

ObamaCare’s False Starts A Blessing

It’s not often that you’d call government ineptitude a blessing. But that could be the case with ObamaCare. The feds missed their own deadline late last year for issuing all the rules for states on how their insurance exchanges are to operate. They haven’t yet finished the “data hub” states ...

Obamacare’s not-so-universal coverage

Nearly 10 percent of U.S. will remain uninsured under Obamacare. Federal regulators just issued rules governing the individual coverage mandate within President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, which, starting in 2014, will require all Americans to secure health insurance or pay a penalty of $95 or 1 percent of their income, ...

Obamacare’s Health Exchanges Are Customer Free Zones

Last month, the CEO of the nation’s largest health insurance company warned that he and his peers may balk at participating in Obamacare’s insurance exchanges — online, government-run portals where consumers and small businesses without conventional employer-sponsored coverage may shop for policies starting next year. “We will only participate in ...

Delay, Repeal, Replace

Watching Congress take the final steps to pass Obamacare in March 2010 was a bitterly disappointing moment for the law’s opponents. They didn’t have to be told that what was being rammed through the House and Senate was the largest power grab by the federal government in at least a ...

The Lifesaving Promise Of The Pharmaceutical Drug Pipeline

There was a time not long ago when patients suffering from rare diseases had little hope of finding a medicine that could cure their ills. But in the 30 years since Congress passed the Orphan Drug Act, research into “orphan drugs” — defined as those treating diseases that affect fewer ...

Those Misleading World Health Rankings

The federally chartered Institute of Medicine issued a comprehensive report last month on the state of American health. Saying that “Other high-income countries outrank the United States on most measures of health,” the report concluded that the U.S. “is among the wealthiest nations in the world, but it is far ...

Medicare cliff looms: Status quo isn’t sustainable

President Obama just named protecting Medicare for future generations as one of his chief goals in the negotiations over the federal deficit and national debt. Unfortunately, by championing Medicare’s structural status quo, the president is putting current seniors’ care at risk — and may still leave the entitlement program short ...

Obamacare’s Insurance Exchanges Are Already Turning Into A Disaster

Devoted users of Internet radio apps like Pandora may soon hear unexpected sound bites on their favorite music channels — ads touting ObamaCare. That’s right. In an attempt to drum up support for the law’s health insurance exchanges, some states are planning advertising campaigns that could include everything from pro-ObamaCare ...

Killed by cost-cutting

British officials confirmed this month that as many as 1,200 people died needlessly at a government-run hospital in Stafford, a city in western England. According to the government’s official report, Britain’s National Health Service was so fixated on “protecting ministers from political criticism” that it resorted to denying patients critical ...

What’s the Matter with California’s Sick Health Insurance Market?

Health insurers across the country have begun warning of major premium increases as Obamacare kicks into high gear this year and next. Consumers in multiple states will see rate increases of 20 percent or more, and some could see their premiums double. Government health officials are outraged — and nowhere ...

ObamaCare’s False Starts A Blessing

It’s not often that you’d call government ineptitude a blessing. But that could be the case with ObamaCare. The feds missed their own deadline late last year for issuing all the rules for states on how their insurance exchanges are to operate. They haven’t yet finished the “data hub” states ...

Obamacare’s not-so-universal coverage

Nearly 10 percent of U.S. will remain uninsured under Obamacare. Federal regulators just issued rules governing the individual coverage mandate within President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, which, starting in 2014, will require all Americans to secure health insurance or pay a penalty of $95 or 1 percent of their income, ...

Obamacare’s Health Exchanges Are Customer Free Zones

Last month, the CEO of the nation’s largest health insurance company warned that he and his peers may balk at participating in Obamacare’s insurance exchanges — online, government-run portals where consumers and small businesses without conventional employer-sponsored coverage may shop for policies starting next year. “We will only participate in ...

Delay, Repeal, Replace

Watching Congress take the final steps to pass Obamacare in March 2010 was a bitterly disappointing moment for the law’s opponents. They didn’t have to be told that what was being rammed through the House and Senate was the largest power grab by the federal government in at least a ...

The Lifesaving Promise Of The Pharmaceutical Drug Pipeline

There was a time not long ago when patients suffering from rare diseases had little hope of finding a medicine that could cure their ills. But in the 30 years since Congress passed the Orphan Drug Act, research into “orphan drugs” — defined as those treating diseases that affect fewer ...

Those Misleading World Health Rankings

The federally chartered Institute of Medicine issued a comprehensive report last month on the state of American health. Saying that “Other high-income countries outrank the United States on most measures of health,” the report concluded that the U.S. “is among the wealthiest nations in the world, but it is far ...

Medicare cliff looms: Status quo isn’t sustainable

President Obama just named protecting Medicare for future generations as one of his chief goals in the negotiations over the federal deficit and national debt. Unfortunately, by championing Medicare’s structural status quo, the president is putting current seniors’ care at risk — and may still leave the entitlement program short ...

Obamacare’s Insurance Exchanges Are Already Turning Into A Disaster

Devoted users of Internet radio apps like Pandora may soon hear unexpected sound bites on their favorite music channels — ads touting ObamaCare. That’s right. In an attempt to drum up support for the law’s health insurance exchanges, some states are planning advertising campaigns that could include everything from pro-ObamaCare ...

Killed by cost-cutting

British officials confirmed this month that as many as 1,200 people died needlessly at a government-run hospital in Stafford, a city in western England. According to the government’s official report, Britain’s National Health Service was so fixated on “protecting ministers from political criticism” that it resorted to denying patients critical ...

What’s the Matter with California’s Sick Health Insurance Market?

Health insurers across the country have begun warning of major premium increases as Obamacare kicks into high gear this year and next. Consumers in multiple states will see rate increases of 20 percent or more, and some could see their premiums double. Government health officials are outraged — and nowhere ...
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