Health Care


Valuing Innovative Drugs Based On Their Cost Of Manufacturing Will Prolong The Covid-19 Pandemic

The value of innovative medicines has absolutely nothing to do with its cost of production. Yet, not only does this myth persist, it appears to be growing. In the latest example, an article in the Journal of Virus Eradication claims that drugs being repurposed in the hopes they might be effective treatments for ...

What We’re Watching – August 14

Tim Anaya – Reforming Patient Costs at the Pharmacy In the latest video in the Pacific Research Institute “Escape the Drug Pricing Maze” series, the Professor and Pete must collect 3 keys to finally escape the drug pricing maze. The first key involves reforms to increase drug affordability for patients ...

Kamala Harris’s harrowing healthcare history

Sen. Kamala Harris will be the Democratic Party’s nominee for vice president, we learned on Tuesday. The pick appears to be in line with former Vice President Joe Biden’s semi-moderate instincts. But on healthcare, Harris has proved anything but moderate. She has a long track record of support for government-run healthcare. ...

Dr. Henry Miller Talks Supposed Russia COVID-19 vaccine on the Lars Larson Show

Dr. Henry Miller joins the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show to get an update on everything COVID-19. Miller and Larson discuss the status of Operation Warp Speed, the Trump Administration’s initiative to develop a coronavirus vaccine. Miller explains that the FDA said they will be very transparent as data and testing ...

Watch PRI Webinar on Craft Beer, COVID, and Distilleries

On our latest webinar, PRI brings together distillery owners, craft brewers, and licensing experts to examine the impact that COVID-19 has had on the production of our favorite cocktails and beers. The craft beer and distillery industry is one that has seen incredible disruption, with states and counties opening and ...

Another coronavirus lockdown would hurt these patients and providers

Last week, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci urged states with rising COVID-19 rates to consider a new round of lockdown restrictions. “You may need to pause, you may need to drop back a little bit,” Fauci said. “I don’t think you necessarily have to revert to go all the way ...

Instead of Fining Businesses Government Should Get Its Own House in Order

Last month the state of California began enforcing its expensive and heavy-handed new business privacy laws despite the economic burdens already borne by business because of COVID-19 and the government’s shut down of the economy. At $55 billion in compliance costs with the threat of millions more in penalties and ...

“Chapter 1: Health Care is Not a Right” – Get a Free Chapter of Sally Pipes’ Book

[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Proponents of a government-run health care system – such as a Medicare-for-All plan promoted by Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or a stepping stone to single-payer like a “public option” promoted by former Vice President Joe Biden – start from the premise ...

Dems use coronavirus to push ‘Medicare-for-all,’ but their ploy is based on bad information

More than 5 million Americans have lost their employer-sponsored health insurance due to coronavirus-related unemployment, according to a new study from FamiliesUSA. In response, Democrats are renewing their push for “Medicare-for-all”. Just this week, 360 Democratic delegates promised to vote against any party platform that doesn’t endorse single-payer health care. In their formal petition, ...

COVID-19 makes routine vaccinations more important

As Americans eagerly anticipate a COVID-19 vaccine, there’s troubling new evidence that they’re failing to get inoculated against other infectious diseases. To get vaccination rates back where they need to be, policymakers must remind the public of the importance of routine immunizations and remove the regulatory barriers that make it ...

Valuing Innovative Drugs Based On Their Cost Of Manufacturing Will Prolong The Covid-19 Pandemic

The value of innovative medicines has absolutely nothing to do with its cost of production. Yet, not only does this myth persist, it appears to be growing. In the latest example, an article in the Journal of Virus Eradication claims that drugs being repurposed in the hopes they might be effective treatments for ...

What We’re Watching – August 14

Tim Anaya – Reforming Patient Costs at the Pharmacy In the latest video in the Pacific Research Institute “Escape the Drug Pricing Maze” series, the Professor and Pete must collect 3 keys to finally escape the drug pricing maze. The first key involves reforms to increase drug affordability for patients ...

Kamala Harris’s harrowing healthcare history

Sen. Kamala Harris will be the Democratic Party’s nominee for vice president, we learned on Tuesday. The pick appears to be in line with former Vice President Joe Biden’s semi-moderate instincts. But on healthcare, Harris has proved anything but moderate. She has a long track record of support for government-run healthcare. ...

Dr. Henry Miller Talks Supposed Russia COVID-19 vaccine on the Lars Larson Show

Dr. Henry Miller joins the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show to get an update on everything COVID-19. Miller and Larson discuss the status of Operation Warp Speed, the Trump Administration’s initiative to develop a coronavirus vaccine. Miller explains that the FDA said they will be very transparent as data and testing ...

Watch PRI Webinar on Craft Beer, COVID, and Distilleries

On our latest webinar, PRI brings together distillery owners, craft brewers, and licensing experts to examine the impact that COVID-19 has had on the production of our favorite cocktails and beers. The craft beer and distillery industry is one that has seen incredible disruption, with states and counties opening and ...

Another coronavirus lockdown would hurt these patients and providers

Last week, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci urged states with rising COVID-19 rates to consider a new round of lockdown restrictions. “You may need to pause, you may need to drop back a little bit,” Fauci said. “I don’t think you necessarily have to revert to go all the way ...

Instead of Fining Businesses Government Should Get Its Own House in Order

Last month the state of California began enforcing its expensive and heavy-handed new business privacy laws despite the economic burdens already borne by business because of COVID-19 and the government’s shut down of the economy. At $55 billion in compliance costs with the threat of millions more in penalties and ...

“Chapter 1: Health Care is Not a Right” – Get a Free Chapter of Sally Pipes’ Book

[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Proponents of a government-run health care system – such as a Medicare-for-All plan promoted by Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or a stepping stone to single-payer like a “public option” promoted by former Vice President Joe Biden – start from the premise ...

Dems use coronavirus to push ‘Medicare-for-all,’ but their ploy is based on bad information

More than 5 million Americans have lost their employer-sponsored health insurance due to coronavirus-related unemployment, according to a new study from FamiliesUSA. In response, Democrats are renewing their push for “Medicare-for-all”. Just this week, 360 Democratic delegates promised to vote against any party platform that doesn’t endorse single-payer health care. In their formal petition, ...

COVID-19 makes routine vaccinations more important

As Americans eagerly anticipate a COVID-19 vaccine, there’s troubling new evidence that they’re failing to get inoculated against other infectious diseases. To get vaccination rates back where they need to be, policymakers must remind the public of the importance of routine immunizations and remove the regulatory barriers that make it ...
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