

Checking In On New York’s (Health Care) State Of Mind

Empire State progressives are giddy about the prospect of passing a single-payer health care bill in 2019. Every year for the past four years, the liberal State Assembly has approved the New York Health Act, which would establish a statewide single-payer plan. But the bill always died in the State Senate, ...

New Study Championing Medicare for All Is Bogus

Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2017 Medicare for All bill (S.1804) would guarantee exceptional care to all Americans while reducing health spending by $5.11 trillion. At least that’s what a new study from researchers at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst’s Political Economy Research Institute, which is co-directed by Professor Robert Pollin, claims. Sound too good ...

Meet the Trumpelschumers

Reality TV doesn’t get any better than the recent Oval Office brawl with Trump, Pelosi, and Schumer duking it out over border security. The media made much of it: “pitched partisan argument” (Politico), “testy confrontation” (New York Times), “political fireworks” (ABC).  The days of smiling, comfy, fireside photo-ops may be ...

Fighting for California’s Free-Market Future

There’s a popular saying we are all familiar with, and it rings truer each time I hear it: “As California goes, so goes the nation.” If you want to know the policy battles America and the other states will soon be fighting, look no further than Sacramento. From the push ...

New Year’s Resolutions The California Legislature Should (But Probably Won’t) Make

Going into a new year, many of us use the occasion to start fresh, forget about the old, and resolve to improve our lives. If lawmakers are open to suggestions, here are some New Year’s resolutions the California Senate and Assembly should make: Abolish the California Environmental Quality Act. Why ...

Under Medicare for All, government may micromanage your pizza order

Medicare for All could mean pizza for none. It sounds ridiculous. But look at what’s happening in the United Kingdom, where the government runs the health system. To combat the country’s obesity epidemic, British officials just proposed limiting the number of calories permitted in thousands of foods sold in restaurants ...

Tim Rice – Could New York’s Single-Payer Plan Be Exported to California?

Tim Rice, deputy director for health policy at the Manhattan Institute, joins us to talk about their new study on New York’s single-payer health care proposal and whether the same type of plan could become reality in California. We also discuss other healthcare topics including President Trump’s plan to bring ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes featured in Fierce Healthcare story on Canadian health care wait times

Study highlights long wait times in Canada under single-payer system. Does that make it a bad idea for U.S.? by Joanne Finnegan The idea of a single-payer health system has been gaining ground among the general U.S. population and among doctors. However, a new study focused on the long wait times ...

Sally Pipes Receives “Beacon of Light” Americanism Award

PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes recently was honored by the Thousand Oaks Republican Womens Federated with the “Beacon of Light” Americanism Award. Pipes was recognized for her efforts to educate Americans on the false promises of single-payer health care. Watch ...
Business & Economics

Redefining Presidential Failure As Success

While success still has many fathers, failure is no longer an orphan. President Obama’s recent speeches and rallies demonstrate that, now, failure is simply redefined as success. The costs from this revisionism is high. Creating false narratives encourage policies that will harm economic prosperity and impose large economic hardships on ...

Checking In On New York’s (Health Care) State Of Mind

Empire State progressives are giddy about the prospect of passing a single-payer health care bill in 2019. Every year for the past four years, the liberal State Assembly has approved the New York Health Act, which would establish a statewide single-payer plan. But the bill always died in the State Senate, ...

New Study Championing Medicare for All Is Bogus

Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2017 Medicare for All bill (S.1804) would guarantee exceptional care to all Americans while reducing health spending by $5.11 trillion. At least that’s what a new study from researchers at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst’s Political Economy Research Institute, which is co-directed by Professor Robert Pollin, claims. Sound too good ...

Meet the Trumpelschumers

Reality TV doesn’t get any better than the recent Oval Office brawl with Trump, Pelosi, and Schumer duking it out over border security. The media made much of it: “pitched partisan argument” (Politico), “testy confrontation” (New York Times), “political fireworks” (ABC).  The days of smiling, comfy, fireside photo-ops may be ...

Fighting for California’s Free-Market Future

There’s a popular saying we are all familiar with, and it rings truer each time I hear it: “As California goes, so goes the nation.” If you want to know the policy battles America and the other states will soon be fighting, look no further than Sacramento. From the push ...

New Year’s Resolutions The California Legislature Should (But Probably Won’t) Make

Going into a new year, many of us use the occasion to start fresh, forget about the old, and resolve to improve our lives. If lawmakers are open to suggestions, here are some New Year’s resolutions the California Senate and Assembly should make: Abolish the California Environmental Quality Act. Why ...

Under Medicare for All, government may micromanage your pizza order

Medicare for All could mean pizza for none. It sounds ridiculous. But look at what’s happening in the United Kingdom, where the government runs the health system. To combat the country’s obesity epidemic, British officials just proposed limiting the number of calories permitted in thousands of foods sold in restaurants ...

Tim Rice – Could New York’s Single-Payer Plan Be Exported to California?

Tim Rice, deputy director for health policy at the Manhattan Institute, joins us to talk about their new study on New York’s single-payer health care proposal and whether the same type of plan could become reality in California. We also discuss other healthcare topics including President Trump’s plan to bring ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes featured in Fierce Healthcare story on Canadian health care wait times

Study highlights long wait times in Canada under single-payer system. Does that make it a bad idea for U.S.? by Joanne Finnegan The idea of a single-payer health system has been gaining ground among the general U.S. population and among doctors. However, a new study focused on the long wait times ...

Sally Pipes Receives “Beacon of Light” Americanism Award

PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes recently was honored by the Thousand Oaks Republican Womens Federated with the “Beacon of Light” Americanism Award. Pipes was recognized for her efforts to educate Americans on the false promises of single-payer health care. Watch ...
Business & Economics

Redefining Presidential Failure As Success

While success still has many fathers, failure is no longer an orphan. President Obama’s recent speeches and rallies demonstrate that, now, failure is simply redefined as success. The costs from this revisionism is high. Creating false narratives encourage policies that will harm economic prosperity and impose large economic hardships on ...
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