted a full examination of the president’s health reform law — and their diagnosis of its effects on our healthcare system isn’t good. Nearly two-thirds of doctors expect the quality of care in this country to decline, according to a new survey from consulting giant Deloitte. Just ...

    Coal In Our Stockings: The Destruction of Medical Innovation

    The holidays are fast approaching, and the “elves” are busy at the North Pole. No, not the presidential candidates. No, not the Capitol Hill pols. And no, not those unrelenting pursuers of objectivity and truth: the journalists. I refer instead to the bureaucrats, in particular those implementing the new “comparative ...
    Health Care

    Over Regulation Reduces Choice in Health Insurance: An Update Health Policy Prescription

    Key Points: Obamacare, signed in March 2010, has not reduced the rate of growth of health-insurance premiums, which increased by 20 percent in the small group market between 2008 and 2010. Obamacare subsidizes states to increase political control of health-insurance premiums, although there continues to be no evidence that such ...

    The road ahead on Obamacare repeal

    There’s a case to be made that President Obama’s reform package is not just bad policy, it’s also of questionable constitutionality. As of this writing, 30 legal challenges to the health law have been launched involving states. Most notably, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta ...

    End Obamacare’s taxes before they end lifesaving medical advances

    Second of a series of three excerpts The Problem: Obamacare’s high taxes on pharmaceutical and medical device companies will deprive firms of capital that they need to be able to invest in new products. The Solution: Repeal Obamacare’s new taxes. Why It Will Work: Advances in medical science and technology ...

    Where to start in repealing Obamacare

    On March 23, 2010, President Obama forever altered the American health care system by signing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law. Its advocates promised that the measure would reinvent American health care and reinvigorate the American economy. As House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., put it, “This ...

    Hi, Doc. I’m from the government

    Officials in California just announced that they were working with Harvard University doctors Jerry Avorn and Michael Fischer to overhaul how painkillers are prescribed to disabled workers in the state. The federal health reform law aims to take this so-called “academic detailing” crusade nationwide. Proponents say it’s an effective way ...
    Health Care

    The Pipes Plan: The Top Ten Ways to Dismantle and Replace ObamaCare

    The devastation and economic destruction caused by Obamacare has begun. The devastation and economic destruction caused by Obamacare has begun. When President Obama laid out his grand plan for health care reform, he promised expansive coverage and cheaper costs for all. These two promises have already been broken as studies ...

    Forget The Doctor Fix, We Need A Medicare Fix

    Just before they jetted off for the holidays, Congress and the president brokered a $33-billion deal that extends the payroll tax cut, provides additional unemployment benefits, and spares physicians from steep cuts in Medicare reimbursements. Unfortunately, the compromise simply postpones the day of reckoning for all three issues until March. ...

    Rejecting health-care exchanges

    The Internal Revenue Service recently held a hearing that could have major ramifications for Obamacare’s much-ballyhooed insurance exchanges. The agency is trying to change the way the federal government hands out subsidies through the exchanges. There’s one problem, though — the IRS doesn’t have the power to rewrite the law. ...

    Doctors Say Obamacare Is No Remedy for U.S. Health Woes

    America’s doctors have conducted a full examination of the president’s health reform law — and their diagnosis of its effects on our healthcare system isn’t good. Nearly two-thirds of doctors expect the quality of care in this country to decline, according to a new survey from consulting giant Deloitte. Just ...

    Coal In Our Stockings: The Destruction of Medical Innovation

    The holidays are fast approaching, and the “elves” are busy at the North Pole. No, not the presidential candidates. No, not the Capitol Hill pols. And no, not those unrelenting pursuers of objectivity and truth: the journalists. I refer instead to the bureaucrats, in particular those implementing the new “comparative ...
    Health Care

    Over Regulation Reduces Choice in Health Insurance: An Update Health Policy Prescription

    Key Points: Obamacare, signed in March 2010, has not reduced the rate of growth of health-insurance premiums, which increased by 20 percent in the small group market between 2008 and 2010. Obamacare subsidizes states to increase political control of health-insurance premiums, although there continues to be no evidence that such ...
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