Health Care


Covid-19 Lockdowns Brings Rise in Black Market

Media reports that some California businesses have gone underground during the pandemic lockdown should surprise no one. When politicians ban activities, both those accepted by society and those considered less honorable, they drive them into black markets. The desires and needs of our nature aren’t easy to legislate. Humans are ...

Sally Pipes in NorCal Record, “Concerns grow as California has used less than half of 5 million COVID-19 vaccines received”

By Sarah Downey, Northern California Record With California now predicting it could take months longer than anticipated to vaccinate people ages 65 and older, a health policy expert said a wider distribution network could improve efficacy and help the state advance further in its economic recovery. California has received nearly 5 million ...

Biden sets the stage for a radical health care agenda

President Joe Biden recently announced his picks to lead his administration’s approach to health care policy — and moderate they are not. Take his nominee to be Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra. He served in the House for 12 terms but has no on-the-ground experience in public ...

Let The Failures Of Government Vaccine Distribution Be A Warning

Last week, former FDA commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb suggested that we “hit the reset” button on Covid-19 vaccine distribution. That reset should include taking the government out of the equation. The government has largely failed to get life-saving vaccines into the arms of Americans. And the consequences are deadly. The government’s botched ...

It’s the Payment System

Effectively addressing the drug affordability problem requires an understanding of its causes. Toward this end, the rhetoric of Matt Eyles, the president and chief executive of America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), is unhelpful. According to Eyles, “Americans are being hurt by out-of-control drug prices, which are set and fully controlled ...

New Senate Majority Means Blue State Bailout on Horizon

While Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, and Democrats across America were cheering their party’s victories in the Georgia senate runoffs, no one was probably cheering louder than Gov. Gavin Newsom and his fellow blue state governors (plus scores of Democratic mayors). Once the two new senators are sworn in and Californian ...

Biden officials threaten to jumpstart single-payer health care systems

Move over, Bidencare. Single-payer health care could be coming to the United States. President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, is a longtime supporter of Medicare for All. If confirmed, he’ll have the power to approve waivers that would allow states ...

Critical but Little-Known Facts About the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, there have been many thousands of articles and commentaries published on almost every imaginable aspect of the SARS-Cov-2 virus and the COVID-19 pandemic it has caused. They have appeared online, in journals, on preprint servers, in newspapers, and on blogs. As much as ...

Dr. Henry Miller Talks Moderna/Pfizer Vaccine Impact by Age on the Lars Larson Show

Henry Miller, M.S., M.D., joins the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show based in Portland, Oregon, to discuss little known facts about the rollout and use of the current COVID-19 coronavirus vaccines. One of the main points Dr. Miller makes is the difference in how the two vaccines have performed in various ...

Government incompetence deprives people of COVID-19 vaccines

By Monday afternoon, of 25.5 million COVID-19 vaccine doses distributed across the United States, just 9 million had actually been administered to patients. That’s well short of the government’s goal of inoculating 20 million people by the end of 2020. Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised. Government-controlled markets are notoriously inefficient and subject ...

Covid-19 Lockdowns Brings Rise in Black Market

Media reports that some California businesses have gone underground during the pandemic lockdown should surprise no one. When politicians ban activities, both those accepted by society and those considered less honorable, they drive them into black markets. The desires and needs of our nature aren’t easy to legislate. Humans are ...

Sally Pipes in NorCal Record, “Concerns grow as California has used less than half of 5 million COVID-19 vaccines received”

By Sarah Downey, Northern California Record With California now predicting it could take months longer than anticipated to vaccinate people ages 65 and older, a health policy expert said a wider distribution network could improve efficacy and help the state advance further in its economic recovery. California has received nearly 5 million ...

Biden sets the stage for a radical health care agenda

President Joe Biden recently announced his picks to lead his administration’s approach to health care policy — and moderate they are not. Take his nominee to be Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra. He served in the House for 12 terms but has no on-the-ground experience in public ...

Let The Failures Of Government Vaccine Distribution Be A Warning

Last week, former FDA commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb suggested that we “hit the reset” button on Covid-19 vaccine distribution. That reset should include taking the government out of the equation. The government has largely failed to get life-saving vaccines into the arms of Americans. And the consequences are deadly. The government’s botched ...

It’s the Payment System

Effectively addressing the drug affordability problem requires an understanding of its causes. Toward this end, the rhetoric of Matt Eyles, the president and chief executive of America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), is unhelpful. According to Eyles, “Americans are being hurt by out-of-control drug prices, which are set and fully controlled ...

New Senate Majority Means Blue State Bailout on Horizon

While Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, and Democrats across America were cheering their party’s victories in the Georgia senate runoffs, no one was probably cheering louder than Gov. Gavin Newsom and his fellow blue state governors (plus scores of Democratic mayors). Once the two new senators are sworn in and Californian ...

Biden officials threaten to jumpstart single-payer health care systems

Move over, Bidencare. Single-payer health care could be coming to the United States. President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, is a longtime supporter of Medicare for All. If confirmed, he’ll have the power to approve waivers that would allow states ...

Critical but Little-Known Facts About the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, there have been many thousands of articles and commentaries published on almost every imaginable aspect of the SARS-Cov-2 virus and the COVID-19 pandemic it has caused. They have appeared online, in journals, on preprint servers, in newspapers, and on blogs. As much as ...

Dr. Henry Miller Talks Moderna/Pfizer Vaccine Impact by Age on the Lars Larson Show

Henry Miller, M.S., M.D., joins the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show based in Portland, Oregon, to discuss little known facts about the rollout and use of the current COVID-19 coronavirus vaccines. One of the main points Dr. Miller makes is the difference in how the two vaccines have performed in various ...

Government incompetence deprives people of COVID-19 vaccines

By Monday afternoon, of 25.5 million COVID-19 vaccine doses distributed across the United States, just 9 million had actually been administered to patients. That’s well short of the government’s goal of inoculating 20 million people by the end of 2020. Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised. Government-controlled markets are notoriously inefficient and subject ...
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