Health Care
Health Care
Free Market Solutions to Health Care, May 5, 2008 Sally Pipes President of Pacific Research Institute discusses the failures of Canada’s government-run health care system and offers free market solutions for America’s system. This speech took place at Young America’s Foundation’s Reagan Ranch High School Conference. Download file audio_08_05-5-08_Speech
Sally C. Pipes
May 5, 2008
San Francisco’s Health Access Plan Has Raised $6 Million
Thrilling news from my fair town: San Francisco’s Health Access Plan has managed to rope in 743 businesses, with 12,900 employees, before their deadline for enrolment in the City & County’s new mandatory health care scheme. The San Francisco Health Access Plan promises to bring “universal” health care to our ...
John R. Graham
May 2, 2008
Circuit Court Backs San Francisco’s Draconian Health Care Mandate
Businesses and employees in San Francisco are facing higher health costs and likely job losses after a three-judge panel from the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overruled a federal district court judge’s finding that San Francisco’s new health care ordinance violated the 1974 federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act ...
Greg Scandlen
May 1, 2008
Ohio Bank Offers Health Savings Accounts
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), May 1, 2008 Huntington Bancshares, Inc., a $54 billion regional bank holding company headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, is moving into consumer-driven health care. The firm has announced it is making Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) available to the businesses that make up the majority of its ...
Dr. Sanjit Bagchi
May 1, 2008
Mass. Coalition Wants Controls on Drug Marketing
A coalition of Massachusetts community organizations, nonprofits, insurers, and health care providers is asking the state government to regulate the marketing practices of pharmaceutical companies, claiming it will help ensure more affordable prescription drugs for everyone. “The practice of medicine has been undermined by many pharmaceutical industry marketing practices,” said ...
Dr. Sanjit Bagchi
May 1, 2008
California Can Learn Health Care Lessons From Down Under
Health care reform is still on the table in California, which should consider carefully the achievements and failings of foreign systems. Canada is the usual candidate but Australia’s health care strategies deserve a closer look. The negative effects of Australia’s government-run health system are predictable and apparent: limited distribution of ...
Diana M. Ernst
April 30, 2008
Is the New Anthem Off-Key?
For reasons best known to its executives, Indianapolis’ WellPoint, owner of Blue Cross of California, has recently decided to re-name itself Anthem Blue Cross. How this will help it address the snares and traps set for it by politicians, regulators, and self-styled “patient advocates,” I have no idea, but I ...
John R. Graham
April 30, 2008
Field Poll Hits The Health Care Ball Into Left Field Again
I was pretty appalled last August, when the Field Poll reported that 36% of Californians approved of government-monopoly health care. Well, they’ve done it again. According to the latest poll, Californians trust the government more than they do themselves, to take responsibility for their own health care. While the share ...
John R. Graham
April 29, 2008
Health-care system needs more caring (LA), April 29, 2008 Daily Comet, (Lafourche Parish, LA), April 29, 2008 Presidential candidates condemn Americans for not providing health insurance to 47 million fellow citizens but the Washington Times carried an article by Sally Pipes, of the Pacific Research Institute, and presented facts that indicate political debaters try ...
Dr. Randolph M. Howes
April 29, 2008
Health Care
Sally C. Pipes at Western Women’s Summit
PRI’s Sally C. Pipes was a guest speaker at the Western Women’s Summit, sponsored by the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, at the Reagan Ranch Center. She spoke about health care and health care myths in America.
Pacific Research Institute
April 26, 2008
Free Market Solutions to Health Care, May 5, 2008 Sally Pipes President of Pacific Research Institute discusses the failures of Canada’s government-run health care system and offers free market solutions for America’s system. This speech took place at Young America’s Foundation’s Reagan Ranch High School Conference. Download file audio_08_05-5-08_Speech
San Francisco’s Health Access Plan Has Raised $6 Million
Thrilling news from my fair town: San Francisco’s Health Access Plan has managed to rope in 743 businesses, with 12,900 employees, before their deadline for enrolment in the City & County’s new mandatory health care scheme. The San Francisco Health Access Plan promises to bring “universal” health care to our ...
Circuit Court Backs San Francisco’s Draconian Health Care Mandate
Businesses and employees in San Francisco are facing higher health costs and likely job losses after a three-judge panel from the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overruled a federal district court judge’s finding that San Francisco’s new health care ordinance violated the 1974 federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act ...
Ohio Bank Offers Health Savings Accounts
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), May 1, 2008 Huntington Bancshares, Inc., a $54 billion regional bank holding company headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, is moving into consumer-driven health care. The firm has announced it is making Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) available to the businesses that make up the majority of its ...
Mass. Coalition Wants Controls on Drug Marketing
A coalition of Massachusetts community organizations, nonprofits, insurers, and health care providers is asking the state government to regulate the marketing practices of pharmaceutical companies, claiming it will help ensure more affordable prescription drugs for everyone. “The practice of medicine has been undermined by many pharmaceutical industry marketing practices,” said ...
California Can Learn Health Care Lessons From Down Under
Health care reform is still on the table in California, which should consider carefully the achievements and failings of foreign systems. Canada is the usual candidate but Australia’s health care strategies deserve a closer look. The negative effects of Australia’s government-run health system are predictable and apparent: limited distribution of ...
Is the New Anthem Off-Key?
For reasons best known to its executives, Indianapolis’ WellPoint, owner of Blue Cross of California, has recently decided to re-name itself Anthem Blue Cross. How this will help it address the snares and traps set for it by politicians, regulators, and self-styled “patient advocates,” I have no idea, but I ...
Field Poll Hits The Health Care Ball Into Left Field Again
I was pretty appalled last August, when the Field Poll reported that 36% of Californians approved of government-monopoly health care. Well, they’ve done it again. According to the latest poll, Californians trust the government more than they do themselves, to take responsibility for their own health care. While the share ...
Health-care system needs more caring (LA), April 29, 2008 Daily Comet, (Lafourche Parish, LA), April 29, 2008 Presidential candidates condemn Americans for not providing health insurance to 47 million fellow citizens but the Washington Times carried an article by Sally Pipes, of the Pacific Research Institute, and presented facts that indicate political debaters try ...
Sally C. Pipes at Western Women’s Summit
PRI’s Sally C. Pipes was a guest speaker at the Western Women’s Summit, sponsored by the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, at the Reagan Ranch Center. She spoke about health care and health care myths in America.