

Why not try ownership?

Reform bill too ambitious for real problem America does not face a health care crisis. America faces a manageable challenge — how to help a relatively small share of the population purchase health insurance. ObamaCare is too big a solution chasing too small a problem — like hunting quail with ...
Health Care

In ObamaCare, Middle Class Gets The Shaft

The Obama administration might like to “spread the wealth around,” but its proposed “health care reform” wouldn’t spread consumer choice around. Rather, it would constrict consumer choice substantially — except for the very rich. That’s the great irony of President Obama’s ambitious health care agenda: His administration, which seems to ...


Pres. Barack Obama is on a mission to deliver free health insurance to the uninsured in the name of health care reform. What is in it for you? If you are happy with your health insurance plan, does it matter to you? Can the government afford another budget busting expenditure ...

ObamaCare Isn’t Inevitable

While still good, President Barack Obama’s political health is deteriorating, threatened by what he thought would be balm — his ambitious plan for a government takeover of health care. Mr. Obama remains slightly more popular than most presidents have been in their opening months. But his job approval rating has ...

ObamaCare’s False Promises

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Sally Pipes, the president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute and author of “The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care” (Pacific Research Institute , 2008). FP: Sally Pipes, welcome to Frontpage Interview. So what’s Obama planning to do in terms of health care? ...

Healthcare, part 1

What to look for in the Obamacare informercial on ABC this week 1. Why do we need healthcare reform? Why is it absolutely necessary to offer a public healthcare option? And why should the government be responsible (using taxpayer money) for organizing it? Proponents of the democrats’ quest to provide ...

How to Bankrupt a Country

What if you found that your personal income this year will be $55,000, but you will spend $100,000 — even though you had no prior savings? And what if next year’s picture looked similar, and the year after that, and so on? If President Obama were your personal financial advisor, ...
Health Care

Overdosing on Obama Healthcare

George Stephanopoulos informed ABC television watchers on May 11 that this is “probably the best chance we’ve had in 15 or 16 years to actually get a comprehensive health care plan through.” The major difference between now and 1994, when the Clinton administration failed to push through its healthcare overhaul, ...
Health Care

ObamaCare: More of the Same Sicko Ideas

When Barack Obama convened a White House forum on health care reform last week, there was one ground rule: check fresh ideas at the door. Of course, you’d never know that from Obama’s opening remarks rife with the usual bipartisan Mad Libbery: In this effort, every voice has to be ...

Dangerous Health-Care Myths

Sally C. Pipes’s latest title, The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care, is a useful handbook for the health-care policy battle ahead. Pipes, the president of the Pacific Research Institute, shatters much of the conventional wisdom about American health care and offers conservatives bountiful ammunition for the coming showdown. ...

Why not try ownership?

Reform bill too ambitious for real problem America does not face a health care crisis. America faces a manageable challenge — how to help a relatively small share of the population purchase health insurance. ObamaCare is too big a solution chasing too small a problem — like hunting quail with ...
Health Care

In ObamaCare, Middle Class Gets The Shaft

The Obama administration might like to “spread the wealth around,” but its proposed “health care reform” wouldn’t spread consumer choice around. Rather, it would constrict consumer choice substantially — except for the very rich. That’s the great irony of President Obama’s ambitious health care agenda: His administration, which seems to ...


Pres. Barack Obama is on a mission to deliver free health insurance to the uninsured in the name of health care reform. What is in it for you? If you are happy with your health insurance plan, does it matter to you? Can the government afford another budget busting expenditure ...

ObamaCare Isn’t Inevitable

While still good, President Barack Obama’s political health is deteriorating, threatened by what he thought would be balm — his ambitious plan for a government takeover of health care. Mr. Obama remains slightly more popular than most presidents have been in their opening months. But his job approval rating has ...

ObamaCare’s False Promises

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Sally Pipes, the president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute and author of “The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care” (Pacific Research Institute , 2008). FP: Sally Pipes, welcome to Frontpage Interview. So what’s Obama planning to do in terms of health care? ...

Healthcare, part 1

What to look for in the Obamacare informercial on ABC this week 1. Why do we need healthcare reform? Why is it absolutely necessary to offer a public healthcare option? And why should the government be responsible (using taxpayer money) for organizing it? Proponents of the democrats’ quest to provide ...

How to Bankrupt a Country

What if you found that your personal income this year will be $55,000, but you will spend $100,000 — even though you had no prior savings? And what if next year’s picture looked similar, and the year after that, and so on? If President Obama were your personal financial advisor, ...
Health Care

Overdosing on Obama Healthcare

George Stephanopoulos informed ABC television watchers on May 11 that this is “probably the best chance we’ve had in 15 or 16 years to actually get a comprehensive health care plan through.” The major difference between now and 1994, when the Clinton administration failed to push through its healthcare overhaul, ...
Health Care

ObamaCare: More of the Same Sicko Ideas

When Barack Obama convened a White House forum on health care reform last week, there was one ground rule: check fresh ideas at the door. Of course, you’d never know that from Obama’s opening remarks rife with the usual bipartisan Mad Libbery: In this effort, every voice has to be ...

Dangerous Health-Care Myths

Sally C. Pipes’s latest title, The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care, is a useful handbook for the health-care policy battle ahead. Pipes, the president of the Pacific Research Institute, shatters much of the conventional wisdom about American health care and offers conservatives bountiful ammunition for the coming showdown. ...
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