

PRI 2nd Annual Policy Conference: The Homeless Crisis

California’s growing homeless crisis is impacting nearly everyone, especially those living in big cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sacramento. In Governor Newsom’s recent State of the State address, he reportedly spent 35 of his 42 minute speech on the homeless crisis.  On the same day, PRI held an ...

Single-Payer Poll Watch: Single-Payer Support and Opposition Even, Iowa Caucusgoers Rate Health Care Top Issue

One of the first national health care polls of 2020 shows the continued lukewarm support for a national single-payer health care plan. Adding the January 2020 Kaiser survey to the Pacific Research Institute (PRI) Single-Payer Poll Watch brings the average support and opposition for single-payer health care to almost dead ...

Coming to a March Primary Ballot Near You – More Ballot Box Budgeting

The March primary election is a month away.  While we are already being bombarded with television advertising for the Democratic presidential race, there hasn’t been much discussion of ballot measures. That’s because in 2011, Democrats in the Legislature enacted a law moving all statewide ballot initiatives to the November ballot, ...

The City That Taxed Too Much

San Francisco has added yet another tax, this one to fund a climate initiative. Though maybe it’s an overused phrase, “death by a thousand tax hikes” is still a descriptive expression, and it applies here. The 1% surcharge being added to some diners’ checks at some restaurants is not actually ...

California Not Exactly Roaring Into The ‘20s

A recent New York Times story posed an interesting question. “California is booming,” the Times says. “Why are so many Californians unhappy?” Despite Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent 2-hour-and-50-minute budget announcement – where he boasted of his administration’s “successes” – there are many troubling signs the state is slowing down. Chief ...

Wayne Winegarden in Heartland News Story on CA Solar Roof Mandate

California Solar Home Law Likely to Price Many Out of the Market By Kenneth Artz A new building code in California requires all newly constructed homes statewide to be solar-powered. Tens of thousands of homes will be affected by the first-of-their-kind rules approved in 2018 by the California Energy Commission under Gov. ...

Capping State Home Mortgage Deduction Won’t Increase Home Affordability

Housing affordability is once again at the top of Sacramento Democrats’ policy agenda this session.  Several bills have already been proposed to try and bring down state housing costs. Addressing the state’s housing crisis is now running into conflict with another perpetual top priority for many liberals at the State ...

Homelessness Task Force Isn’t Up To The Task

A state homelessness task force is recommending that local governments be hauled into court if they aren’t moving people off the streets. It’s unlikely to help. The most probable outcome is an increased burden on the courts and a higher dose of politics into an arena where politics have already ...

California Governor Never Met a Task Force He Didn’t Like

If you were able to make it through California Governor Gavin Newsom’s almost three-hour budget briefing, you’ve probably been following the enormous funding proposals included in the $222.2 billion budget estimate. You can save 167 minute of your time and read the blog post by PRI’s Tim Anaya. Governor Newsom ...

Joseph Tartakovsky – Martin v. Boise and the Homeless Crisis

Joseph Tartakovsky, a PRI adjunct fellow and with the law firm Gibson Dunn, discusses the homeless case Martin v. the City of Boise.  It involves five homeless people who sued Boise, Idaho for fining them for violating a city ordinance prohibiting people from living in the streets. The homeless group ...

PRI 2nd Annual Policy Conference: The Homeless Crisis

California’s growing homeless crisis is impacting nearly everyone, especially those living in big cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sacramento. In Governor Newsom’s recent State of the State address, he reportedly spent 35 of his 42 minute speech on the homeless crisis.  On the same day, PRI held an ...

Single-Payer Poll Watch: Single-Payer Support and Opposition Even, Iowa Caucusgoers Rate Health Care Top Issue

One of the first national health care polls of 2020 shows the continued lukewarm support for a national single-payer health care plan. Adding the January 2020 Kaiser survey to the Pacific Research Institute (PRI) Single-Payer Poll Watch brings the average support and opposition for single-payer health care to almost dead ...

Coming to a March Primary Ballot Near You – More Ballot Box Budgeting

The March primary election is a month away.  While we are already being bombarded with television advertising for the Democratic presidential race, there hasn’t been much discussion of ballot measures. That’s because in 2011, Democrats in the Legislature enacted a law moving all statewide ballot initiatives to the November ballot, ...

The City That Taxed Too Much

San Francisco has added yet another tax, this one to fund a climate initiative. Though maybe it’s an overused phrase, “death by a thousand tax hikes” is still a descriptive expression, and it applies here. The 1% surcharge being added to some diners’ checks at some restaurants is not actually ...

California Not Exactly Roaring Into The ‘20s

A recent New York Times story posed an interesting question. “California is booming,” the Times says. “Why are so many Californians unhappy?” Despite Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent 2-hour-and-50-minute budget announcement – where he boasted of his administration’s “successes” – there are many troubling signs the state is slowing down. Chief ...

Wayne Winegarden in Heartland News Story on CA Solar Roof Mandate

California Solar Home Law Likely to Price Many Out of the Market By Kenneth Artz A new building code in California requires all newly constructed homes statewide to be solar-powered. Tens of thousands of homes will be affected by the first-of-their-kind rules approved in 2018 by the California Energy Commission under Gov. ...

Capping State Home Mortgage Deduction Won’t Increase Home Affordability

Housing affordability is once again at the top of Sacramento Democrats’ policy agenda this session.  Several bills have already been proposed to try and bring down state housing costs. Addressing the state’s housing crisis is now running into conflict with another perpetual top priority for many liberals at the State ...

Homelessness Task Force Isn’t Up To The Task

A state homelessness task force is recommending that local governments be hauled into court if they aren’t moving people off the streets. It’s unlikely to help. The most probable outcome is an increased burden on the courts and a higher dose of politics into an arena where politics have already ...

California Governor Never Met a Task Force He Didn’t Like

If you were able to make it through California Governor Gavin Newsom’s almost three-hour budget briefing, you’ve probably been following the enormous funding proposals included in the $222.2 billion budget estimate. You can save 167 minute of your time and read the blog post by PRI’s Tim Anaya. Governor Newsom ...

Joseph Tartakovsky – Martin v. Boise and the Homeless Crisis

Joseph Tartakovsky, a PRI adjunct fellow and with the law firm Gibson Dunn, discusses the homeless case Martin v. the City of Boise.  It involves five homeless people who sued Boise, Idaho for fining them for violating a city ordinance prohibiting people from living in the streets. The homeless group ...
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