

What We’re Watching – August 14

Tim Anaya – Reforming Patient Costs at the Pharmacy In the latest video in the Pacific Research Institute “Escape the Drug Pricing Maze” series, the Professor and Pete must collect 3 keys to finally escape the drug pricing maze. The first key involves reforms to increase drug affordability for patients ...

Let the Legislature’s End of Session Games Begin

As the calendar shifts into August, there’s less than a month to go in the wildest legislative session in recent memory. The turning of the calendar also marks the return of the Legislature’s annual end-of-session games.  No, I’m not talking about “legislative bingo” (which is a real thing where legislators ...

Steven Greenhut – On the Most Unpredictable California Legislative Session in Recent Memory

R Street Institute’s Steven Greenhut returns for his annual look at the year’s legislative session in Sacramento.  We discuss how the Legislature and Governor have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and rising social unrest, a $54 billion budget deficit, and worsening homeless and housing crises.  He also looks ahead to ...

What We’re Watching – July 31

Rowena Itchon – A Tribute to Herman Cain https://youtu.be/2qeFfGpJ2m8 Kerry Jackson – Ricky Gervais gives the ‘cancel culture cretins’ a massive serve “Just because you’re offended, doesn’t make you right,” comedian Ricky Gervais says. He could have also said that just because you’re offended, it doesn’t give you the right to ...

California Nightmarin’

It would be neither profound nor unique to note that the California dream, immortalized by John and Michelle Phillips’ famed lyrics, ain’t what it used to be. It would be nothing more than a mere statement of a fact which is well-known but nevertheless denied by those who have taken ...

Biden’s Climate Change Agenda Is Inspired by AOC, California

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden last week unveiled his version of the Green New Deal.  The plan, which can be summed up as AOC meets CA, shows just how far Biden is willing to lunge toward the left coast’s environmental agenda. AOC’s Green New Deal, criticized for being light on ...

SB 1410 Would Give Renters a Decade to Pay Rent

When Tim Anaya first told me about a California senate bill that would give renters who lost their jobs during the coronavirus shutdown until 2034 to pay back their rent, I thought I didn’t hear him right: “Did you say 2024?” (I thought four years was plenty.) But yes, dear readers, he said 2034. It’s no typo either. SB 1410 would force landlords to enter into a “rent stabilization agreement” with the tenant, and prohibits the landlord ...

A Successful Program to Reclaim the Lives of High School Dropouts

Recently, I attended the graduation ceremony for the Discovery ChalleNGe Academy, which targets high school dropouts and produces quality-educated young people with strong values, life skills, and self-discipline.  With so many children falling through the cracks of conventional education, DCA and its sister schools across the country offer these young ...

What We’re Watching – June 26

Rowena Itchon – “Project Home: 3D Printing the Future” I ran across this teaser on the upcoming documentary “Project Home: 3D Printing the Future” by the Moving Picture Institute.  The first 3D printed homes are located in a neighborhood in southern Mexico.  A way to solve California’s homeless problem? Ben Smithwick ...
Business & Economics

California continues to launch businesses, residents into other states

Elon Musk is not alone in his frustration with the way California treats businesses. But he makes the news, and the announcement that SpaceX is abandoning plans to build rockets in Los Angeles and will instead make them in Texas and Florida is another high-profile setback for the state. One ...

What We’re Watching – August 14

Tim Anaya – Reforming Patient Costs at the Pharmacy In the latest video in the Pacific Research Institute “Escape the Drug Pricing Maze” series, the Professor and Pete must collect 3 keys to finally escape the drug pricing maze. The first key involves reforms to increase drug affordability for patients ...

Let the Legislature’s End of Session Games Begin

As the calendar shifts into August, there’s less than a month to go in the wildest legislative session in recent memory. The turning of the calendar also marks the return of the Legislature’s annual end-of-session games.  No, I’m not talking about “legislative bingo” (which is a real thing where legislators ...

Steven Greenhut – On the Most Unpredictable California Legislative Session in Recent Memory

R Street Institute’s Steven Greenhut returns for his annual look at the year’s legislative session in Sacramento.  We discuss how the Legislature and Governor have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and rising social unrest, a $54 billion budget deficit, and worsening homeless and housing crises.  He also looks ahead to ...

What We’re Watching – July 31

Rowena Itchon – A Tribute to Herman Cain https://youtu.be/2qeFfGpJ2m8 Kerry Jackson – Ricky Gervais gives the ‘cancel culture cretins’ a massive serve “Just because you’re offended, doesn’t make you right,” comedian Ricky Gervais says. He could have also said that just because you’re offended, it doesn’t give you the right to ...

California Nightmarin’

It would be neither profound nor unique to note that the California dream, immortalized by John and Michelle Phillips’ famed lyrics, ain’t what it used to be. It would be nothing more than a mere statement of a fact which is well-known but nevertheless denied by those who have taken ...

Biden’s Climate Change Agenda Is Inspired by AOC, California

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden last week unveiled his version of the Green New Deal.  The plan, which can be summed up as AOC meets CA, shows just how far Biden is willing to lunge toward the left coast’s environmental agenda. AOC’s Green New Deal, criticized for being light on ...

SB 1410 Would Give Renters a Decade to Pay Rent

When Tim Anaya first told me about a California senate bill that would give renters who lost their jobs during the coronavirus shutdown until 2034 to pay back their rent, I thought I didn’t hear him right: “Did you say 2024?” (I thought four years was plenty.) But yes, dear readers, he said 2034. It’s no typo either. SB 1410 would force landlords to enter into a “rent stabilization agreement” with the tenant, and prohibits the landlord ...

A Successful Program to Reclaim the Lives of High School Dropouts

Recently, I attended the graduation ceremony for the Discovery ChalleNGe Academy, which targets high school dropouts and produces quality-educated young people with strong values, life skills, and self-discipline.  With so many children falling through the cracks of conventional education, DCA and its sister schools across the country offer these young ...

What We’re Watching – June 26

Rowena Itchon – “Project Home: 3D Printing the Future” I ran across this teaser on the upcoming documentary “Project Home: 3D Printing the Future” by the Moving Picture Institute.  The first 3D printed homes are located in a neighborhood in southern Mexico.  A way to solve California’s homeless problem? Ben Smithwick ...
Business & Economics

California continues to launch businesses, residents into other states

Elon Musk is not alone in his frustration with the way California treats businesses. But he makes the news, and the announcement that SpaceX is abandoning plans to build rockets in Los Angeles and will instead make them in Texas and Florida is another high-profile setback for the state. One ...
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