

Governor’s health care proposal puts politics before patients

In California, politics is taking precedence over patients. That’s the only conclusion to draw from Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recently released health care plan. He’s looking to impose price controls on prescription drugs. He’d like to expand Medicaid to undocumented immigrants up to the age of 26. He’s called for re-imposing ...

Democratic 2020 Hopefuls: All Roads Lead To Single-Payer

The Democratic Party’s presidential hopefuls are diverse in all ways but one — their stance on healthcare reform. The front-runners want to eliminate private insurance and put everyone on a government-run plan. But that’s not something they’ve been enthusiastic about revealing to voters. Senator Elizabeth Warren recently refused to say whether she would ...

You should absolutely believe Kamala Harris: ‘Medicare for All’ will kill your health insurance

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., wants to ban private health insurance. But if she can’t do that outright, she’s happy settling for a reform that will eventually take away private health coverage. Harris, who is pursuing the Democratic nomination for president in 2020, spoke honestly about her proposal for the healthcare ...

The GND: Glitter, Nonsense, and Devitalization

By Andrew I. Fillat and Henry I. Miller The latest public policy bandwagon is the “Green New Deal,” or GND, whose acronym could well stand for Glitter, Nonsense, and Devitalization. Some of its proposals are so outlandish that they would be more appropriate coming from enthusiastic (but not very smart) ...

Sally Pipes on Single-Payer Healthcare

Sally Pipes, president and CEO of PRI and PRI’s health care expert, discusses the future of single-payer health care, which is shaping up to be a hot political issue in the 2020 presidential elections.  She also talks about the future of single-payer in California, especially now that both houses and ...

New Polling Shows Free Market Ideas Still Hold Sway in Liberal California

The first weeks of 2019 have been dominated by the push from emboldened Sacramento liberals to enact measures increasing our tax burden, imposing new regulations on employers, and taking away some of our personal freedom. Most observers argue, based on the massive 2018 Democrat victories, that voters were giving a ...

Washington’s rude healthcare awakening

Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee wants to create a state-run health insurance plan to compete against private coverage on the Evergreen State’s Obamacare exchange. This plan, known as a “public option,” is a terrible idea. It’d be a boondoggle for taxpayers and open the door to a future single-payer system. Inslee claims a public ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Shares Truth About Single-Payer on Bill Martinez Live

PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Healthcare Policy Sally C. Pipes shares the truth about Medicare-for-All on the national “Bill Martinez Live” program.

‘Medicare-for-all’ means long waits for poor care, and Americans won’t go for it once they learn these facts

This week, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., one of the front-runners in the race for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, revealed her radical vision for American health care – outlawing private health insurance and putting the government in charge of the system. Harris, along with 15 of her Democratic colleagues, supports Sen. Bernie Sanders’, ...

Will Lawmakers Ever Be Held to Account For Their Legislative Malpractice?

California continues to rank last, or so near the bottom that it makes no difference, in quality-of-life lists, and it’s not quite clear if the news has made it to Sacramento yet. Because there are no efforts being made to turn things around. Instead, it seems the majority of lawmakers ...

Governor’s health care proposal puts politics before patients

In California, politics is taking precedence over patients. That’s the only conclusion to draw from Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recently released health care plan. He’s looking to impose price controls on prescription drugs. He’d like to expand Medicaid to undocumented immigrants up to the age of 26. He’s called for re-imposing ...

Democratic 2020 Hopefuls: All Roads Lead To Single-Payer

The Democratic Party’s presidential hopefuls are diverse in all ways but one — their stance on healthcare reform. The front-runners want to eliminate private insurance and put everyone on a government-run plan. But that’s not something they’ve been enthusiastic about revealing to voters. Senator Elizabeth Warren recently refused to say whether she would ...

You should absolutely believe Kamala Harris: ‘Medicare for All’ will kill your health insurance

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., wants to ban private health insurance. But if she can’t do that outright, she’s happy settling for a reform that will eventually take away private health coverage. Harris, who is pursuing the Democratic nomination for president in 2020, spoke honestly about her proposal for the healthcare ...

The GND: Glitter, Nonsense, and Devitalization

By Andrew I. Fillat and Henry I. Miller The latest public policy bandwagon is the “Green New Deal,” or GND, whose acronym could well stand for Glitter, Nonsense, and Devitalization. Some of its proposals are so outlandish that they would be more appropriate coming from enthusiastic (but not very smart) ...

Sally Pipes on Single-Payer Healthcare

Sally Pipes, president and CEO of PRI and PRI’s health care expert, discusses the future of single-payer health care, which is shaping up to be a hot political issue in the 2020 presidential elections.  She also talks about the future of single-payer in California, especially now that both houses and ...

New Polling Shows Free Market Ideas Still Hold Sway in Liberal California

The first weeks of 2019 have been dominated by the push from emboldened Sacramento liberals to enact measures increasing our tax burden, imposing new regulations on employers, and taking away some of our personal freedom. Most observers argue, based on the massive 2018 Democrat victories, that voters were giving a ...

Washington’s rude healthcare awakening

Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee wants to create a state-run health insurance plan to compete against private coverage on the Evergreen State’s Obamacare exchange. This plan, known as a “public option,” is a terrible idea. It’d be a boondoggle for taxpayers and open the door to a future single-payer system. Inslee claims a public ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Shares Truth About Single-Payer on Bill Martinez Live

PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Healthcare Policy Sally C. Pipes shares the truth about Medicare-for-All on the national “Bill Martinez Live” program.

‘Medicare-for-all’ means long waits for poor care, and Americans won’t go for it once they learn these facts

This week, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., one of the front-runners in the race for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, revealed her radical vision for American health care – outlawing private health insurance and putting the government in charge of the system. Harris, along with 15 of her Democratic colleagues, supports Sen. Bernie Sanders’, ...

Will Lawmakers Ever Be Held to Account For Their Legislative Malpractice?

California continues to rank last, or so near the bottom that it makes no difference, in quality-of-life lists, and it’s not quite clear if the news has made it to Sacramento yet. Because there are no efforts being made to turn things around. Instead, it seems the majority of lawmakers ...
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