Health Care

Health Care

PRI Single-Payer Poll Watch – Update

Health care continues to be one of the most contentious public policy issues in the United States. Close to a decade after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, public sentiment continues to evolve: more government control or less? To inform the public on the latest sentiment, PRI has compiled ...

Distance and Online-Learning Options for Parents and Children During COVID-19

Listen to a special presentation of PRI’s webinar featuring a panel of policy experts, education specialists, and homeschooling practitioners discussing the coronavirus impact on education in the United States. They discuss the many options available to parents, how to make good decisions as to what will best meet the needs ...

The coronavirus recession is no excuse for Medicaid expansion

House Democrats are looking to funnel billions of dollars into state Medicaid programs through the HEROES Act, which narrowly passed the lower chamber in mid-May. The $45 billion they’re promising may sound like a godsend to states staring at huge budget deficits in the wake of the recession caused by the coronavirus pandemic. But Medicaid ...

Assembly’s Festivus-Style ‘Airing of Grievances’ Does Not Disappoint

In my last blog post, I previewed the Assembly’s unusual “Committee of the Whole” hearing on the state budget, comparing it to Seinfeld’s Festivus “Airing of Grievances.” Little did I know how clairvoyant I really was. Last Tuesday’s five hour session could charitably be called a “gripe fest” as lawmakers ...

Metadata Meets COVID-19

By Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D. and Andrew I. Fillat ‘Metadata” might sound like something that “Star Trek‘s” Spock would oversee, but it is real and increasingly familiar, as the result of stories about wiretaps and security. The easiest-to-understand example of it is information about the time, duration, originating number, and ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Discusses Single-Payer Push with Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs

Watch PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy discuss the push for single-payer during the COVID-19 crisis and her new book (False Premise, False Promise:  The Disastrous Reality of Medicare for All) on a virtual webinar with the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs.

Dr. Henry Miller Discusses Hydroxychloroquine Trials for Coronavirus Treatment with Lars Larson

Listen to Dr. Henry Miller, PRI senior fellow in health studies, discuss the move by the WHO to pause hydroxychloroquine trials for Coronavirus treatment on the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show. TheLarsLarsonShow · Dr. Henry Miller – WHO pauses hydroxychloroquine trials for Coronavirus treatment

Smoothing the Bumpy Road to Reopening

By Henry I. Miller and Andrew Fillat Every day seems to bring some new, unexpected, unpleasant revelation about the SARS-CoV-2 and the illness it causes, COVID-19. The infection has a long, often asymptomatic incubation period, high transmissibility, the ability to infect many human tissues, and, frequently, rapid deterioration of the ...

Newsom’s Executive Orders Are Too Much for State Lawmakers

California, like the rest of country, is slowly opening cities and counties after more than two months of shelter-in-place and stay-at-home orders. California Governor Gavin Newsom has been the unequivocal face of the pandemic response. As the state legislature prepares to vote on a trimmed-down budget in June, the governor’s ...

Colorado Gets A Reprieve From The Public Option. All Americans Should Be So Lucky.

Amid the COVID-19 crisis, Colorado lawmakers have shelved their plan to overhaul the state’s healthcare system and implement a public health insurance option. Coloradans should count their blessings—for now, at least. The proposed “Colorado Option” would have curtailed access to quality care, particularly in rural areas. Even as Colorado’s leaders are backing ...
Health Care

PRI Single-Payer Poll Watch – Update

Health care continues to be one of the most contentious public policy issues in the United States. Close to a decade after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, public sentiment continues to evolve: more government control or less? To inform the public on the latest sentiment, PRI has compiled ...

Distance and Online-Learning Options for Parents and Children During COVID-19

Listen to a special presentation of PRI’s webinar featuring a panel of policy experts, education specialists, and homeschooling practitioners discussing the coronavirus impact on education in the United States. They discuss the many options available to parents, how to make good decisions as to what will best meet the needs ...

The coronavirus recession is no excuse for Medicaid expansion

House Democrats are looking to funnel billions of dollars into state Medicaid programs through the HEROES Act, which narrowly passed the lower chamber in mid-May. The $45 billion they’re promising may sound like a godsend to states staring at huge budget deficits in the wake of the recession caused by the coronavirus pandemic. But Medicaid ...

Assembly’s Festivus-Style ‘Airing of Grievances’ Does Not Disappoint

In my last blog post, I previewed the Assembly’s unusual “Committee of the Whole” hearing on the state budget, comparing it to Seinfeld’s Festivus “Airing of Grievances.” Little did I know how clairvoyant I really was. Last Tuesday’s five hour session could charitably be called a “gripe fest” as lawmakers ...

Metadata Meets COVID-19

By Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D. and Andrew I. Fillat ‘Metadata” might sound like something that “Star Trek‘s” Spock would oversee, but it is real and increasingly familiar, as the result of stories about wiretaps and security. The easiest-to-understand example of it is information about the time, duration, originating number, and ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Discusses Single-Payer Push with Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs

Watch PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy discuss the push for single-payer during the COVID-19 crisis and her new book (False Premise, False Promise:  The Disastrous Reality of Medicare for All) on a virtual webinar with the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs.

Dr. Henry Miller Discusses Hydroxychloroquine Trials for Coronavirus Treatment with Lars Larson

Listen to Dr. Henry Miller, PRI senior fellow in health studies, discuss the move by the WHO to pause hydroxychloroquine trials for Coronavirus treatment on the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show. TheLarsLarsonShow · Dr. Henry Miller – WHO pauses hydroxychloroquine trials for Coronavirus treatment

Smoothing the Bumpy Road to Reopening

By Henry I. Miller and Andrew Fillat Every day seems to bring some new, unexpected, unpleasant revelation about the SARS-CoV-2 and the illness it causes, COVID-19. The infection has a long, often asymptomatic incubation period, high transmissibility, the ability to infect many human tissues, and, frequently, rapid deterioration of the ...

Newsom’s Executive Orders Are Too Much for State Lawmakers

California, like the rest of country, is slowly opening cities and counties after more than two months of shelter-in-place and stay-at-home orders. California Governor Gavin Newsom has been the unequivocal face of the pandemic response. As the state legislature prepares to vote on a trimmed-down budget in June, the governor’s ...

Colorado Gets A Reprieve From The Public Option. All Americans Should Be So Lucky.

Amid the COVID-19 crisis, Colorado lawmakers have shelved their plan to overhaul the state’s healthcare system and implement a public health insurance option. Coloradans should count their blessings—for now, at least. The proposed “Colorado Option” would have curtailed access to quality care, particularly in rural areas. Even as Colorado’s leaders are backing ...
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