Space needs to answer some questions
Where in the world is Zack Space? He’s hiding under the bed. He’s seen the town hall meetings on the news, and he’s afraid one of us un-American, swastika-bearing mobsters will get upset with him about ObamaCare. “That’s not my style,” he says. Poor baby. I’m sure he’ll have the ...
Terry Brennan
September 1, 2009
The Top Ten Reasons We Must Oppose ObamaCare
Why it has to be stopped. 1. ObamaCare’s centerpiece, a Medicare-like “public option,” would cause millions of Americans to lose their employer-provided health insurance. Millions of employers would choose this new “option” for their employees. The Lewin Group, a prominent consulting firm, estimates that under a widespread, Medicare-like “public option,” ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
August 27, 2009
Prescription: Debt
Obamacare Would Lose $65 Billion a Year DEMOCRATIC members of Congress are now trying to decide whether they’re better off abandoning ObamaCare and inviting the administration’s wrath — or supporting it and inviting their constituents’ wrath. If the public learns the full extent of what the Congressional Budget Office has ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
August 26, 2009
The Medicare tsunami
In a recent news conference, President Obama said: “The biggest driving force behind our federal deficit is the skyrocketing cost of Medicare and Medicaid. So let me be clear: If we do not control these costs, we will not be able to control our deficits.” He is absolutely right. The ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
August 26, 2009
O’s Rx: Break It
The New York Post, August 25, 2009 PRESIDENT Obama and his allies in Congress seem to have decided that the best way to fix the private health-insurance market is to break it completely. Polls have prompted them to shift from health-care reform to “health-insurance reform.” Combine this with a government-funded, ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 25, 2009
Health care reform, yes. Big government, no.
LOS ANGELES (JTA) — Government insurance for health care — the public option — is an inappropriate cure that the American body politic is rejecting. Canadians spend 10 percent of annual GDP on health care, while Americans spend 16 percent. However, Canadians experience long waiting lists for diagnosis and treatment, ...
Larry Greenfield
August 24, 2009
Business & Economics
ObamaCare and Hidden Agendas
President Obama gives us a false choice on health care: his way or the status quo. Nobody wants the status quo, and Republicans have real alternatives. The real choice is whether we have a single-payer, government run health care system. “The health care system in America is broken. Costs are ...
Randall Hoven
August 18, 2009
Business & Economics
Manufactured Healthcare Crisis
The American Thinker, August 16, 2009 Lux Libertas, August 16, 2009 These are perilous times. Last November’s election of Barack Obama and a filibuster-proof majority of Democrats in both houses allowed a virulent cabal to capture our nation’s seat of power. As with the Democrat takeover of Congress in 2006, ...
James Simpson
August 16, 2009
Something Fishy
The Obama administration has made a terrible mistake. On Tuesday, August 4, the White House posted a blog entry enjoining Americans to spy on one another, and to report any “disinformation” which might undermine the administration’s health-care reform: “There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there. ...
Matt Patterson
August 10, 2009
Health Care Reform: A Better Plan
WASHINGTON — In 1986, Ronald Reagan and Bill Bradley created a legislative miracle. They fashioned a tax reform that stripped loopholes, political favors, payoffs, patronage and other corruptions out of the tax system. With the resulting savings, they lowered tax rates across the board. Those reductions, combined with the elimination ...
Charles Krauthammer
August 7, 2009
Space needs to answer some questions
Where in the world is Zack Space? He’s hiding under the bed. He’s seen the town hall meetings on the news, and he’s afraid one of us un-American, swastika-bearing mobsters will get upset with him about ObamaCare. “That’s not my style,” he says. Poor baby. I’m sure he’ll have the ...
The Top Ten Reasons We Must Oppose ObamaCare
Why it has to be stopped. 1. ObamaCare’s centerpiece, a Medicare-like “public option,” would cause millions of Americans to lose their employer-provided health insurance. Millions of employers would choose this new “option” for their employees. The Lewin Group, a prominent consulting firm, estimates that under a widespread, Medicare-like “public option,” ...
Prescription: Debt
Obamacare Would Lose $65 Billion a Year DEMOCRATIC members of Congress are now trying to decide whether they’re better off abandoning ObamaCare and inviting the administration’s wrath — or supporting it and inviting their constituents’ wrath. If the public learns the full extent of what the Congressional Budget Office has ...
The Medicare tsunami
In a recent news conference, President Obama said: “The biggest driving force behind our federal deficit is the skyrocketing cost of Medicare and Medicaid. So let me be clear: If we do not control these costs, we will not be able to control our deficits.” He is absolutely right. The ...
O’s Rx: Break It
The New York Post, August 25, 2009 PRESIDENT Obama and his allies in Congress seem to have decided that the best way to fix the private health-insurance market is to break it completely. Polls have prompted them to shift from health-care reform to “health-insurance reform.” Combine this with a government-funded, ...
Health care reform, yes. Big government, no.
LOS ANGELES (JTA) — Government insurance for health care — the public option — is an inappropriate cure that the American body politic is rejecting. Canadians spend 10 percent of annual GDP on health care, while Americans spend 16 percent. However, Canadians experience long waiting lists for diagnosis and treatment, ...
ObamaCare and Hidden Agendas
President Obama gives us a false choice on health care: his way or the status quo. Nobody wants the status quo, and Republicans have real alternatives. The real choice is whether we have a single-payer, government run health care system. “The health care system in America is broken. Costs are ...
Manufactured Healthcare Crisis
The American Thinker, August 16, 2009 Lux Libertas, August 16, 2009 These are perilous times. Last November’s election of Barack Obama and a filibuster-proof majority of Democrats in both houses allowed a virulent cabal to capture our nation’s seat of power. As with the Democrat takeover of Congress in 2006, ...
Something Fishy
The Obama administration has made a terrible mistake. On Tuesday, August 4, the White House posted a blog entry enjoining Americans to spy on one another, and to report any “disinformation” which might undermine the administration’s health-care reform: “There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there. ...
Health Care Reform: A Better Plan
WASHINGTON — In 1986, Ronald Reagan and Bill Bradley created a legislative miracle. They fashioned a tax reform that stripped loopholes, political favors, payoffs, patronage and other corruptions out of the tax system. With the resulting savings, they lowered tax rates across the board. Those reductions, combined with the elimination ...