Health Care


Health Care Is Not a Right, No Matter What the Left Says

At the recent unveiling of his latest plan for Medicare for All, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., evoked a familiar theme. “Health care,” he said, “is a human right that all Americans, regardless of income, are entitled to.” But health care is neither a right nor a privilege. It’s an aggregate ...

There’s no epidemic of medical bankruptcy

An estimated 100 million Americans have healthcare debt, according to polling released this month by the Kaiser Family Foundation. The problem is so dire, Kaiser says, that it’s pushing millions of people out of their homes or into bankruptcy. But a closer look at the data reveals that medical debt, while burdensome ...

Don’t Fall Prey to Five Common Healthcare Myths

  President-elect Barack Obama has promised to make healthcare reform a top priority. But in order to follow through, Obama and lawmakers on Capitol Hill must reject some longstanding misconceptions about health care in this country. Here are five such myths. Each is widely repeated, deeply held – and dead ...

Housing is Not Health Care and Medicaid Must Not Pay Rent

The New York Times recently published an article titled, “If Housing is a Health Care Issue, Should Medicaid Pay the Rent?” Throughout the piece, the author tells various stories of how using Medicaid to pay for housing in Philadelphia and Arizona has helped some homeless individuals. She explained current federal ...
Business & Economics

Rounding Up The Usual Suspects Won’t Alleviate Inflation

Doing his best Captain Renault impersonation, President Biden is trying to alleviate the troubling inflationary environment by “rounding up the usual suspects”. In this case, that means blame a problem that can only be caused by errant government policies on politically convenient targets such as rising drug prices, Russia’s invasion of the ...

Blame The Regulatory State For The Healthcare Burnout Crisis

The surgeon general just came out with an ominous new warning—but it doesn’t involve tobacco, alcohol, or any other substance. Instead, Dr. Vivek Murthy raised the alarm about the growing burnout crisis among America’s healthcare workforce. His report details the problem at length and even proposes a long list of solutions that ...
Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: U.K. Vaping Regulations Based on Risks of Vaping Relative to Smoking Provide Lessons for U.S.

DOWNLOAD THE STUDY As the federal government and states such as California consider taxing and imposing new or stricter regulations on vaping products, particularly flavored products, Roger Bate, Ph.D. finds that there are important lessons U.S. policymakers can learn from the tax and regulatory environment in the U.K. in a ...

Drug Importation Doesn’t Save Money — It Costs Lives

Proponents of prescription-drug importation notched a victory last week. The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee green-lit a bill that would enable individuals to import medicines from Canada in the name of lowering out-of-pocket costs. It’s not something Americans should welcome or support. Drugs imported from outside the United States will ...

Dysfunctional Department Store Demonstrate Health Care Hoodwinks

Recently, a storewide sale sign lured me into a local department store. I meandered the aisles until I found a birthday gift for my toddler: a cute magnetic fishing pole toy. But to my surprise, I couldn’t find the item’s price anywhere. Not on the box, not on the shelf. ...

Veterans’ Health System Must Be Replaced — Period

In a White House ceremony earlier this week, President Joe Biden signed nine bills aimed at improving healthcare for American veterans — a task he referred to as a “sacred obligation.” Among them were bills expanding access to mammograms for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits and extending a federal program that compensates veterans ...

Health Care Is Not a Right, No Matter What the Left Says

At the recent unveiling of his latest plan for Medicare for All, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., evoked a familiar theme. “Health care,” he said, “is a human right that all Americans, regardless of income, are entitled to.” But health care is neither a right nor a privilege. It’s an aggregate ...

There’s no epidemic of medical bankruptcy

An estimated 100 million Americans have healthcare debt, according to polling released this month by the Kaiser Family Foundation. The problem is so dire, Kaiser says, that it’s pushing millions of people out of their homes or into bankruptcy. But a closer look at the data reveals that medical debt, while burdensome ...

Don’t Fall Prey to Five Common Healthcare Myths

  President-elect Barack Obama has promised to make healthcare reform a top priority. But in order to follow through, Obama and lawmakers on Capitol Hill must reject some longstanding misconceptions about health care in this country. Here are five such myths. Each is widely repeated, deeply held – and dead ...

Housing is Not Health Care and Medicaid Must Not Pay Rent

The New York Times recently published an article titled, “If Housing is a Health Care Issue, Should Medicaid Pay the Rent?” Throughout the piece, the author tells various stories of how using Medicaid to pay for housing in Philadelphia and Arizona has helped some homeless individuals. She explained current federal ...
Business & Economics

Rounding Up The Usual Suspects Won’t Alleviate Inflation

Doing his best Captain Renault impersonation, President Biden is trying to alleviate the troubling inflationary environment by “rounding up the usual suspects”. In this case, that means blame a problem that can only be caused by errant government policies on politically convenient targets such as rising drug prices, Russia’s invasion of the ...

Blame The Regulatory State For The Healthcare Burnout Crisis

The surgeon general just came out with an ominous new warning—but it doesn’t involve tobacco, alcohol, or any other substance. Instead, Dr. Vivek Murthy raised the alarm about the growing burnout crisis among America’s healthcare workforce. His report details the problem at length and even proposes a long list of solutions that ...
Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: U.K. Vaping Regulations Based on Risks of Vaping Relative to Smoking Provide Lessons for U.S.

DOWNLOAD THE STUDY As the federal government and states such as California consider taxing and imposing new or stricter regulations on vaping products, particularly flavored products, Roger Bate, Ph.D. finds that there are important lessons U.S. policymakers can learn from the tax and regulatory environment in the U.K. in a ...

Drug Importation Doesn’t Save Money — It Costs Lives

Proponents of prescription-drug importation notched a victory last week. The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee green-lit a bill that would enable individuals to import medicines from Canada in the name of lowering out-of-pocket costs. It’s not something Americans should welcome or support. Drugs imported from outside the United States will ...

Dysfunctional Department Store Demonstrate Health Care Hoodwinks

Recently, a storewide sale sign lured me into a local department store. I meandered the aisles until I found a birthday gift for my toddler: a cute magnetic fishing pole toy. But to my surprise, I couldn’t find the item’s price anywhere. Not on the box, not on the shelf. ...

Veterans’ Health System Must Be Replaced — Period

In a White House ceremony earlier this week, President Joe Biden signed nine bills aimed at improving healthcare for American veterans — a task he referred to as a “sacred obligation.” Among them were bills expanding access to mammograms for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits and extending a federal program that compensates veterans ...
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