

It’s Time to Blow Up the FDA’s Drug Review Process

The Food and Drug Administration just held its first public meeting to set the course for the future regulation of prescription drugs and medical devices in this country. Every five years, Congress must reauthorize the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA), which governs many of the FDA’s regulatory efforts. Some ...

Health Spending and the “Supercommittee”: Seven Items from President Obama that Republicans And Democrats Should Embrace

Key Points: Congress has a unique opportunity to make a clean cut in government health spending by Christmas. President Obama’s deficit-reducing proposal contains seven items that shift Medicare and Medicaid spending closer to the people. Although these items represent a small fraction of President Obama’s deficit-reducing proposal, they offer the ...

Mitt Romney’s Health Care Defenses Still Don’t Cut It

It’s no secret that President Barack Obama based his costly, mandate-driven health care overhaul on Massachusetts’ 2006 reform experiment — despite former Bay State Governor and current Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s claims to the contrary. Ironclad proof surfaced a few weeks ago, when the White House released visitor logs ...
Health Care

Reviewing ObamaCare’s Rate Review

This month, the Obama administration began its campaign to ostracize health insurers who don’t charge prices it likes. The administration now requires insurers who want to raise premiums by 10% or more to post a formal explanation on a government website. Federal bureaucrats — in partnership with their counterparts in ...
Business & Economics

Our federal financial nightmares revealed … and how to fix them

During this week’s GOP presidential debate, Michele Bachmann twice said the federal government is spending about “40 percent more” than what it takes in. If only we were in such good shape. The federal government has actually been spending about 75 percent more than what it takes in. For every ...
Health Care

Higher Health Insurance Premiums This Year? Blame ObamaCare

Most Americans saw their insurance bills jump this year, according to a new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation. The average employer-based premium for a family increased a startling 9% in 2011. Over the next decade, rates are expected to double. The Kaiser report is only the latest piece of ...
Business & Economics

Comparative effectiveness reviews mean fewer cures

Elected officials have powerful incentives to spend, and the administrators of government agencies — always seeking to increase their budgets — are happy to oblige. But the federal budget is finite. There are equally-powerful incentives to create more programs, as politicians are driven to make more citizens dependent upon government. ...
Government Spending

The deficit ‘super committee’ and health care

The federal debt-reduction “super committee” recently held its third meeting to explore changes in the tax code. The 12-member bipartisan panel must find $1.5 trillion in federal savings by Thanksgiving. Committee members have gone to great lengths to emphasize their differences, but there is still room for agreement. The committee ...
Health Care

An ObamaCare Reform Law that Is a CLASS in Fiscal Irresponsibility

An internal Obama administration e-mail recently leaked to the press appeared to reveal that officials would shut down a controversial component of the health reform law — the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports, or CLASS Act. Long championed by the late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), CLASS would establish a ...

California workers could suffer under Obamacare

A coalition of 26 states filed a petition recently asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of President Barack Obama’s health care reform law. California should have been the 27th. That’s because no state stands to take a bigger economic hit when and if Obamacare ...

It’s Time to Blow Up the FDA’s Drug Review Process

The Food and Drug Administration just held its first public meeting to set the course for the future regulation of prescription drugs and medical devices in this country. Every five years, Congress must reauthorize the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA), which governs many of the FDA’s regulatory efforts. Some ...

Health Spending and the “Supercommittee”: Seven Items from President Obama that Republicans And Democrats Should Embrace

Key Points: Congress has a unique opportunity to make a clean cut in government health spending by Christmas. President Obama’s deficit-reducing proposal contains seven items that shift Medicare and Medicaid spending closer to the people. Although these items represent a small fraction of President Obama’s deficit-reducing proposal, they offer the ...

Mitt Romney’s Health Care Defenses Still Don’t Cut It

It’s no secret that President Barack Obama based his costly, mandate-driven health care overhaul on Massachusetts’ 2006 reform experiment — despite former Bay State Governor and current Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s claims to the contrary. Ironclad proof surfaced a few weeks ago, when the White House released visitor logs ...
Health Care

Reviewing ObamaCare’s Rate Review

This month, the Obama administration began its campaign to ostracize health insurers who don’t charge prices it likes. The administration now requires insurers who want to raise premiums by 10% or more to post a formal explanation on a government website. Federal bureaucrats — in partnership with their counterparts in ...
Business & Economics

Our federal financial nightmares revealed … and how to fix them

During this week’s GOP presidential debate, Michele Bachmann twice said the federal government is spending about “40 percent more” than what it takes in. If only we were in such good shape. The federal government has actually been spending about 75 percent more than what it takes in. For every ...
Health Care

Higher Health Insurance Premiums This Year? Blame ObamaCare

Most Americans saw their insurance bills jump this year, according to a new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation. The average employer-based premium for a family increased a startling 9% in 2011. Over the next decade, rates are expected to double. The Kaiser report is only the latest piece of ...
Business & Economics

Comparative effectiveness reviews mean fewer cures

Elected officials have powerful incentives to spend, and the administrators of government agencies — always seeking to increase their budgets — are happy to oblige. But the federal budget is finite. There are equally-powerful incentives to create more programs, as politicians are driven to make more citizens dependent upon government. ...
Government Spending

The deficit ‘super committee’ and health care

The federal debt-reduction “super committee” recently held its third meeting to explore changes in the tax code. The 12-member bipartisan panel must find $1.5 trillion in federal savings by Thanksgiving. Committee members have gone to great lengths to emphasize their differences, but there is still room for agreement. The committee ...
Health Care

An ObamaCare Reform Law that Is a CLASS in Fiscal Irresponsibility

An internal Obama administration e-mail recently leaked to the press appeared to reveal that officials would shut down a controversial component of the health reform law — the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports, or CLASS Act. Long championed by the late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), CLASS would establish a ...

California workers could suffer under Obamacare

A coalition of 26 states filed a petition recently asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of President Barack Obama’s health care reform law. California should have been the 27th. That’s because no state stands to take a bigger economic hit when and if Obamacare ...
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