

In Progressive America, All Roads Lead to Single-Payer

Sens. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., and Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., recently introduced the “Choose Medicare Act,” which would give every American the option to buy into Medicare. Their colleagues have already rolled out three other bills that would provide for a more limited Medicare buy-in, a Medicaid buy-in, and a full-fledged, government-run, ...

Canadians Can’t Wait Any Longer For Healthcare Justice

Canada’s health care system is back on trial. Last month, a nine-year-old lawsuit challenging British Columbia’s prohibition on private health insurance and private payment for medical care resumed. Dr. Brian Day, an orthopedic surgeon who runs the private Cambie Surgery Centre in Vancouver, is leading the suit. He alleges that ...

State Study of Single-Payer Care Wastes $100,000

Washington is the latest state to contemplate a government takeover of its health care system. The Evergreen State’s legislature just allocated $100,000 for a “study of single-payer and universal coverage health care systems.” They may as well have lit that money on fire. Several other states have explored implementing single-payer ...

U.S. Seniors Deserve Better Than Canadian Health Care

Seven in 10 Democrats want to establish a Canada-style single-payer health care system. Progressive lawmakers are even more gung-ho. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has introduced a “Medicare for All” bill modeled on Canada’s system. Sixteen of his Democratic colleagues have co-sponsored it. Meanwhile, over 60 percent of Democrats in the ...

Canada’s Health Care Is Abysmal. Why Would We Copy It?

Americans have come down with single-payer fever. A whole 59% now back a national health plan, according to a March 2018 Kaiser Health Tracking Poll—way up from the 33% reported by the Pew Research Center in summer 2017. But the American people don’t really understand what supporting a single-payer plan means. For ...

Lieutenant Governor’s Race is a Political Chess Match

Candidates Sen. Ed Hernandez and Eleni Kounalakis One of the most hotly contested races this year is the race for Lieutenant Governor. Gavin Newsom once called the lieutenant governor’s office “a largely ceremonial post . . . with no real authority and no real portfolio.” Of course, that hasn’t stopped ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks Obamacare and Single-Payer on Bill Martinez Live

Listen PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy discuss the implosion of Obamacare and the march toward single-payer on the nationally-syndicated “Bill Martinez Live” radio program. The interview begins around the 47:00 mark.

What We’re Watching: Even Fabio Has Turned on California

There were simply too many great videos to choose from for this week’s “What We’re Watching”. Narrowing down our choices this week was as hard as the task faced by the judges on American Idol on Monday night having to cut down 5 contestants. For the record, I’m still upset ...

Job Killing Bills? Who Knew?

Last week, the California Chamber of Commerce came out with its annual list of Job Killer bills.  In putting together this list, the Chamber wanted to call attention to the negative impact these 21 bills have on the state’s job climate and economy should they become law.  But are Californians ...

Herding Cats and Moving the Ball Forward

Tim Anaya interviews Senate Republican Leader Patricia Bates at the State Capitol in Sacramento. Over the years, I had the opportunity to work for 9 consecutive Assembly Republican Leaders.  To say that leading the minority party in California is a great challenge is an understatement. Transitioning from being one Senator ...

In Progressive America, All Roads Lead to Single-Payer

Sens. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., and Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., recently introduced the “Choose Medicare Act,” which would give every American the option to buy into Medicare. Their colleagues have already rolled out three other bills that would provide for a more limited Medicare buy-in, a Medicaid buy-in, and a full-fledged, government-run, ...

Canadians Can’t Wait Any Longer For Healthcare Justice

Canada’s health care system is back on trial. Last month, a nine-year-old lawsuit challenging British Columbia’s prohibition on private health insurance and private payment for medical care resumed. Dr. Brian Day, an orthopedic surgeon who runs the private Cambie Surgery Centre in Vancouver, is leading the suit. He alleges that ...

State Study of Single-Payer Care Wastes $100,000

Washington is the latest state to contemplate a government takeover of its health care system. The Evergreen State’s legislature just allocated $100,000 for a “study of single-payer and universal coverage health care systems.” They may as well have lit that money on fire. Several other states have explored implementing single-payer ...

U.S. Seniors Deserve Better Than Canadian Health Care

Seven in 10 Democrats want to establish a Canada-style single-payer health care system. Progressive lawmakers are even more gung-ho. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has introduced a “Medicare for All” bill modeled on Canada’s system. Sixteen of his Democratic colleagues have co-sponsored it. Meanwhile, over 60 percent of Democrats in the ...

Canada’s Health Care Is Abysmal. Why Would We Copy It?

Americans have come down with single-payer fever. A whole 59% now back a national health plan, according to a March 2018 Kaiser Health Tracking Poll—way up from the 33% reported by the Pew Research Center in summer 2017. But the American people don’t really understand what supporting a single-payer plan means. For ...

Lieutenant Governor’s Race is a Political Chess Match

Candidates Sen. Ed Hernandez and Eleni Kounalakis One of the most hotly contested races this year is the race for Lieutenant Governor. Gavin Newsom once called the lieutenant governor’s office “a largely ceremonial post . . . with no real authority and no real portfolio.” Of course, that hasn’t stopped ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks Obamacare and Single-Payer on Bill Martinez Live

Listen PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy discuss the implosion of Obamacare and the march toward single-payer on the nationally-syndicated “Bill Martinez Live” radio program. The interview begins around the 47:00 mark.

What We’re Watching: Even Fabio Has Turned on California

There were simply too many great videos to choose from for this week’s “What We’re Watching”. Narrowing down our choices this week was as hard as the task faced by the judges on American Idol on Monday night having to cut down 5 contestants. For the record, I’m still upset ...

Job Killing Bills? Who Knew?

Last week, the California Chamber of Commerce came out with its annual list of Job Killer bills.  In putting together this list, the Chamber wanted to call attention to the negative impact these 21 bills have on the state’s job climate and economy should they become law.  But are Californians ...

Herding Cats and Moving the Ball Forward

Tim Anaya interviews Senate Republican Leader Patricia Bates at the State Capitol in Sacramento. Over the years, I had the opportunity to work for 9 consecutive Assembly Republican Leaders.  To say that leading the minority party in California is a great challenge is an understatement. Transitioning from being one Senator ...
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