If Health Spending is Increasing Slower, Why Are Premiums Rising Faster?
Key Points: The rate of increase in private health spending has dropped significantly since the financial crisis hit in 2008, although government programs like Medicare and Medicaid have continued along their unsustainable path. However, administrative costs and private premiums began to increase immediately upon President Obama’s enacting the Patient Protection ...
John R. Graham
January 23, 2012
Rejecting health-care exchanges
The Internal Revenue Service recently held a hearing that could have major ramifications for Obamacare’s much-ballyhooed insurance exchanges. The agency is trying to change the way the federal government hands out subsidies through the exchanges. There’s one problem, though — the IRS doesn’t have the power to rewrite the law. ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 29, 2011
Health Care
Over Regulation Reduces Choice in Health Insurance: An Update Health Policy Prescription
Key Points: Obamacare, signed in March 2010, has not reduced the rate of growth of health-insurance premiums, which increased by 20 percent in the small group market between 2008 and 2010. Obamacare subsidizes states to increase political control of health-insurance premiums, although there continues to be no evidence that such ...
John R. Graham
December 21, 2011
The Ugly Realities Of Socialized Medicine Are Not Going Away
The worldwide recession has forced countries around the world to curb public spending or risk defaulting on their debt. The United Kingdom is the latest to tighten its belt. The National Health Service (NHS) the centralized public agency that runs Britains government healthcare system is being forced ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 19, 2011
Shopping for Health Coverage Versus Shopping for Health Care
As I read the spirited debate over whether Obamacare will drive health insurers out of business (here and here), I wonder if we need to bring the discussion back to fundamentals: The key problem with U.S health insurance is that there is too much of it whether provided by ...
John R. Graham
December 8, 2011
Health Care
Seal the Borders Against Canadian Health Care
Gov. Brian Schweitzer (D-Mont.) recently announced his aspirations for bringing universal health coverage to Big Sky Country. Schweitzer is not the first U.S. governor to stump for a state-funded health care system. Earlier this year, Gov. Peter Shumlin (D-Vt.) signed Green Mountain Care into law and began moving his state ...
Sally C. Pipes
October 17, 2011
Democrats’ Plan B For Medicare: Medicare For All
Last month, ObamaCare was dealt another huge blow. On August 12, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta ruled that the law’s requirement that all adults purchase health insurance was unconstitutional. The court determined that the government isn’t empowered to force private citizens to buy a ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 6, 2011
Health Care
Bust or Bailout? The Future of Private Health Plans Under ObamaCare
A new research study released by the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a California-based free-market think tank, shows how ObamaCare threatens the solvency of private health plans, which will significantly reduce consumer choice and increase costs. The ultimate result will likely be either a massive taxpayer bailout of private health plans ...
John R. Graham
July 5, 2011
Business & Economics
Federal Health Reform and Stock Market Returns of Health Insurers
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) would not have passed without the support of business interests in the health sector. Stock prices of for-profit health plans have significantly outperformed the broader stock market since President Obamas election in 2008, but also since the Republican wave of 2010. ...
John R. Graham
June 15, 2011
Single Payer Health Care Systems, Multiple Health Care Disasters
Democrats have recently seized on a novel way of reducing health care costs threats. The Obama Administrations Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently announced that any insurance company that wants to increase premiums more than 10% will have to get approval from the government. Congress didnt pass ...
Sally C. Pipes
June 6, 2011
If Health Spending is Increasing Slower, Why Are Premiums Rising Faster?
Key Points: The rate of increase in private health spending has dropped significantly since the financial crisis hit in 2008, although government programs like Medicare and Medicaid have continued along their unsustainable path. However, administrative costs and private premiums began to increase immediately upon President Obama’s enacting the Patient Protection ...
Rejecting health-care exchanges
The Internal Revenue Service recently held a hearing that could have major ramifications for Obamacare’s much-ballyhooed insurance exchanges. The agency is trying to change the way the federal government hands out subsidies through the exchanges. There’s one problem, though — the IRS doesn’t have the power to rewrite the law. ...
Over Regulation Reduces Choice in Health Insurance: An Update Health Policy Prescription
Key Points: Obamacare, signed in March 2010, has not reduced the rate of growth of health-insurance premiums, which increased by 20 percent in the small group market between 2008 and 2010. Obamacare subsidizes states to increase political control of health-insurance premiums, although there continues to be no evidence that such ...
The Ugly Realities Of Socialized Medicine Are Not Going Away
The worldwide recession has forced countries around the world to curb public spending or risk defaulting on their debt. The United Kingdom is the latest to tighten its belt. The National Health Service (NHS) the centralized public agency that runs Britains government healthcare system is being forced ...
Shopping for Health Coverage Versus Shopping for Health Care
As I read the spirited debate over whether Obamacare will drive health insurers out of business (here and here), I wonder if we need to bring the discussion back to fundamentals: The key problem with U.S health insurance is that there is too much of it whether provided by ...
Seal the Borders Against Canadian Health Care
Gov. Brian Schweitzer (D-Mont.) recently announced his aspirations for bringing universal health coverage to Big Sky Country. Schweitzer is not the first U.S. governor to stump for a state-funded health care system. Earlier this year, Gov. Peter Shumlin (D-Vt.) signed Green Mountain Care into law and began moving his state ...
Democrats’ Plan B For Medicare: Medicare For All
Last month, ObamaCare was dealt another huge blow. On August 12, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta ruled that the law’s requirement that all adults purchase health insurance was unconstitutional. The court determined that the government isn’t empowered to force private citizens to buy a ...
Bust or Bailout? The Future of Private Health Plans Under ObamaCare
A new research study released by the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a California-based free-market think tank, shows how ObamaCare threatens the solvency of private health plans, which will significantly reduce consumer choice and increase costs. The ultimate result will likely be either a massive taxpayer bailout of private health plans ...
Federal Health Reform and Stock Market Returns of Health Insurers
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) would not have passed without the support of business interests in the health sector. Stock prices of for-profit health plans have significantly outperformed the broader stock market since President Obamas election in 2008, but also since the Republican wave of 2010. ...
Single Payer Health Care Systems, Multiple Health Care Disasters
Democrats have recently seized on a novel way of reducing health care costs threats. The Obama Administrations Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently announced that any insurance company that wants to increase premiums more than 10% will have to get approval from the government. Congress didnt pass ...