

Democrats want a fully socialized healthcare system

The Inflation Reduction Act Was Only The Beginning

As it turns out, the fears that the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was simply another step toward a fully socialized healthcare system were well founded. For evidence, less than a year after the IRA was signed into law U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Peter Welch (D-VT) and 23 Democrat colleagues ...

Golden State Teeters on Edge of Healthcare Cliff

Democrats in the California Legislature are moving ahead with a new bid to impose single-payer health care in the Golden State. Last week, the Senate Health Committee green-lit SB 770 by a 7-2 margin. The measure holds Gov. Gavin Newsom to a set of deadlines for advancing his long-promised government takeover of ...

Canadian Court Bolsters Socialized Medicine, U.S. Should Worry

Private health insurance will remain off-limits for most Canadians, especially those in British Columbia. The Supreme Court of Canada just refused to hear an appeal challenging British Columbia’s ban on private coverage. It marks the end of a battle that Vancouver orthopedic surgeon Dr. Brian Day, founder of the successful private Cambie ...

California single-payer bill is incremental step to disaster

The California Senate will hold a hearing today on a bill that would lay the groundwork for a government takeover of the state’s health care system. Legislators have been trying to install single-payer health care for years. But this new effort has a better chance of advancing than its legislative ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes – It’s Baaack, Single-Payer Health Care in California

Our podcast guest this week is Sally Pipes, PRI president and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care. Sally discusses two health care bills that are wending their way through the legislature.

State Public Option Reforms Reveal Folly of Gov’t Healthcare

Over the last few years, several states have tried their hand at creating a “public option” health insurance plan. Their experiences offer a cautionary tale to those pushing for similar reforms at the federal level — as well as to states considering public options of their own. In its purest form, the ...

Flaws with Single-Payer

Editor’s note: Today’s blog is part two of a three part series featuring PRI’s CEO & President Sally Pipes’ health care speech delivered at Reason Weekend on March 18th.  Despite the obvious failures of Obamacare and Medicaid, Democrats still can’t get enough of public health care. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) ...

Read Why We Can't Afford Single-Payer

No ‘California Dreamin’ for Single Payer Healthcare

California is dreaming about a government takeover of health insurance once again. Earlier this month, state Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, introduced SB 770. The bill would seek a federal waiver to allow the state to use federal funds earmarked for Medicare and Medicaid to create a state-run health insurance system that ...

Britain Desperately Needs More Private Healthcare Options

Consultants at the British Medical Association are threatening to go on strike, citing pay cuts. They’d be joining a months-long series of walkouts by British medical staffers. Nurses with the country’s government-run National Health Service took to the picket lines in mid-December, January, and February. And while the British government plans to discuss ...

States Sad, Unhealthy Obsession Over Single-Payer Won’t End

Single-payer healthcare is back on the legislative agenda in New York, California, and Oregon. And just like previous efforts by state governments to take over their health insurance markets, these new ones are nothing to celebrate. Single-payer healthcare invariably leads to long waits for low-quality care, all paid for by ...

Democrats want a fully socialized healthcare system

The Inflation Reduction Act Was Only The Beginning

As it turns out, the fears that the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was simply another step toward a fully socialized healthcare system were well founded. For evidence, less than a year after the IRA was signed into law U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Peter Welch (D-VT) and 23 Democrat colleagues ...

Golden State Teeters on Edge of Healthcare Cliff

Democrats in the California Legislature are moving ahead with a new bid to impose single-payer health care in the Golden State. Last week, the Senate Health Committee green-lit SB 770 by a 7-2 margin. The measure holds Gov. Gavin Newsom to a set of deadlines for advancing his long-promised government takeover of ...

Canadian Court Bolsters Socialized Medicine, U.S. Should Worry

Private health insurance will remain off-limits for most Canadians, especially those in British Columbia. The Supreme Court of Canada just refused to hear an appeal challenging British Columbia’s ban on private coverage. It marks the end of a battle that Vancouver orthopedic surgeon Dr. Brian Day, founder of the successful private Cambie ...

California single-payer bill is incremental step to disaster

The California Senate will hold a hearing today on a bill that would lay the groundwork for a government takeover of the state’s health care system. Legislators have been trying to install single-payer health care for years. But this new effort has a better chance of advancing than its legislative ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes – It’s Baaack, Single-Payer Health Care in California

Our podcast guest this week is Sally Pipes, PRI president and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care. Sally discusses two health care bills that are wending their way through the legislature.

State Public Option Reforms Reveal Folly of Gov’t Healthcare

Over the last few years, several states have tried their hand at creating a “public option” health insurance plan. Their experiences offer a cautionary tale to those pushing for similar reforms at the federal level — as well as to states considering public options of their own. In its purest form, the ...

Flaws with Single-Payer

Editor’s note: Today’s blog is part two of a three part series featuring PRI’s CEO & President Sally Pipes’ health care speech delivered at Reason Weekend on March 18th.  Despite the obvious failures of Obamacare and Medicaid, Democrats still can’t get enough of public health care. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) ...

Read Why We Can't Afford Single-Payer

No ‘California Dreamin’ for Single Payer Healthcare

California is dreaming about a government takeover of health insurance once again. Earlier this month, state Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, introduced SB 770. The bill would seek a federal waiver to allow the state to use federal funds earmarked for Medicare and Medicaid to create a state-run health insurance system that ...

Britain Desperately Needs More Private Healthcare Options

Consultants at the British Medical Association are threatening to go on strike, citing pay cuts. They’d be joining a months-long series of walkouts by British medical staffers. Nurses with the country’s government-run National Health Service took to the picket lines in mid-December, January, and February. And while the British government plans to discuss ...

States Sad, Unhealthy Obsession Over Single-Payer Won’t End

Single-payer healthcare is back on the legislative agenda in New York, California, and Oregon. And just like previous efforts by state governments to take over their health insurance markets, these new ones are nothing to celebrate. Single-payer healthcare invariably leads to long waits for low-quality care, all paid for by ...
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