Health Care


Make relaxed state-based telehealth restrictions permanent

Imagine you’re traveling from Nashville to Louisville to visit your grandmother. When you’re 15 minutes from her house, you decide to call to let her know you’ll be arriving soon. For some reason, your mobile phone doesn’t connect. So you stop at a payphone to call your wireless phone provider. ...

Is Biden a Trojan Horse for Single-Payer?

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., is none too pleased with the direction of Joe Biden’s bid for the White House. According to a report from earlier this month, Sen. Sanders has privately criticized the Democratic presidential nominee for being too moderate and failing to emphasize the progressive policies at the heart ...

What is Joe Biden’s Economic Plan?

During the first presidential debate in September, both candidates answered where they think the economy is headed. Trump believes in a V-shaped recovery, basically a quick rebound, while Biden prefers a K-shaped recovery, with the rich recovering while the rest of the country moves slower. Biden’s theory on where the ...

The ‘public option’ will destroy choice

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has made it abundantly clear that he opposes the “Medicare for All” model of health reform favored by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Instead, Biden proposes creating a public insurance option that would compete against private insurers on Obamacare’s exchanges. ...
Business & Economics

PRI’s Wayne Winegarden Quoted in Nor Cal Record Story on Covid-19 Relief Bill

Next COVID-19 relief bill remains stalled in Washington; ‘Adverse impacts on the economy and individuals will be longer-lasting than they could have been’ By Sarah Downey With the outcome for a new COVID-19 financial stimulus package still in flux, concerns about the lasting economic damage have heightened the longer the ...

Dr. Henry Miller Talks COVID-19 Vaccine Rates on the John Batchelor Show

PRI’s Dr. Henry Miller joins the John Batchelor Show to discuss the lateset updates on a coronavirus vaccine. Dr. Miller talks about President Donald Trump’s treatment with remdisivir during his positive coronavirus diagnosis. Batchelor and Miller talk about the push by the American government decades ago to use advertising to ...

BidenCare would bring socialized medicine and end private health insurance

When President Trump accused Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden at their debate Thursday of supporting socialized medicine, Biden called the claim “ridiculous.” But in fact, Trump is right. The former vice president is trying to position himself as a moderate on health care — someone who will build on ObamaCare. ...

Here’s What’s In Trump’s Healthcare Plan

At the first presidential debate on September 29, moderator Chris Wallace asked President Trump, “What is the Trump healthcare plan?” In the weeks since, the president’s team hasn’t exactly been forthcoming with details. But President Trump has hardly been inactive on health care during his term. In fact, his administration ...

PRI’s 2020 Free-Market Election Analysis

For hard-working Californians who are busy with their everyday lives, it can be hard to sort through the various measures we’ll be voting on this November.  To help you get educated on the issues, below are links to PRI’s free-market analysis on the November ballot.  We hope you will find ...

Sacramento: America’s No-Think Zone

Gov. Gavin Newsom and his staff have dreamed up a “health equity metric” to determine who can emerge from the pandemic lockdowns and who can’t based on racial and ethnic quotas. Identity politics, the shallowest, crudest, and most divisive of all politics, are raging in California. The health equity metrics, ...

Make relaxed state-based telehealth restrictions permanent

Imagine you’re traveling from Nashville to Louisville to visit your grandmother. When you’re 15 minutes from her house, you decide to call to let her know you’ll be arriving soon. For some reason, your mobile phone doesn’t connect. So you stop at a payphone to call your wireless phone provider. ...

Is Biden a Trojan Horse for Single-Payer?

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., is none too pleased with the direction of Joe Biden’s bid for the White House. According to a report from earlier this month, Sen. Sanders has privately criticized the Democratic presidential nominee for being too moderate and failing to emphasize the progressive policies at the heart ...

What is Joe Biden’s Economic Plan?

During the first presidential debate in September, both candidates answered where they think the economy is headed. Trump believes in a V-shaped recovery, basically a quick rebound, while Biden prefers a K-shaped recovery, with the rich recovering while the rest of the country moves slower. Biden’s theory on where the ...

The ‘public option’ will destroy choice

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has made it abundantly clear that he opposes the “Medicare for All” model of health reform favored by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Instead, Biden proposes creating a public insurance option that would compete against private insurers on Obamacare’s exchanges. ...
Business & Economics

PRI’s Wayne Winegarden Quoted in Nor Cal Record Story on Covid-19 Relief Bill

Next COVID-19 relief bill remains stalled in Washington; ‘Adverse impacts on the economy and individuals will be longer-lasting than they could have been’ By Sarah Downey With the outcome for a new COVID-19 financial stimulus package still in flux, concerns about the lasting economic damage have heightened the longer the ...

Dr. Henry Miller Talks COVID-19 Vaccine Rates on the John Batchelor Show

PRI’s Dr. Henry Miller joins the John Batchelor Show to discuss the lateset updates on a coronavirus vaccine. Dr. Miller talks about President Donald Trump’s treatment with remdisivir during his positive coronavirus diagnosis. Batchelor and Miller talk about the push by the American government decades ago to use advertising to ...

BidenCare would bring socialized medicine and end private health insurance

When President Trump accused Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden at their debate Thursday of supporting socialized medicine, Biden called the claim “ridiculous.” But in fact, Trump is right. The former vice president is trying to position himself as a moderate on health care — someone who will build on ObamaCare. ...

Here’s What’s In Trump’s Healthcare Plan

At the first presidential debate on September 29, moderator Chris Wallace asked President Trump, “What is the Trump healthcare plan?” In the weeks since, the president’s team hasn’t exactly been forthcoming with details. But President Trump has hardly been inactive on health care during his term. In fact, his administration ...

PRI’s 2020 Free-Market Election Analysis

For hard-working Californians who are busy with their everyday lives, it can be hard to sort through the various measures we’ll be voting on this November.  To help you get educated on the issues, below are links to PRI’s free-market analysis on the November ballot.  We hope you will find ...

Sacramento: America’s No-Think Zone

Gov. Gavin Newsom and his staff have dreamed up a “health equity metric” to determine who can emerge from the pandemic lockdowns and who can’t based on racial and ethnic quotas. Identity politics, the shallowest, crudest, and most divisive of all politics, are raging in California. The health equity metrics, ...
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