Insurance mergers: Weddings mean funeral for health care
Merging insurance companies could be a disaster for U.S. health care. Welcome to Unholy Matrimony: Healthcare Edition. Insurance giant Aetna has made an offer to combine with Humana, and Anthem has bid to buy Cigna. If regulators allow these multibillion-dollar deals to go through, three corporate behemoths will dominate the ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 24, 2015
Still plagued by scandal, VA needs market reforms
The Department of Veterans Affairs just got another black eye — this time from its own internal auditor. The VA’s inspector general reported earlier this month that the applications of nearly 900,000 veterans for health care were still “pending.” The agency’s record-keeping is so bad that one-third of those applicants ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 15, 2015
Is the VA Getting Any Better?
The Department of Veterans Affairs just got another black eye — this time from its own internal auditor. Last week, the VA’s Inspector General reported that the applications of nearly 900,000 veterans for health care were still “pending.” The agency’s record-keeping is so bad that one-third of those applicants may, ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 14, 2015
Mega-Merger Madness
The health insurance industry is undergoing breathtaking consolidation. Industry giant Anthem recently struck a $54 billion deal to buy rival Cigna. If approved, the merger would create the largest insurance company in the United States, serving more than 53 million Americans. The deal comes after Aetna announced it would buy ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 8, 2015
Walker Trumps the GOP Presidential Field in Healthcare Reform
Donald Trump may lead the Republican presidential candidates in the polls today. But he doesn’t lead the pack in ideas for how to replace Obamacare. At the recent GOP debate, Trump said he believed in single-payer healthcare. “It works in Canada. It works incredibly well in Scotland.” The business mogul ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 8, 2015
Here’s Why States Must Resist The Temptation To Expand Medicaid
Last week, Alaska became the 30th state to expand Medicaid with federal funding from the Affordable Care Act. “Alaska and Alaskans cannot wait any longer,” said Gov. Bill Walker. “We‘re not going to step away from this opportunity to help fellow Alaskans, period.” Some “help.” Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion is saddling ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 28, 2015
We all deserve better than single-payer health care
A new report from the Government Accountability Office has confirmed that the Department of Veterans Affairs can’t take care of those it’s supposed to serve. The GAO has placed the VA’s health system on the “high risk” list of federal programs that are vulnerable to “fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement.” ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 12, 2015
No, Really — Employer Health Insurance Is Better Than Government Care
Who knew the cost disparities between employer and government health insurance could be so exciting? Last week, Princeton economics professor Uwe Reinhardt took issue with my July 28 column Employer Health Insurance: A Bargain Compared to Government-Sponsored Coverage. In my piece, I unpacked the numbers from a new American ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 14, 2014
Wait times and single-payer health care
The Veterans Affairs scandal may seem like it can’t get any worse – yet bad news continues to mount. An audit of the VA hospital system has revealed that over 57,000 patients have been forced to wait at least 90 days for an appointment. More than 63,000 patients in the ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 4, 2014
The false promise of single-payer healthcare
Government-run, single-payer health care is back in vogue. Its the lefts favored fallback as ObamaCare fails. And the Senate just held a hearing on single-payer systems in other countries with no shortage of witnesses touting the supposed benefits. As ObamaCare continues to disappoint, some states are pushing for a ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 16, 2014
Insurance mergers: Weddings mean funeral for health care
Merging insurance companies could be a disaster for U.S. health care. Welcome to Unholy Matrimony: Healthcare Edition. Insurance giant Aetna has made an offer to combine with Humana, and Anthem has bid to buy Cigna. If regulators allow these multibillion-dollar deals to go through, three corporate behemoths will dominate the ...
Still plagued by scandal, VA needs market reforms
The Department of Veterans Affairs just got another black eye — this time from its own internal auditor. The VA’s inspector general reported earlier this month that the applications of nearly 900,000 veterans for health care were still “pending.” The agency’s record-keeping is so bad that one-third of those applicants ...
Is the VA Getting Any Better?
The Department of Veterans Affairs just got another black eye — this time from its own internal auditor. Last week, the VA’s Inspector General reported that the applications of nearly 900,000 veterans for health care were still “pending.” The agency’s record-keeping is so bad that one-third of those applicants may, ...
Mega-Merger Madness
The health insurance industry is undergoing breathtaking consolidation. Industry giant Anthem recently struck a $54 billion deal to buy rival Cigna. If approved, the merger would create the largest insurance company in the United States, serving more than 53 million Americans. The deal comes after Aetna announced it would buy ...
Walker Trumps the GOP Presidential Field in Healthcare Reform
Donald Trump may lead the Republican presidential candidates in the polls today. But he doesn’t lead the pack in ideas for how to replace Obamacare. At the recent GOP debate, Trump said he believed in single-payer healthcare. “It works in Canada. It works incredibly well in Scotland.” The business mogul ...
Here’s Why States Must Resist The Temptation To Expand Medicaid
Last week, Alaska became the 30th state to expand Medicaid with federal funding from the Affordable Care Act. “Alaska and Alaskans cannot wait any longer,” said Gov. Bill Walker. “We‘re not going to step away from this opportunity to help fellow Alaskans, period.” Some “help.” Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion is saddling ...
We all deserve better than single-payer health care
A new report from the Government Accountability Office has confirmed that the Department of Veterans Affairs can’t take care of those it’s supposed to serve. The GAO has placed the VA’s health system on the “high risk” list of federal programs that are vulnerable to “fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement.” ...
No, Really — Employer Health Insurance Is Better Than Government Care
Who knew the cost disparities between employer and government health insurance could be so exciting? Last week, Princeton economics professor Uwe Reinhardt took issue with my July 28 column Employer Health Insurance: A Bargain Compared to Government-Sponsored Coverage. In my piece, I unpacked the numbers from a new American ...
Wait times and single-payer health care
The Veterans Affairs scandal may seem like it can’t get any worse – yet bad news continues to mount. An audit of the VA hospital system has revealed that over 57,000 patients have been forced to wait at least 90 days for an appointment. More than 63,000 patients in the ...
The false promise of single-payer healthcare
Government-run, single-payer health care is back in vogue. Its the lefts favored fallback as ObamaCare fails. And the Senate just held a hearing on single-payer systems in other countries with no shortage of witnesses touting the supposed benefits. As ObamaCare continues to disappoint, some states are pushing for a ...