Obamacare’s Error
The New York Post, July 31, 2009 DON’T be distracted by the inside-the-beltway haggling over arcane details — ponder the big picture and apply common sense to the claims of our would-be health reformers. This week’s so-called breakthroughs on both the House and Senate sides illustrate how our politicians are ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 31, 2009
Costs of Medicare/Medicaid Have Outpaced Other Health Costs by 1/3 Since 1970
Ezra Klein has posted a blog criticizing the claim (made by Bill Kristol on the Daily Show Monday night) that the costs of government-run health care have greatly outpaced other health costs. But Klein is mistaken. Advocates of ObamaCare like to rely on studies comparing the cost-increases of government-run care ...
Pacific Research Institute
July 29, 2009
Not Ready for the Big Leagues
Obamacare would look like Obama’s first pitch. Ideally, our health-care system would remind one of a major-league fastball: crisp, efficient in its delivery, on-target, hitting the catcher’s mitt with a pop. Our current health-care system, burdened with too many middlemen and too little competition and choice, is more like a ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
July 22, 2009
We’ll Read the Bill, Part I: ObamaCare’s Employer Mandate
The Washington Times, July 21, 2009 How will ObamaCare affect you? Not in some broad political sense, but in a narrow sense — how will it affect you as an employer, as a patient? It hasn’t been easy for most Americans to find answers. House Democrats won’t even commit to ...
David Freddoso
July 21, 2009
Why not try ownership?
Reform bill too ambitious for real problem America does not face a health care crisis. America faces a manageable challenge — how to help a relatively small share of the population purchase health insurance. ObamaCare is too big a solution chasing too small a problem — like hunting quail with ...
Deroy Murdock
July 19, 2009
Health Care
In ObamaCare, Middle Class Gets The Shaft
The Obama administration might like to “spread the wealth around,” but its proposed “health care reform” wouldn’t spread consumer choice around. Rather, it would constrict consumer choice substantially — except for the very rich. That’s the great irony of President Obama’s ambitious health care agenda: His administration, which seems to ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
July 8, 2009
Pres. Barack Obama is on a mission to deliver free health insurance to the uninsured in the name of health care reform. What is in it for you? If you are happy with your health insurance plan, does it matter to you? Can the government afford another budget busting expenditure ...
J.G. Azarcon
July 8, 2009
ObamaCare Isn’t Inevitable
While still good, President Barack Obama’s political health is deteriorating, threatened by what he thought would be balm — his ambitious plan for a government takeover of health care. Mr. Obama remains slightly more popular than most presidents have been in their opening months. But his job approval rating has ...
Karl Rove
June 25, 2009
ObamaCare’s False Promises
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Sally Pipes, the president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute and author of “The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care” (Pacific Research Institute , 2008). FP: Sally Pipes, welcome to Frontpage Interview. So what’s Obama planning to do in terms of health care? ...
Jamie Glazov
June 25, 2009
Healthcare, part 1
What to look for in the Obamacare informercial on ABC this week 1. Why do we need healthcare reform? Why is it absolutely necessary to offer a public healthcare option? And why should the government be responsible (using taxpayer money) for organizing it? Proponents of the democrats’ quest to provide ...
Erin Haust
June 22, 2009
Obamacare’s Error
The New York Post, July 31, 2009 DON’T be distracted by the inside-the-beltway haggling over arcane details — ponder the big picture and apply common sense to the claims of our would-be health reformers. This week’s so-called breakthroughs on both the House and Senate sides illustrate how our politicians are ...
Costs of Medicare/Medicaid Have Outpaced Other Health Costs by 1/3 Since 1970
Ezra Klein has posted a blog criticizing the claim (made by Bill Kristol on the Daily Show Monday night) that the costs of government-run health care have greatly outpaced other health costs. But Klein is mistaken. Advocates of ObamaCare like to rely on studies comparing the cost-increases of government-run care ...
Not Ready for the Big Leagues
Obamacare would look like Obama’s first pitch. Ideally, our health-care system would remind one of a major-league fastball: crisp, efficient in its delivery, on-target, hitting the catcher’s mitt with a pop. Our current health-care system, burdened with too many middlemen and too little competition and choice, is more like a ...
We’ll Read the Bill, Part I: ObamaCare’s Employer Mandate
The Washington Times, July 21, 2009 How will ObamaCare affect you? Not in some broad political sense, but in a narrow sense — how will it affect you as an employer, as a patient? It hasn’t been easy for most Americans to find answers. House Democrats won’t even commit to ...
Why not try ownership?
Reform bill too ambitious for real problem America does not face a health care crisis. America faces a manageable challenge — how to help a relatively small share of the population purchase health insurance. ObamaCare is too big a solution chasing too small a problem — like hunting quail with ...
In ObamaCare, Middle Class Gets The Shaft
The Obama administration might like to “spread the wealth around,” but its proposed “health care reform” wouldn’t spread consumer choice around. Rather, it would constrict consumer choice substantially — except for the very rich. That’s the great irony of President Obama’s ambitious health care agenda: His administration, which seems to ...
Pres. Barack Obama is on a mission to deliver free health insurance to the uninsured in the name of health care reform. What is in it for you? If you are happy with your health insurance plan, does it matter to you? Can the government afford another budget busting expenditure ...
ObamaCare Isn’t Inevitable
While still good, President Barack Obama’s political health is deteriorating, threatened by what he thought would be balm — his ambitious plan for a government takeover of health care. Mr. Obama remains slightly more popular than most presidents have been in their opening months. But his job approval rating has ...
ObamaCare’s False Promises
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Sally Pipes, the president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute and author of “The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care” (Pacific Research Institute , 2008). FP: Sally Pipes, welcome to Frontpage Interview. So what’s Obama planning to do in terms of health care? ...
Healthcare, part 1
What to look for in the Obamacare informercial on ABC this week 1. Why do we need healthcare reform? Why is it absolutely necessary to offer a public healthcare option? And why should the government be responsible (using taxpayer money) for organizing it? Proponents of the democrats’ quest to provide ...