Health Care


Lockdowns, Power Shutdowns, And Feeling Rundown – Life In California Is Hard

The image of California living is that of a never-ending vacation. Sun. Surf. Endless entertainment. Plenty of good jobs. The leaves are never brown, nor the sky gray. Always safe and warm. But the reality is different. The coming winter looks to be one that will keep the entire state ...

COVID-19 Is No Excuse For An Assault On Intellectual Property

Since this country’s founding, the United States USM -0.5% has maintained strong protections for intellectual property. The U.S. Constitution gives Congress the power “to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.” Unfortunately, a few members of ...

Lars Larson and Dr. Henry Miller Talk COVID-19 Vaccine Data

Dr. Henry Miller talks to Lars Larson about the latest news regarding COVID-19 vaccine data and approvals. Miller notes that the approval applications for COVID-19 vaccines are hundreds of thousands of pages and can take a team months to review. Yet some governors have said they will validate all data ...

PRI is Reclaiming the American Dream on Giving Tuesday 2020

“To restrain the growth and the power of government to deprive people of personal freedom. That is what PRI is all about. And it’s why this organization admirably fights so far above its weight.” That’s what former California Governor Pete Wilson said at the Pacific Research Institute’s Annual Thatcher Gala ...

PRI 2020 Holiday Book List

As most of us won’t be able to travel during the holiday season this year due to Covid-19 restrictions, we’ll have a lot more time to read a good book this year.  To give you some ideas for your next great read, we present our annual PRI Holiday Book List.  ...

Dr. Henry Miller – Is a Covid-19 Vaccine Really Just Around the Corner?

Dr. Henry Miller, PRI senior fellow in health care studies and former founding director of the FDA’s Office of Biotechnology, joins us with an update on efforts to develop vaccines and therapeutics to fight Covid-19.  He discusses how a transition between two presidential administrations will affect the work of the ...

Three Healthcare Achievements To Be Thankful For

Thanksgiving is this Thursday. It may seem hard to believe, but even in this year unlike any other, there’s still plenty to be thankful for—including some notable developments in healthcare policy. *** 1. Individual health insurance premiums have stabilized and declined. Open enrollment on the exchanges run by the ...

The Street Interviews Dr. Henry Miller on Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

Shots Heard ‘Round the World: Will Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines Start End of Pandemic? By Adam Smith, The Street The U.S. found itself this month both in the most dangerous stage of the Covid-19 pandemic to date, and in the most hopeful stage. Just as the daily case counts of new ...

Dr. Henry Miller Talks FDA Vaccine Approval Process for COVID-19

Dr. Henry Miller joins the John Batchelor Show for his weekly conversation about the coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccine. Miller and Batchelor discuss the Pfizer declaration for an emergency track and approval with the FDA to begin distributing a vaccine for treatment against the novel coronavirus. Miller shares his 15 years ...

AOC’s ‘path forward’ on healthcare is just a giant step back

On Wednesday, Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Katie Porter, and Pramila Jayapal joined former insurance industry executive and now “Medicare for all” advocate Wendell Potter in an online strategy session to “chart the path forward” for health reform under a Biden administration. The trio of liberal lawmakers pressed ahead with their demand for ...

Lockdowns, Power Shutdowns, And Feeling Rundown – Life In California Is Hard

The image of California living is that of a never-ending vacation. Sun. Surf. Endless entertainment. Plenty of good jobs. The leaves are never brown, nor the sky gray. Always safe and warm. But the reality is different. The coming winter looks to be one that will keep the entire state ...

COVID-19 Is No Excuse For An Assault On Intellectual Property

Since this country’s founding, the United States USM -0.5% has maintained strong protections for intellectual property. The U.S. Constitution gives Congress the power “to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.” Unfortunately, a few members of ...

Lars Larson and Dr. Henry Miller Talk COVID-19 Vaccine Data

Dr. Henry Miller talks to Lars Larson about the latest news regarding COVID-19 vaccine data and approvals. Miller notes that the approval applications for COVID-19 vaccines are hundreds of thousands of pages and can take a team months to review. Yet some governors have said they will validate all data ...

PRI is Reclaiming the American Dream on Giving Tuesday 2020

“To restrain the growth and the power of government to deprive people of personal freedom. That is what PRI is all about. And it’s why this organization admirably fights so far above its weight.” That’s what former California Governor Pete Wilson said at the Pacific Research Institute’s Annual Thatcher Gala ...

PRI 2020 Holiday Book List

As most of us won’t be able to travel during the holiday season this year due to Covid-19 restrictions, we’ll have a lot more time to read a good book this year.  To give you some ideas for your next great read, we present our annual PRI Holiday Book List.  ...

Dr. Henry Miller – Is a Covid-19 Vaccine Really Just Around the Corner?

Dr. Henry Miller, PRI senior fellow in health care studies and former founding director of the FDA’s Office of Biotechnology, joins us with an update on efforts to develop vaccines and therapeutics to fight Covid-19.  He discusses how a transition between two presidential administrations will affect the work of the ...

Three Healthcare Achievements To Be Thankful For

Thanksgiving is this Thursday. It may seem hard to believe, but even in this year unlike any other, there’s still plenty to be thankful for—including some notable developments in healthcare policy. *** 1. Individual health insurance premiums have stabilized and declined. Open enrollment on the exchanges run by the ...

The Street Interviews Dr. Henry Miller on Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

Shots Heard ‘Round the World: Will Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines Start End of Pandemic? By Adam Smith, The Street The U.S. found itself this month both in the most dangerous stage of the Covid-19 pandemic to date, and in the most hopeful stage. Just as the daily case counts of new ...

Dr. Henry Miller Talks FDA Vaccine Approval Process for COVID-19

Dr. Henry Miller joins the John Batchelor Show for his weekly conversation about the coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccine. Miller and Batchelor discuss the Pfizer declaration for an emergency track and approval with the FDA to begin distributing a vaccine for treatment against the novel coronavirus. Miller shares his 15 years ...

AOC’s ‘path forward’ on healthcare is just a giant step back

On Wednesday, Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Katie Porter, and Pramila Jayapal joined former insurance industry executive and now “Medicare for all” advocate Wendell Potter in an online strategy session to “chart the path forward” for health reform under a Biden administration. The trio of liberal lawmakers pressed ahead with their demand for ...
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