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  • Obamacare


    ObamaCare Doesn’t Deserve Credit For Health Cost Slowdown

    America’s health spending is down, growing at the lowest rate in over 50 years. The Obama administration has been quick to take credit, boasting that the Affordable Care Act has “begun to curb rising health costs across the system.” The president is indeed responsible for the slowdown in health spending. ...

    Big Pharma Accomplishes Big Things, Yet Obama Is Suffocating The Industry

    What’s the most research-intensive industry in America? If you guessed Silicon Valley or the energy sector, guess again. In fact, it’s the drug industry. The 31 pharmaceutical companies comprising its main trade group spent $48.5 billion on research and development last year. All told, the pharmaceutical sector has spent $550 ...

    Obamacare To Slash Hundreds Of Billions From Medicare Advantage Over Next 10 Years

    Earlier this month, officials at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced that they’d increase payments in the market-based Medicare Advantage program by 3.3 percent next year. The decision is remarkable, as CMS hinted just two months ago that it would reduce payments by 2.2 percent in 2014. The ...

    Fed Up With Obamacare, Doctors Increasingly Prefer Cash For Care

    Obamacare’s most intrusive changes to the healthcare marketplace — including the individual mandate whereby Americans must secure health insurance or pay a fine and its massive expansion of Medicaid — are less than a year from taking effect. Many doctors have decided that they’re not interested in seeing how those ...
    Health Care

    Myths and Realities of Obamacare

    Introduction Three years ago on March 23, 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordability Act (Obamacare) was signed into law. With the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on June 28, 2012 that the individual mandate is constitutional under Congress’ power to tax and the November 6 election results, the law is in ...

    The More Businesses Learn About Obamacare, The More Reluctant They Are To Hire

    Wondering why the unemployment rate has been near or above 8 percent for nearly four years? The Federal Reserve has an answer for you: Obamacare. Earlier this month, the Fed released its latest “beige book” – a monthly report on economic conditions across the country. The book noted that employers ...

    Mandating Inefficiency in the Health Care Industry

    Despite 50 years of failure, faith that the federal government can cure what ails the health care industry endures. That enduring faith drives a seemingly never-ending call for plans, both grandiose and modest, that attempt to address the failings of this sector. Grand redesigns of the health care system began ...

    Obamacare may put end to doctor-patient relationship

    Are the days of the traditional family doctor coming to an end? In the almost three years since Obamacare became the law of the land, more and more physicians have expressed concern about the future of their profession. Consequently, they’ve been leaving private practice and opting instead for the likes ...

    ObamaCare’s False Starts A Blessing

    It’s not often that you’d call government ineptitude a blessing. But that could be the case with ObamaCare. The feds missed their own deadline late last year for issuing all the rules for states on how their insurance exchanges are to operate. They haven’t yet finished the “data hub” states ...

    Obamacare’s not-so-universal coverage

    Nearly 10 percent of U.S. will remain uninsured under Obamacare. Federal regulators just issued rules governing the individual coverage mandate within President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, which, starting in 2014, will require all Americans to secure health insurance or pay a penalty of $95 or 1 percent of their income, ...

    ObamaCare Doesn’t Deserve Credit For Health Cost Slowdown

    America’s health spending is down, growing at the lowest rate in over 50 years. The Obama administration has been quick to take credit, boasting that the Affordable Care Act has “begun to curb rising health costs across the system.” The president is indeed responsible for the slowdown in health spending. ...

    Big Pharma Accomplishes Big Things, Yet Obama Is Suffocating The Industry

    What’s the most research-intensive industry in America? If you guessed Silicon Valley or the energy sector, guess again. In fact, it’s the drug industry. The 31 pharmaceutical companies comprising its main trade group spent $48.5 billion on research and development last year. All told, the pharmaceutical sector has spent $550 ...

    Obamacare To Slash Hundreds Of Billions From Medicare Advantage Over Next 10 Years

    Earlier this month, officials at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced that they’d increase payments in the market-based Medicare Advantage program by 3.3 percent next year. The decision is remarkable, as CMS hinted just two months ago that it would reduce payments by 2.2 percent in 2014. The ...

    Fed Up With Obamacare, Doctors Increasingly Prefer Cash For Care

    Obamacare’s most intrusive changes to the healthcare marketplace — including the individual mandate whereby Americans must secure health insurance or pay a fine and its massive expansion of Medicaid — are less than a year from taking effect. Many doctors have decided that they’re not interested in seeing how those ...
    Health Care

    Myths and Realities of Obamacare

    Introduction Three years ago on March 23, 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordability Act (Obamacare) was signed into law. With the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on June 28, 2012 that the individual mandate is constitutional under Congress’ power to tax and the November 6 election results, the law is in ...

    The More Businesses Learn About Obamacare, The More Reluctant They Are To Hire

    Wondering why the unemployment rate has been near or above 8 percent for nearly four years? The Federal Reserve has an answer for you: Obamacare. Earlier this month, the Fed released its latest “beige book” – a monthly report on economic conditions across the country. The book noted that employers ...

    Mandating Inefficiency in the Health Care Industry

    Despite 50 years of failure, faith that the federal government can cure what ails the health care industry endures. That enduring faith drives a seemingly never-ending call for plans, both grandiose and modest, that attempt to address the failings of this sector. Grand redesigns of the health care system began ...

    Obamacare may put end to doctor-patient relationship

    Are the days of the traditional family doctor coming to an end? In the almost three years since Obamacare became the law of the land, more and more physicians have expressed concern about the future of their profession. Consequently, they’ve been leaving private practice and opting instead for the likes ...

    ObamaCare’s False Starts A Blessing

    It’s not often that you’d call government ineptitude a blessing. But that could be the case with ObamaCare. The feds missed their own deadline late last year for issuing all the rules for states on how their insurance exchanges are to operate. They haven’t yet finished the “data hub” states ...

    Obamacare’s not-so-universal coverage

    Nearly 10 percent of U.S. will remain uninsured under Obamacare. Federal regulators just issued rules governing the individual coverage mandate within President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, which, starting in 2014, will require all Americans to secure health insurance or pay a penalty of $95 or 1 percent of their income, ...
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