

State health exchange will slash, not boost, choice

Anticipating repeal, states are using a variety of tactics to oppose Obamacare, but in California the Legislature is trying to rush it into existence. That should concern every Californian, especially Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Unless repealed, Obamacare will require every American not dependent on government health plans like Medicaid or Medicare, ...
Health Care

The Road to CanadaCare? Sally Pipes on The Truth About ObamaCare

Sally Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute and author of The Truth About ObamaCare sits down with Ted Balaker to discuss what’s really on the way courtesy of the recent health care overhaul: higher costs, decreased access to care, and the looming spectre of a single-payer system ...
Government Spending

Medicare needs systemic remedies

President Barack Obama signed a bill to “fix” payments to doctors by Medicare — until November. Although costing taxpayers $6.5 billion, this short-term patch will just have to be “fixed” again right after the next election. Throwing more money at a broken Medicare reimbursement schedule is what passes for bipartisan ...

The Massachusetts health care mess is coming soon to the rest of America

Devotees of big government, like Archimedes, believe that if they have a long lever and a place to stand, they can move the world. In 2006, a bipartisan band of such politicians in Massachusetts immersed themselves in wishful thinking, ignored both hard facts and proven theory, and used their political ...

Mass. health meltdown is your future

New York Post, May 25, 2010 The future of US medicine under ObamaCare is already on display in Massachusetts. The top four health insurers there just posted first-quarter losses of more than $150 million. Most of them blamed the state’s decision to keep premiums at last year’s levels for individual ...

Sign Of Times Under ObamaCare: ‘The Doctor Is Out — Permanently’

Investor’s Business Daily, April 23, 2010 President Barack Obama’s health care bill aims to achieve universal coverage while at the same time reducing costs. In reality, this contradictory strategy will ensure that Americans enjoy less health care, of poorer quality, and from fewer doctors. And while the full effects of ...

What Now?

With the Democrats’ health-care legislation having cleared the last legislative hurdle, it is all but inevitable that President Obama will be signing it into law. Is this the end of the road for the debate, or is there a way forward for real reform that puts decisions into the hands ...

Health Care Subject Matter Experts Part 2 Sally C. Pipes

A few weeks ago, my Leadership Program of the Rockies class heard Sally C. Pipes speak on the American health care system. Who is Sally Pipes, you ask? (It’s okay, I didn’t know either!) She is author of The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide, and ...

Single-Payer and Group Coverage Empower Government, Not the People

I agree with Professor Chaufan that the “reforms” many states embraced to expand coverage with private insurance have failed, but disagree that it is because of a lack of government power. In fact, such reforms massively increase government power. For example, Massachusetts’ latest reform (passed by Governor Romney in 2006) ...

Strickland Aims To Require Voter Approval Before Making Health Care Mandatory

KHTS Hometown Station, February 25, 2010 This morning State Senator Tony Strickland proposed Senate Constitutional Amendment 29, which if passed will require voter approval of any state or federal measure implementing a healthcare program that: Requires individuals to obtain health coverage; Requires individuals to guarantee issuance of health coverage; Creates ...

State health exchange will slash, not boost, choice

Anticipating repeal, states are using a variety of tactics to oppose Obamacare, but in California the Legislature is trying to rush it into existence. That should concern every Californian, especially Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Unless repealed, Obamacare will require every American not dependent on government health plans like Medicaid or Medicare, ...
Health Care

The Road to CanadaCare? Sally Pipes on The Truth About ObamaCare

Sally Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute and author of The Truth About ObamaCare sits down with Ted Balaker to discuss what’s really on the way courtesy of the recent health care overhaul: higher costs, decreased access to care, and the looming spectre of a single-payer system ...
Government Spending

Medicare needs systemic remedies

President Barack Obama signed a bill to “fix” payments to doctors by Medicare — until November. Although costing taxpayers $6.5 billion, this short-term patch will just have to be “fixed” again right after the next election. Throwing more money at a broken Medicare reimbursement schedule is what passes for bipartisan ...

The Massachusetts health care mess is coming soon to the rest of America

Devotees of big government, like Archimedes, believe that if they have a long lever and a place to stand, they can move the world. In 2006, a bipartisan band of such politicians in Massachusetts immersed themselves in wishful thinking, ignored both hard facts and proven theory, and used their political ...

Mass. health meltdown is your future

New York Post, May 25, 2010 The future of US medicine under ObamaCare is already on display in Massachusetts. The top four health insurers there just posted first-quarter losses of more than $150 million. Most of them blamed the state’s decision to keep premiums at last year’s levels for individual ...

Sign Of Times Under ObamaCare: ‘The Doctor Is Out — Permanently’

Investor’s Business Daily, April 23, 2010 President Barack Obama’s health care bill aims to achieve universal coverage while at the same time reducing costs. In reality, this contradictory strategy will ensure that Americans enjoy less health care, of poorer quality, and from fewer doctors. And while the full effects of ...

What Now?

With the Democrats’ health-care legislation having cleared the last legislative hurdle, it is all but inevitable that President Obama will be signing it into law. Is this the end of the road for the debate, or is there a way forward for real reform that puts decisions into the hands ...

Health Care Subject Matter Experts Part 2 Sally C. Pipes

A few weeks ago, my Leadership Program of the Rockies class heard Sally C. Pipes speak on the American health care system. Who is Sally Pipes, you ask? (It’s okay, I didn’t know either!) She is author of The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide, and ...

Single-Payer and Group Coverage Empower Government, Not the People

I agree with Professor Chaufan that the “reforms” many states embraced to expand coverage with private insurance have failed, but disagree that it is because of a lack of government power. In fact, such reforms massively increase government power. For example, Massachusetts’ latest reform (passed by Governor Romney in 2006) ...

Strickland Aims To Require Voter Approval Before Making Health Care Mandatory

KHTS Hometown Station, February 25, 2010 This morning State Senator Tony Strickland proposed Senate Constitutional Amendment 29, which if passed will require voter approval of any state or federal measure implementing a healthcare program that: Requires individuals to obtain health coverage; Requires individuals to guarantee issuance of health coverage; Creates ...
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