Health Care


Oregon wants to ration health care in new proposal

One of the most important health care protections for low-income Americans is the requirement that state Medicaid programs cover nearly all medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This directive prevents states from balancing their books on the backs of the poor by excluding expensive drugs from Medicaid. Last ...

Democrats Eye Canada’s Failed Healthcare System – Why?

Democrats in Congress are working to resurrect the Build Back Better Act, their massive social spending proposal that stalled in the Senate last month. To be certain, there’s plenty of disagreement across the party’s moderate and progressive wings. Yet, they’re largely aligned on healthcare. Indeed, Democrats are determined to increase the number ...

Three Legislative Reforms So Physicians Can Open Hospitals

It is rare to find an issue that unites both political parties. Finding such an issue within healthcare policy is even rarer. However, the worrisome trend of medical care provider consolidation – both individual practitioners and hospitals – concerns everyone. A well-researched fact, consolidation in medical care can dramatically drive ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks CA Single Payer Bill on John and Ken Show

Listen to Sally Pipes, PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy, discuss AB 1400, the California single-payer legislation on the popular “John and Ken Show” on KFI Radio in Southern California.

Biden deserves no credit for COVID-19 test website

Last Tuesday, the Biden administration launched its new website for ordering COVID-19 tests. They did so one day earlier than expected. We’re well into year three of the pandemic. And a concerted effort to get more tests to the public now passes for progress? Let’s be clear: The federal government ...

Cutting through the lies about seniors’ favorite government program: Sally C. Pipes

PASADENA, California — Critics of Medicare Advantage, also known as Medicare Part C, have tried to undermine it for years. Now they’re going after it again, this time through the massive Democratic spending bill that’s stalled in Congress. Never mind that 27 million American seniors out of 64 million Medicare ...

A Better California Doesn’t Require A Big-Government Budget

For most, “budget” means a set amount of money they’re able to spend over a defined period of time, such as the funds available in a household account. To California lawmakers, “budget” holds a different meaning. In their world, it typically defines an opportunity to freely spend a massive harvest ...

Don’t Believe the ‘Medical Bankruptcy’ Narrative

Americans collectively have about $140 billion in outstanding medical debts, according to a recent study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association. Those hefty bills are driving many people into bankruptcy – at least according to prominent progressives. Left-wing leaders have long stoked fears of “medical bankruptcy” to ...

Obamacare Enrollment Blitz a Bad Sign for Future of US Healthcare

Open enrollment on most of Obamacare’s insurance exchanges ended this past Saturday. Sign-ups have hit all-time highs across the country. The Biden administration has been quick to pat themselves on the back for record-breaking exchange enrollment. But the main reason Americans have flocked to the exchanges is that the federal ...

Single-Payer Health Care Will Cost $12,250 per California Household

When Inside California Politics host Frank Buckley asked California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon whether he feels differently about the new attempt to bring single-payer health care to California (AB 1400) versus the last bill in 2017 (SB 562), Rendon replied, “that was really you know a cynical attempt I think ...

Oregon wants to ration health care in new proposal

One of the most important health care protections for low-income Americans is the requirement that state Medicaid programs cover nearly all medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This directive prevents states from balancing their books on the backs of the poor by excluding expensive drugs from Medicaid. Last ...

Democrats Eye Canada’s Failed Healthcare System – Why?

Democrats in Congress are working to resurrect the Build Back Better Act, their massive social spending proposal that stalled in the Senate last month. To be certain, there’s plenty of disagreement across the party’s moderate and progressive wings. Yet, they’re largely aligned on healthcare. Indeed, Democrats are determined to increase the number ...

Three Legislative Reforms So Physicians Can Open Hospitals

It is rare to find an issue that unites both political parties. Finding such an issue within healthcare policy is even rarer. However, the worrisome trend of medical care provider consolidation – both individual practitioners and hospitals – concerns everyone. A well-researched fact, consolidation in medical care can dramatically drive ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks CA Single Payer Bill on John and Ken Show

Listen to Sally Pipes, PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy, discuss AB 1400, the California single-payer legislation on the popular “John and Ken Show” on KFI Radio in Southern California.

Biden deserves no credit for COVID-19 test website

Last Tuesday, the Biden administration launched its new website for ordering COVID-19 tests. They did so one day earlier than expected. We’re well into year three of the pandemic. And a concerted effort to get more tests to the public now passes for progress? Let’s be clear: The federal government ...

Cutting through the lies about seniors’ favorite government program: Sally C. Pipes

PASADENA, California — Critics of Medicare Advantage, also known as Medicare Part C, have tried to undermine it for years. Now they’re going after it again, this time through the massive Democratic spending bill that’s stalled in Congress. Never mind that 27 million American seniors out of 64 million Medicare ...

A Better California Doesn’t Require A Big-Government Budget

For most, “budget” means a set amount of money they’re able to spend over a defined period of time, such as the funds available in a household account. To California lawmakers, “budget” holds a different meaning. In their world, it typically defines an opportunity to freely spend a massive harvest ...

Don’t Believe the ‘Medical Bankruptcy’ Narrative

Americans collectively have about $140 billion in outstanding medical debts, according to a recent study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association. Those hefty bills are driving many people into bankruptcy – at least according to prominent progressives. Left-wing leaders have long stoked fears of “medical bankruptcy” to ...

Obamacare Enrollment Blitz a Bad Sign for Future of US Healthcare

Open enrollment on most of Obamacare’s insurance exchanges ended this past Saturday. Sign-ups have hit all-time highs across the country. The Biden administration has been quick to pat themselves on the back for record-breaking exchange enrollment. But the main reason Americans have flocked to the exchanges is that the federal ...

Single-Payer Health Care Will Cost $12,250 per California Household

When Inside California Politics host Frank Buckley asked California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon whether he feels differently about the new attempt to bring single-payer health care to California (AB 1400) versus the last bill in 2017 (SB 562), Rendon replied, “that was really you know a cynical attempt I think ...
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