Health Care


Let health care workers treat patients in any state

Sens. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., and Chris Murphy, D-Conn., recently introduced legislation that would allow licensed medical professionals to provide treatment in any state through the remainder of the pandemic. That’s a good idea. But its existence sheds light on a bigger problem within our health care system. Even under normal ...

Medicare-X deserves a third strike

Some ideas never die. Such is the case with the Medicare-X Choice Act, a bill just reintroduced by Sens. Tim Kaine, Virginia Democrat, and Michael Bennet, Colorado Democrat. The measure would create a public health insurance plan that would eventually be open to all Americans. It’s the third time the ...
Health Care

Sally C. Pipes Mentioned in National Review Piece on “Personal Option”

Americans for Prosperity Releasing ‘Personal Option’ Health-Care Model at Odds with Dr. Big Brother By Jack Fowler With Senate Democrats ready to spring a health-care public-option bill in the coming weeks, while House Democrats are rallying behind a Medicare-for-all push, it comes fortuitously timed for Americans for Prosperity to launch the next phase ...

Obamacare’s 11th Anniversary Is Nothing to Celebrate

Yesterday, President Biden commemorated the 11th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act. But Americans who want affordable health insurance have little to celebrate. In Obamacare’s first decade, premiums and deductibles have skyrocketed while provider networks have shrunk. Exchange policies routinely do not cover best-in-class doctors or hospitals. And the law’s costs have ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks Medicare for All on “Just the News”

Sally C. Pipes joins Just the News with Sophie Mann to discuss the changes in healthcare policy being pursued by the Biden administration. Pipes argues that the goal of these proposals is to implement a public option and bring the U.S. one step closer to a Medicare for all or single-payer ...

No time for Medicare for All

Earlier this week, Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal introduced the Medicare for All Act of 2021. The bill already has 112 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives. This isn’t Jayapal’s first bid for Medicare for All. She introduced a similar bill in 2019. This time around, her argument is that the ...

California should wake up from its single-payer dreams

Single-payer health care has new life in California. State lawmakers just introduced AB1400, legislation that would launch a government takeover of the state’s health insurance system, effectively banning private coverage and enrolling every Californian in the same plan. One of the bill’s co-authors, Assemblymember Miguel Santiago, says that putting the ...
Drug Pricing

ISSUE BRIEF: ICER Analyses Are Flawed, Undervalue Life-Saving Medicines, and Are Biased Toward Price Controls

A commonly-used analysis to determine a medicine’s value is based on flawed methodologies that would diminish innovation and access, finds a new report released today by the nonpartisan Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the Pacific Research Institute. “Cost effectiveness reports may provide precise estimates, but there is no ...

Healthcare Price Controls Don’t Come For Free

America’s healthcare bill continues to rise. Our tab reached $3.8 trillion in 2019, nearly $11,600 per person, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Health care consumes some 17.7% of our nation’s gross domestic product. In recent months, two leading research organizations, the Rand Corporation and the Kaiser ...

Minimum Wage, Maximum Damage

Here is the simple truth, that is in the richest country in the world we can no longer tolerate millions of our workers being unable to feed their families because they are working for starvation wages. Senator Bernie Sanders Senator Sanders asserts that this “simple truth” justifies the “fight for ...

Let health care workers treat patients in any state

Sens. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., and Chris Murphy, D-Conn., recently introduced legislation that would allow licensed medical professionals to provide treatment in any state through the remainder of the pandemic. That’s a good idea. But its existence sheds light on a bigger problem within our health care system. Even under normal ...

Medicare-X deserves a third strike

Some ideas never die. Such is the case with the Medicare-X Choice Act, a bill just reintroduced by Sens. Tim Kaine, Virginia Democrat, and Michael Bennet, Colorado Democrat. The measure would create a public health insurance plan that would eventually be open to all Americans. It’s the third time the ...
Health Care

Sally C. Pipes Mentioned in National Review Piece on “Personal Option”

Americans for Prosperity Releasing ‘Personal Option’ Health-Care Model at Odds with Dr. Big Brother By Jack Fowler With Senate Democrats ready to spring a health-care public-option bill in the coming weeks, while House Democrats are rallying behind a Medicare-for-all push, it comes fortuitously timed for Americans for Prosperity to launch the next phase ...

Obamacare’s 11th Anniversary Is Nothing to Celebrate

Yesterday, President Biden commemorated the 11th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act. But Americans who want affordable health insurance have little to celebrate. In Obamacare’s first decade, premiums and deductibles have skyrocketed while provider networks have shrunk. Exchange policies routinely do not cover best-in-class doctors or hospitals. And the law’s costs have ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks Medicare for All on “Just the News”

Sally C. Pipes joins Just the News with Sophie Mann to discuss the changes in healthcare policy being pursued by the Biden administration. Pipes argues that the goal of these proposals is to implement a public option and bring the U.S. one step closer to a Medicare for all or single-payer ...

No time for Medicare for All

Earlier this week, Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal introduced the Medicare for All Act of 2021. The bill already has 112 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives. This isn’t Jayapal’s first bid for Medicare for All. She introduced a similar bill in 2019. This time around, her argument is that the ...

California should wake up from its single-payer dreams

Single-payer health care has new life in California. State lawmakers just introduced AB1400, legislation that would launch a government takeover of the state’s health insurance system, effectively banning private coverage and enrolling every Californian in the same plan. One of the bill’s co-authors, Assemblymember Miguel Santiago, says that putting the ...
Drug Pricing

ISSUE BRIEF: ICER Analyses Are Flawed, Undervalue Life-Saving Medicines, and Are Biased Toward Price Controls

A commonly-used analysis to determine a medicine’s value is based on flawed methodologies that would diminish innovation and access, finds a new report released today by the nonpartisan Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the Pacific Research Institute. “Cost effectiveness reports may provide precise estimates, but there is no ...

Healthcare Price Controls Don’t Come For Free

America’s healthcare bill continues to rise. Our tab reached $3.8 trillion in 2019, nearly $11,600 per person, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Health care consumes some 17.7% of our nation’s gross domestic product. In recent months, two leading research organizations, the Rand Corporation and the Kaiser ...

Minimum Wage, Maximum Damage

Here is the simple truth, that is in the richest country in the world we can no longer tolerate millions of our workers being unable to feed their families because they are working for starvation wages. Senator Bernie Sanders Senator Sanders asserts that this “simple truth” justifies the “fight for ...
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