How Basic Income Could Promote Economic Advancement Rather Than Government Dependency
By Wayne Winegarden and Tim Anaya Last month, Right by the Bay reviewed the findings of a new study touted by former Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs reportedly showing the success of the city’s universal basic income scheme. Reviewing the report’s findings, we concluded that there were many serious questions with ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 28, 2021
No Way to End California’s Homelessness Crisis
In late January, a survey conducted by Data for Progress, a progressive activist group, found that an overwhelming majority of Californians favor increasing taxes on corporations to fund “a range of efforts to help” alleviate the homelessness crisis in California. But California is already home to one of the highest ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 20, 2021
Will Vaccine Passports Hasten California Exodus?
Orange County is testing a digital vaccine passport, but so far, there’s been no movement at the state level to require all Californians to present their papers to freely move about. Meanwhile, Texas, Florida, and Idaho have banned vaccine passports. Other red states are likely to follow. Should Sacramento decide ...
Kerry Jackson
April 14, 2021
Statement by Co-Author of New Book on California’s Homeless Crisis on Biden Administration $5 Billion Homeless Initiative
Dr. Wayne Winegarden, senior fellow in business and economics at the California-based free market think tank the Pacific Research Institute, and co-author of the new book on California’s homeless crisis No Way Home, issued the following statement on the Biden Administration new $5 billion initiative to combat homelessness: “The Biden ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 8, 2021
The Talk of Connecticut Interviews Wayne Winegarden on Homelessness
Wayne Winegarden joins Gary Byron on the Talk of Connecticut WDRC to talk about PRI’s new book, No Way Home, about California’s homeless epidemic. Winegarden and Byron talk about housing affordability and unaffordability on the east and west coast, increases and decreases in homelessness in major cities, and how to ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 7, 2021
KPAY Morning News Interviews Wayne Winegarden on No Way Home book
Wayne Winegarden joins KPAY Morning News in Chico to talk about PRI’s new book, No Way Home, about California’s homeless epidemic. Winegarden talks about the crisis in California and what needs to be done from both a legislative and community front to address and work through the homelessness crisis as California ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 7, 2021
Wayne Winegarden Talks No Way Home Book on Andy Caldwell Show
PRI’s Wayne Winegarden, co-author of the new book No Way Home, discusses California’s homeless crisis on the Andy Caldwell Show.
Pacific Research Institute
March 31, 2021
Wayne Winegarden Discusses No Way Home book on Jim Bohannon Show
Listen to PRI’s Wayne Winegarden discuss the new book on California’s homeless crisis No Way Home on the nationally-syndicated Jim Bohannon Show.
Pacific Research Institute
March 30, 2021
Wayne Winegarden Talks No Way Home on the Larry Conners Show
Wayne Winegarden, PRI’s senior director and economist joins the Larry Conners Show on KTRS St. Louis to discuss his new book No Way Home, on California’s homeless challenges and solutions cities and policymakers can take to help those in need. Winegarden is a co-author along with PRI’s Kerry Jackson, Christopher Rufo, and ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 25, 2021
KSCO Interviews Wayne Winegarden on New Homeless Book “No Way Home”
PRI’s Wayne Winegarden and recent co-author of the new book about homelessness, No Way Home, joins KSCO in Santa Cruz, California, to talk about the focus of the book, challenges, and potential solutions of cities and policymakers. Click here to listen. Wayne’s segment begins at the 31:40 minute mark.
Pacific Research Institute
March 24, 2021
How Basic Income Could Promote Economic Advancement Rather Than Government Dependency
By Wayne Winegarden and Tim Anaya Last month, Right by the Bay reviewed the findings of a new study touted by former Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs reportedly showing the success of the city’s universal basic income scheme. Reviewing the report’s findings, we concluded that there were many serious questions with ...
No Way to End California’s Homelessness Crisis
In late January, a survey conducted by Data for Progress, a progressive activist group, found that an overwhelming majority of Californians favor increasing taxes on corporations to fund “a range of efforts to help” alleviate the homelessness crisis in California. But California is already home to one of the highest ...
Will Vaccine Passports Hasten California Exodus?
Orange County is testing a digital vaccine passport, but so far, there’s been no movement at the state level to require all Californians to present their papers to freely move about. Meanwhile, Texas, Florida, and Idaho have banned vaccine passports. Other red states are likely to follow. Should Sacramento decide ...
Statement by Co-Author of New Book on California’s Homeless Crisis on Biden Administration $5 Billion Homeless Initiative
Dr. Wayne Winegarden, senior fellow in business and economics at the California-based free market think tank the Pacific Research Institute, and co-author of the new book on California’s homeless crisis No Way Home, issued the following statement on the Biden Administration new $5 billion initiative to combat homelessness: “The Biden ...
The Talk of Connecticut Interviews Wayne Winegarden on Homelessness
Wayne Winegarden joins Gary Byron on the Talk of Connecticut WDRC to talk about PRI’s new book, No Way Home, about California’s homeless epidemic. Winegarden and Byron talk about housing affordability and unaffordability on the east and west coast, increases and decreases in homelessness in major cities, and how to ...
KPAY Morning News Interviews Wayne Winegarden on No Way Home book
Wayne Winegarden joins KPAY Morning News in Chico to talk about PRI’s new book, No Way Home, about California’s homeless epidemic. Winegarden talks about the crisis in California and what needs to be done from both a legislative and community front to address and work through the homelessness crisis as California ...
Wayne Winegarden Talks No Way Home Book on Andy Caldwell Show
PRI’s Wayne Winegarden, co-author of the new book No Way Home, discusses California’s homeless crisis on the Andy Caldwell Show.
Wayne Winegarden Discusses No Way Home book on Jim Bohannon Show
Listen to PRI’s Wayne Winegarden discuss the new book on California’s homeless crisis No Way Home on the nationally-syndicated Jim Bohannon Show.
Wayne Winegarden Talks No Way Home on the Larry Conners Show
Wayne Winegarden, PRI’s senior director and economist joins the Larry Conners Show on KTRS St. Louis to discuss his new book No Way Home, on California’s homeless challenges and solutions cities and policymakers can take to help those in need. Winegarden is a co-author along with PRI’s Kerry Jackson, Christopher Rufo, and ...
KSCO Interviews Wayne Winegarden on New Homeless Book “No Way Home”
PRI’s Wayne Winegarden and recent co-author of the new book about homelessness, No Way Home, joins KSCO in Santa Cruz, California, to talk about the focus of the book, challenges, and potential solutions of cities and policymakers. Click here to listen. Wayne’s segment begins at the 31:40 minute mark.