What We’re Watching – June 21
Tim Anaya – John Stossel on San Francisco’s Homeless Crisis This week, PRI released a new issue brief on San Francisco’s homeless crisis, authored by our Kerry Jackson and Wayne Winegarden. With homelessness in San Francisco on my mind, I present a recent video on homelessness in San Francisco from ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 21, 2019
NEW STUDY: Free-Market Reforms, Private Charities Key to Addressing San Francisco’s Growing Homeless Crisis
A new brief on San Francisco’s homeless crisis published today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute concludes that the city could make great strides in reducing homelessness by encouraging and supporting private sector involvement, while making policy changes that will invite a homebuilding boom. The brief includes more than a ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 19, 2019
Voters Give Legislature Low Marks for Failing to Act on Housing, Homelessness
Last week, the non-partisan Public Policy Institute of California released their latest survey of Californians stand on a host of issues. Writing about the poll results, veteran Los Angeles Times political columnist George Skelton summed up the survey’s shock findings with a banner headline – “California’s Legislature is less popular ...
Tim Anaya
June 11, 2019
Yet Another Bad Policy Idea for California: San Francisco Proposes An ‘IPO’ Tax
Anyone thinking that California can’t become more anti-business or add another punitive tax hasn’t seen the recent news out of San Francisco. Political leaders there are campaigning for an increase in the city’s “IPO tax,” which is both unnecessary and counterproductive. The proposal, sponsored by Supervisor Gordon Mar, would hike ...
Kerry Jackson
June 10, 2019
Going Medieval in California’s Streets
California, to some people’s way of thinking, is the most modern state in the country, if not the most cutting-edge place on earth. It’s progressive, hip, innovative—a bellwether, filled with pioneers and opinion-makers. It’s also unique for its constant battles against biblical catastrophes—earthquakes, droughts, landslides, and floods are all part ...
Kerry Jackson
June 5, 2019
Try the Free Market Before Tourists Are One Day Warned to Not Drink the Water in California
California has regressed from the land of opportunity to the land of crisis. A chronic housing shortage, growing homelessness problems, the highest poverty rate in the nation, and runaway public employee pension liability are ripping at the seams of the state. Add to that list of troubles the taint of ...
Kerry Jackson
May 30, 2019
Legislature Focuses on Its Priorities While Going Slow on Housing and Homelessness
On Friday, the Legislature faces the big “house of origin” deadline. All bills that were introduced this year must pass their “house of origin” by the 31st. In other words, bills that were introduced in the Assembly must pass by Friday night and vice versa. In fact, the Assembly and ...
Tim Anaya
May 28, 2019
Watch Kerry Jackson Discuss “California Craziness” on The Daily Ledger
Watch Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discuss “California Craziness” with host Graham Ledger on “The Daily Ledger” on One America News Network. Among the issues they discuss are a proposal to require community college to house homeless people at night at their on-campus parking lots, Gov. ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 23, 2019
CAPITAL IDEAS: Cracking Down on Fracking in California—Is it The Smart Thing to Do?
DOWNLOAD THE PDF Jerry Brown left office in January as one of the most popular governors in California history. He also left successor Gavin Newsom with a few headaches. Among the more prominent unresolved issues are the high-speed rail project, the housing and homeless crises, and runaway public-employee pension obligations. ...
Kerry Jackson
May 15, 2019
Gov. Newsom to May Revise Winners – “You Get a Billion!”
Years ago, in perhaps one of the most well-known episodes of her long-running talk show, Oprah Winfrey gave away shiny-red Pontiacs to all of the unsuspecting members of her studio audience. Uttering a phrase that has gone down in pop culture history, Winfrey told the shrieking audience, “You get a ...
Tim Anaya
May 13, 2019
What We’re Watching – June 21
Tim Anaya – John Stossel on San Francisco’s Homeless Crisis This week, PRI released a new issue brief on San Francisco’s homeless crisis, authored by our Kerry Jackson and Wayne Winegarden. With homelessness in San Francisco on my mind, I present a recent video on homelessness in San Francisco from ...
NEW STUDY: Free-Market Reforms, Private Charities Key to Addressing San Francisco’s Growing Homeless Crisis
A new brief on San Francisco’s homeless crisis published today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute concludes that the city could make great strides in reducing homelessness by encouraging and supporting private sector involvement, while making policy changes that will invite a homebuilding boom. The brief includes more than a ...
Voters Give Legislature Low Marks for Failing to Act on Housing, Homelessness
Last week, the non-partisan Public Policy Institute of California released their latest survey of Californians stand on a host of issues. Writing about the poll results, veteran Los Angeles Times political columnist George Skelton summed up the survey’s shock findings with a banner headline – “California’s Legislature is less popular ...
Yet Another Bad Policy Idea for California: San Francisco Proposes An ‘IPO’ Tax
Anyone thinking that California can’t become more anti-business or add another punitive tax hasn’t seen the recent news out of San Francisco. Political leaders there are campaigning for an increase in the city’s “IPO tax,” which is both unnecessary and counterproductive. The proposal, sponsored by Supervisor Gordon Mar, would hike ...
Going Medieval in California’s Streets
California, to some people’s way of thinking, is the most modern state in the country, if not the most cutting-edge place on earth. It’s progressive, hip, innovative—a bellwether, filled with pioneers and opinion-makers. It’s also unique for its constant battles against biblical catastrophes—earthquakes, droughts, landslides, and floods are all part ...
Try the Free Market Before Tourists Are One Day Warned to Not Drink the Water in California
California has regressed from the land of opportunity to the land of crisis. A chronic housing shortage, growing homelessness problems, the highest poverty rate in the nation, and runaway public employee pension liability are ripping at the seams of the state. Add to that list of troubles the taint of ...
Legislature Focuses on Its Priorities While Going Slow on Housing and Homelessness
On Friday, the Legislature faces the big “house of origin” deadline. All bills that were introduced this year must pass their “house of origin” by the 31st. In other words, bills that were introduced in the Assembly must pass by Friday night and vice versa. In fact, the Assembly and ...
Watch Kerry Jackson Discuss “California Craziness” on The Daily Ledger
Watch Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discuss “California Craziness” with host Graham Ledger on “The Daily Ledger” on One America News Network. Among the issues they discuss are a proposal to require community college to house homeless people at night at their on-campus parking lots, Gov. ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: Cracking Down on Fracking in California—Is it The Smart Thing to Do?
DOWNLOAD THE PDF Jerry Brown left office in January as one of the most popular governors in California history. He also left successor Gavin Newsom with a few headaches. Among the more prominent unresolved issues are the high-speed rail project, the housing and homeless crises, and runaway public-employee pension obligations. ...
Gov. Newsom to May Revise Winners – “You Get a Billion!”
Years ago, in perhaps one of the most well-known episodes of her long-running talk show, Oprah Winfrey gave away shiny-red Pontiacs to all of the unsuspecting members of her studio audience. Uttering a phrase that has gone down in pop culture history, Winfrey told the shrieking audience, “You get a ...