‘Universal Coverage’ Puts Lives In Danger
Days before assuming office, President Trump commented that his as-yet-undisclosed replacement for ObamaCare — which he says will be released following the confirmation of Dr. Tom Price as Secretary of Health and Human Services — would provide “insurance for everybody.” It’s no mystery why. Who could oppose universal insurance coverage? Unfortunately, the ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 3, 2017
WashPost Op-Ed: Obamacare Repeal Will Kill 43,000 People A Year
According to a recent January 31 Bloomberg Politics article, conservatives are fuming over the slow pace of the Obamacare repeal effort. But if you believe the Washington Post, the sky will fall if it is repealed. Even the esteemed Congressional Budget Office, according to Joel Zinberg of the American Enteprise ...
Christian Robey
February 2, 2017
The VA Doesn’t Need Protection — It Needs Competition
It takes a special kind of dishonesty to defend the Department of Veterans Affairs’ scandal-plagued health system. Yet that’s exactly what Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., veterans groups, and the Obama administration are doing in response to a modest proposal from the Trump transition team. A Trump official recently suggested that ...
Sally C. Pipes
January 9, 2017
Health Care
Post-Election Top Policy Changes To Watch In 2017
While every new year brings change, with Donald Trump elected to become the next president and the U.S. House and Senate both having Republican majorities, managed healthcare executives will see more changes than usual in 2017—beginning with repealing and replacing most of the provisions in the Affordable Care Act (ACA). ...
Karen Appold
January 2, 2017
Forging A Post-Obamacare Health Policy Debate
The end of Obamacare is near. But while Republican lawmakers plan on repealing the law early in 2017, they may take as long as three years to finalize Obamacare’s replacement. In other words, the debate over the future of America’s health system is just beginning. Democrats are certain to use ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 12, 2016
VA’s Single-Payer Disease Has No Cure
The Department of Veterans Affairs’ beleaguered health-care system remains on life support, more than two years after President Obama promised to fix it. According to a new federal report on the Phoenix VA, 215 veterans recently died while awaiting consults with specialists at the facility. One patient’s death could have ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 21, 2016
VA Is A Cautionary Tale On Single Payer
A rookie congressman has an idea for how to fix the Department of Veterans Affairs’ beleaguered health care system. His solution? Forcing his fellow lawmakers to sign up. The “Lead by Example Act,” introduced last month by Ohio Republican Warren Davidson, mandates that lawmakers and congressional staffers get their medical ...
Sally C. Pipes
October 20, 2016
Trump And Clinton’s Healthcare Debate Was No Contest
Donald Trump’s penchant for brusque remarks came in handy during the second presidential debate, eight days ago. When the discussion turned to the president’s health law, the GOP candidate’s message was clear: “Obamacare is a disaster. You know it. We all know it.” Only Hillary’s own spouse put it better, ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 17, 2016
The ‘Public Option’ Is Just Single-Payer on the Installment Plan
Obamacare’s government-run insurance markets are collapsing. Insurers are losing millions of dollars — and proposing double-digit premium hikes combined with high deductibles to try to stanch the bleeding. It’s no wonder that exchange enrollment is roughly half what the Congressional Budget Office predicted. So what’s the left’s answer to this ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 6, 2016
How Hillary Plans To Triple Down On ObamaCare’s Failures
This month, three leading Democrats signaled where they’d like to take the U.S. health care system in the post-Obama era — and that’s back to the future. President Obama called for a “public option” — that is, an insurance plan wholly run by the government — after he leaves office. ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 26, 2016
‘Universal Coverage’ Puts Lives In Danger
Days before assuming office, President Trump commented that his as-yet-undisclosed replacement for ObamaCare — which he says will be released following the confirmation of Dr. Tom Price as Secretary of Health and Human Services — would provide “insurance for everybody.” It’s no mystery why. Who could oppose universal insurance coverage? Unfortunately, the ...
WashPost Op-Ed: Obamacare Repeal Will Kill 43,000 People A Year
According to a recent January 31 Bloomberg Politics article, conservatives are fuming over the slow pace of the Obamacare repeal effort. But if you believe the Washington Post, the sky will fall if it is repealed. Even the esteemed Congressional Budget Office, according to Joel Zinberg of the American Enteprise ...
The VA Doesn’t Need Protection — It Needs Competition
It takes a special kind of dishonesty to defend the Department of Veterans Affairs’ scandal-plagued health system. Yet that’s exactly what Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., veterans groups, and the Obama administration are doing in response to a modest proposal from the Trump transition team. A Trump official recently suggested that ...
Post-Election Top Policy Changes To Watch In 2017
While every new year brings change, with Donald Trump elected to become the next president and the U.S. House and Senate both having Republican majorities, managed healthcare executives will see more changes than usual in 2017—beginning with repealing and replacing most of the provisions in the Affordable Care Act (ACA). ...
Forging A Post-Obamacare Health Policy Debate
The end of Obamacare is near. But while Republican lawmakers plan on repealing the law early in 2017, they may take as long as three years to finalize Obamacare’s replacement. In other words, the debate over the future of America’s health system is just beginning. Democrats are certain to use ...
VA’s Single-Payer Disease Has No Cure
The Department of Veterans Affairs’ beleaguered health-care system remains on life support, more than two years after President Obama promised to fix it. According to a new federal report on the Phoenix VA, 215 veterans recently died while awaiting consults with specialists at the facility. One patient’s death could have ...
VA Is A Cautionary Tale On Single Payer
A rookie congressman has an idea for how to fix the Department of Veterans Affairs’ beleaguered health care system. His solution? Forcing his fellow lawmakers to sign up. The “Lead by Example Act,” introduced last month by Ohio Republican Warren Davidson, mandates that lawmakers and congressional staffers get their medical ...
Trump And Clinton’s Healthcare Debate Was No Contest
Donald Trump’s penchant for brusque remarks came in handy during the second presidential debate, eight days ago. When the discussion turned to the president’s health law, the GOP candidate’s message was clear: “Obamacare is a disaster. You know it. We all know it.” Only Hillary’s own spouse put it better, ...
The ‘Public Option’ Is Just Single-Payer on the Installment Plan
Obamacare’s government-run insurance markets are collapsing. Insurers are losing millions of dollars — and proposing double-digit premium hikes combined with high deductibles to try to stanch the bleeding. It’s no wonder that exchange enrollment is roughly half what the Congressional Budget Office predicted. So what’s the left’s answer to this ...
How Hillary Plans To Triple Down On ObamaCare’s Failures
This month, three leading Democrats signaled where they’d like to take the U.S. health care system in the post-Obama era — and that’s back to the future. President Obama called for a “public option” — that is, an insurance plan wholly run by the government — after he leaves office. ...