Health Care


Biden’s infrastructure plan reinforces elderly care failings

President Joe Biden is continuing his quest to inject more government into our healthcare system. His $2 trillion infrastructure plan would direct $400 billion to expand Medicaid coverage for at-home and community-based care for the elderly. It’s the costliest line item in the package. Nearly 75% of likely voters support the measure, according to recent polling. ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Discusses Sanders Plan to Lower Medicare Eligibility Age on John Carlson Show

Listen to Sally C. Pipes, PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy, discuss the plan proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders to lower the Medicare eligibility age on “The John Carlson Show” on KVI Radio in Seattle. The interview begins at the 18:00 mark. Click here ...

Drug Importation Programs Come At Too High a Cost

Lawmakers in Colorado are trying to open their state’s borders to prescription drugs from abroad. In 2019, they green-lit imports from Canada. They’re still working on a plan to implement that policy that can garner federal approval. Then last week, legislators approved a bill that would allow Coloradans to import prescription drugs ...

Violating intellectual property rights jeopardizes quality health care

Policymakers across the globe are attempting to vilify the same private companies that have been invaluable partners in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. If these efforts are successful, it will be patients who are harmed the most. Globally, the World Trade Organization (WTO) wants to waive the patent rights for the ...

Will Vaccine Passports Hasten California Exodus?

Orange County is testing a digital vaccine passport, but so far, there’s been no movement at the state level to require all Californians to present their papers to freely move about. Meanwhile, Texas, Florida, and Idaho have banned vaccine passports. Other red states are likely to follow. Should Sacramento decide ...

Time for the Roaring Twenties?

The stock market is at record highs. More than 900,000 Americans found jobs in March.  Flapper models sashay down the runways of Paris and Milan. In a moment of weakness, even I turned my head at a “For Sale” classic Mercedes convertible (the last and only car I’ve ever owned ...
Drug Pricing

Sanders Proposal Brings Medicare Closer To The Brink Of Collapse

President Joe Biden wants to lower Medicare’s eligibility age from 65 to 60. Now Sen. Bernie Sanders is intent on doing him one better. The Vermont socialist, the country’s leading promoter of single-payer health care, is pushing Democrats to open up Medicare to Americans as young as 55. “There are many millions of seniors ...

Sanders Proposal Brings Medicare Closer To The Brink Of Collapse

President Joe Biden wants to lower Medicare’s eligibility age from 65 to 60. Now Sen. Bernie Sanders is intent on doing him one better. The Vermont socialist, the country’s leading promoter of single-payer health care, is pushing Democrats to open up Medicare to Americans as young as 55. “There are many millions of seniors ...
Energy Costs

Impact Magazine – Spring 2021

DOWNLOAD THE PDF   Letter from the President The dawn of the Biden-Harris Administration has ushered in a new, progressive era.  All who believe in freedom, opportunity, and limited government are concerned about the administration’s plans for new government programs and its opposition topro-growth, market-driven solutions to our nation’s challenges. ...
Climate Change

Fund coronavirus research, not a climate change musical

I’ve been a science nerd almost all my life. In graduate school, I was the co-discoverer of a bacterial enzyme essential to DNA replication and of a key enzyme in the influenza virus. I have written more than a thousand articles concerned with science and science policy. I’m convinced that America’s prosperity is based on post-WWII ...

Biden’s infrastructure plan reinforces elderly care failings

President Joe Biden is continuing his quest to inject more government into our healthcare system. His $2 trillion infrastructure plan would direct $400 billion to expand Medicaid coverage for at-home and community-based care for the elderly. It’s the costliest line item in the package. Nearly 75% of likely voters support the measure, according to recent polling. ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Discusses Sanders Plan to Lower Medicare Eligibility Age on John Carlson Show

Listen to Sally C. Pipes, PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy, discuss the plan proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders to lower the Medicare eligibility age on “The John Carlson Show” on KVI Radio in Seattle. The interview begins at the 18:00 mark. Click here ...

Drug Importation Programs Come At Too High a Cost

Lawmakers in Colorado are trying to open their state’s borders to prescription drugs from abroad. In 2019, they green-lit imports from Canada. They’re still working on a plan to implement that policy that can garner federal approval. Then last week, legislators approved a bill that would allow Coloradans to import prescription drugs ...

Violating intellectual property rights jeopardizes quality health care

Policymakers across the globe are attempting to vilify the same private companies that have been invaluable partners in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. If these efforts are successful, it will be patients who are harmed the most. Globally, the World Trade Organization (WTO) wants to waive the patent rights for the ...

Will Vaccine Passports Hasten California Exodus?

Orange County is testing a digital vaccine passport, but so far, there’s been no movement at the state level to require all Californians to present their papers to freely move about. Meanwhile, Texas, Florida, and Idaho have banned vaccine passports. Other red states are likely to follow. Should Sacramento decide ...

Time for the Roaring Twenties?

The stock market is at record highs. More than 900,000 Americans found jobs in March.  Flapper models sashay down the runways of Paris and Milan. In a moment of weakness, even I turned my head at a “For Sale” classic Mercedes convertible (the last and only car I’ve ever owned ...
Drug Pricing

Sanders Proposal Brings Medicare Closer To The Brink Of Collapse

President Joe Biden wants to lower Medicare’s eligibility age from 65 to 60. Now Sen. Bernie Sanders is intent on doing him one better. The Vermont socialist, the country’s leading promoter of single-payer health care, is pushing Democrats to open up Medicare to Americans as young as 55. “There are many millions of seniors ...

Sanders Proposal Brings Medicare Closer To The Brink Of Collapse

President Joe Biden wants to lower Medicare’s eligibility age from 65 to 60. Now Sen. Bernie Sanders is intent on doing him one better. The Vermont socialist, the country’s leading promoter of single-payer health care, is pushing Democrats to open up Medicare to Americans as young as 55. “There are many millions of seniors ...
Energy Costs

Impact Magazine – Spring 2021

DOWNLOAD THE PDF   Letter from the President The dawn of the Biden-Harris Administration has ushered in a new, progressive era.  All who believe in freedom, opportunity, and limited government are concerned about the administration’s plans for new government programs and its opposition topro-growth, market-driven solutions to our nation’s challenges. ...
Climate Change

Fund coronavirus research, not a climate change musical

I’ve been a science nerd almost all my life. In graduate school, I was the co-discoverer of a bacterial enzyme essential to DNA replication and of a key enzyme in the influenza virus. I have written more than a thousand articles concerned with science and science policy. I’m convinced that America’s prosperity is based on post-WWII ...
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