Health Care


Promote Regulatory Certainty By Reauthorizing UFA

The House passed bipartisan legislation last week that could help reduce costs and ensure continued innovation for the future. While this legislation might not be covered as extensively as other issues, it nonetheless represents meaningful progress. This week, the Senate HELP Committee passed the Senate version, the Food and Drug ...
Business & Economics

Robert Alt – President of the Buckeye Institute

Our guest in this podcast is Robert Alt, president of PRI’s sister think tank in Ohio, the Buckeye Institute. Tim Anaya recently attended the Heritage Foundation’s Resource Bank conference in Nashville and caught up with Robert Alt. They discussed the Institute’s work in challenging Ohio’s COVID-19 mandates and lockdowns, and ...

What Is ‘Paxlovid Rebound,’ And Should It Concern Us?

By Henry I. Miller and Josh Bloom Decades ago, a case report (relating the experience with a single patient) was published which described how a person’s flu symptoms improved after a bowl of chicken soup, but then reappeared. The article was meant as a kind of parody of the old ...

Telehealth is critical to our healthier future

Earlier this month, a group of 17 House Republicans released several ideas for modernizing the healthcare system, improving access to care, and lowering costs. One of the proposals — safeguarding expanded access to telehealth — could help achieve all three of those goals. Lawmakers would do well to relax permanently the telehealth restrictions that ...

A look under the hood of ‘Medicare for All’

“Medicare for All” is back. For the fifth time in the last decade-plus, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has introduced legislation that would launch a government takeover of the U.S. health insurance system. “Health care is a human right, not a privilege,” he insisted from the Senate floor May 12. But Americans also ...

New Regulation Will Take Health Care Money From Those in Need

A new proposal tucked away in Governor Newsom’s 2022-23 budget plans to divert health care funds to pay for new projects such as housing, transportation, and food security in low-income communities. It’s true that the cost of living in California has ballooned to unsustainable levels and innovative solutions are needed. ...

Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Can’t Come Soon Enough

It has been five years since Congress ordered federal regulators to develop regulations that will allow for hearing aids to be sold over the counter. Yet people today still can’t purchase them. A bipartisan group of senators wants to change that. In April, a quartet led by Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, ...

Single-Payer ‘Medicare for All’ Would Inflate Americans’ Healthcare Bills

Inflation is ripping through every sector of the U.S. economy. But there’s one curious exception: healthcare. The cost of medical care is up 3.5% in the last year. The overall inflation rate, by contrast, is nearly two-and-a-half times higher — 8.3%. So why are Sen. Bernie Sanders and 14 of ...

Empower Entrepreneurs To Improve Outcomes: The Case Of Integrated Care

Entrepreneurs, empowered by competitive markets, drive economic progress. When market regulations incentivize productive activities, entrepreneurs radically improve existing goods and services and create new products we never knew that we couldn’t live without. The wrong regulatory structures misalign these positive incentives. They thwart or misappropriate entrepreneurial efforts resulting in lost ...

Let’s Not Be So Quick to Lower Medicare Eligibility Age

A new report from the Congressional Budget Office takes a close look at one of the most wasteful and unnecessary healthcare proposals on the Democratic agenda — reducing Medicare’s eligibility age to 60. Joe Biden endorsed the idea as a candidate for president. But it’s never made much sense. Medicare’s Part A hospital insurance ...

Promote Regulatory Certainty By Reauthorizing UFA

The House passed bipartisan legislation last week that could help reduce costs and ensure continued innovation for the future. While this legislation might not be covered as extensively as other issues, it nonetheless represents meaningful progress. This week, the Senate HELP Committee passed the Senate version, the Food and Drug ...
Business & Economics

Robert Alt – President of the Buckeye Institute

Our guest in this podcast is Robert Alt, president of PRI’s sister think tank in Ohio, the Buckeye Institute. Tim Anaya recently attended the Heritage Foundation’s Resource Bank conference in Nashville and caught up with Robert Alt. They discussed the Institute’s work in challenging Ohio’s COVID-19 mandates and lockdowns, and ...

What Is ‘Paxlovid Rebound,’ And Should It Concern Us?

By Henry I. Miller and Josh Bloom Decades ago, a case report (relating the experience with a single patient) was published which described how a person’s flu symptoms improved after a bowl of chicken soup, but then reappeared. The article was meant as a kind of parody of the old ...

Telehealth is critical to our healthier future

Earlier this month, a group of 17 House Republicans released several ideas for modernizing the healthcare system, improving access to care, and lowering costs. One of the proposals — safeguarding expanded access to telehealth — could help achieve all three of those goals. Lawmakers would do well to relax permanently the telehealth restrictions that ...

A look under the hood of ‘Medicare for All’

“Medicare for All” is back. For the fifth time in the last decade-plus, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has introduced legislation that would launch a government takeover of the U.S. health insurance system. “Health care is a human right, not a privilege,” he insisted from the Senate floor May 12. But Americans also ...

New Regulation Will Take Health Care Money From Those in Need

A new proposal tucked away in Governor Newsom’s 2022-23 budget plans to divert health care funds to pay for new projects such as housing, transportation, and food security in low-income communities. It’s true that the cost of living in California has ballooned to unsustainable levels and innovative solutions are needed. ...

Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Can’t Come Soon Enough

It has been five years since Congress ordered federal regulators to develop regulations that will allow for hearing aids to be sold over the counter. Yet people today still can’t purchase them. A bipartisan group of senators wants to change that. In April, a quartet led by Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, ...

Single-Payer ‘Medicare for All’ Would Inflate Americans’ Healthcare Bills

Inflation is ripping through every sector of the U.S. economy. But there’s one curious exception: healthcare. The cost of medical care is up 3.5% in the last year. The overall inflation rate, by contrast, is nearly two-and-a-half times higher — 8.3%. So why are Sen. Bernie Sanders and 14 of ...

Empower Entrepreneurs To Improve Outcomes: The Case Of Integrated Care

Entrepreneurs, empowered by competitive markets, drive economic progress. When market regulations incentivize productive activities, entrepreneurs radically improve existing goods and services and create new products we never knew that we couldn’t live without. The wrong regulatory structures misalign these positive incentives. They thwart or misappropriate entrepreneurial efforts resulting in lost ...

Let’s Not Be So Quick to Lower Medicare Eligibility Age

A new report from the Congressional Budget Office takes a close look at one of the most wasteful and unnecessary healthcare proposals on the Democratic agenda — reducing Medicare’s eligibility age to 60. Joe Biden endorsed the idea as a candidate for president. But it’s never made much sense. Medicare’s Part A hospital insurance ...
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