Health Care
CNN – The Glenn Beck Show
Transcript Aired May 21, 2008 – 19:00:00 ET … Up next, as Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy begins his battle, he is lucky to have one of the best health-care plans available. Reality is, not a lot of people in that state are as fortunate. I`ll explain in tonight`s “Real Story.” ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 21, 2008
Independent explores new perspective
A whole new world of political thought opened to Vancouver’s Ceci Ryan Smith last month at a well-known ranch in California. She was guest at a conservative women’s conference at the Reagan Ranch Center. Ceci (wife of Vancouver’s Dave Smith, mother of two, board member of the Vancouver Housing Authority ...
Tom Koenninger
May 21, 2008
San Francisco Health Access Plan Shakedown?
I have long alleged that the real (unstated) objective of San Francisco’s Health Access Plan was to direct more tax money and power to the City’s public health bureaucracy, and the experience so far does nothing to dispel that. It’s certainly not doing much to get health care to anyone, ...
John R. Graham
May 21, 2008
Drug importation: Another security issue
To date, 81 Americans have died from taking contaminated heparin, the widely used blood thinner. These deaths should serve as a chilling reminder of the danger posed by unfettered drug importation. Nevertheless, many lawmakers have promised to allow the “safe” importation of pharmaceuticals. But “safe” importation is impossible, as the ...
Sally C. Pipes
May 17, 2008
Business & Economics
California Budget Revision Proves It: You Can’t Trust the State With Health Care
As California struggles to get control of its budget deficit, Governor Schwarzenegger (who as recently as January collaborated with Democrats to almost wrangle a $15 billion health care tax and spending increase through the legislature) has been forced to propose cutting $2 billion (5 percent) from the state budget for ...
John R. Graham
May 14, 2008
Health Care
Escaping From Unhealthy Health Care Dependency: Lessons from Down Under
Many politicos advocate more government as the “solution” du jour for American health care – as if we don’t have enough already. But government interference could come at the expense of new medical technology and competitive ventures that promise to improve quality, reduce costs, and increase choices for individuals. Americans ...
Diana M. Ernst
May 13, 2008
Health Care
Washington Policy Center Health Care Conference – May 13, 2008
PRI’s Health Studies Director John R. Graham discusses “What States Can Do To Reform Health Care: A Free Market Primer” and “The U.S. Index of Health Ownership” at the Health Care Conference sponsored by the Washington Policy Center.
John R. Graham
May 13, 2008
Advocate of State-Monopoly Health Care: “We Are Winning”
Commenting on Gov. Schwarzenegger’s recent musing that he would like to re-launch last year’s failed tax-hiking, choice-limiting, health “reform”, State Senator Sheila Kuehl delivered a chilling post-mortem: “We are winning.” “We” are the advocates for government-monopoly health care. Ms. Kuehl has been leading a gang of militant trade unionists and ...
John R. Graham
May 12, 2008
Florida Frees up Hospital Market, at Least a Little
One of the dopiest rules that states impose on competition in health care is Certificate of Need (CON) laws for hospitals. Basically, CON allows entrenched hospitals to use political power to prevent new ones from opening up, in a futle attempt to contain costs. Roy Cordato of the John Locke ...
John R. Graham
May 6, 2008
Health care lessons from Down Under
Health care reform is still on the table in California, which should consider carefully the achievements and failings of foreign systems. Canada is the usual candidate, but Australia’s health care strategies deserve a closer look. The negative effects of Australia’s government-run health system are predictable and apparent: limited distribution of ...
Diana M. Ernst
May 6, 2008
CNN – The Glenn Beck Show
Transcript Aired May 21, 2008 – 19:00:00 ET … Up next, as Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy begins his battle, he is lucky to have one of the best health-care plans available. Reality is, not a lot of people in that state are as fortunate. I`ll explain in tonight`s “Real Story.” ...
Independent explores new perspective
A whole new world of political thought opened to Vancouver’s Ceci Ryan Smith last month at a well-known ranch in California. She was guest at a conservative women’s conference at the Reagan Ranch Center. Ceci (wife of Vancouver’s Dave Smith, mother of two, board member of the Vancouver Housing Authority ...
San Francisco Health Access Plan Shakedown?
I have long alleged that the real (unstated) objective of San Francisco’s Health Access Plan was to direct more tax money and power to the City’s public health bureaucracy, and the experience so far does nothing to dispel that. It’s certainly not doing much to get health care to anyone, ...
Drug importation: Another security issue
To date, 81 Americans have died from taking contaminated heparin, the widely used blood thinner. These deaths should serve as a chilling reminder of the danger posed by unfettered drug importation. Nevertheless, many lawmakers have promised to allow the “safe” importation of pharmaceuticals. But “safe” importation is impossible, as the ...
California Budget Revision Proves It: You Can’t Trust the State With Health Care
As California struggles to get control of its budget deficit, Governor Schwarzenegger (who as recently as January collaborated with Democrats to almost wrangle a $15 billion health care tax and spending increase through the legislature) has been forced to propose cutting $2 billion (5 percent) from the state budget for ...
Escaping From Unhealthy Health Care Dependency: Lessons from Down Under
Many politicos advocate more government as the “solution” du jour for American health care – as if we don’t have enough already. But government interference could come at the expense of new medical technology and competitive ventures that promise to improve quality, reduce costs, and increase choices for individuals. Americans ...
Washington Policy Center Health Care Conference – May 13, 2008
PRI’s Health Studies Director John R. Graham discusses “What States Can Do To Reform Health Care: A Free Market Primer” and “The U.S. Index of Health Ownership” at the Health Care Conference sponsored by the Washington Policy Center.
Advocate of State-Monopoly Health Care: “We Are Winning”
Commenting on Gov. Schwarzenegger’s recent musing that he would like to re-launch last year’s failed tax-hiking, choice-limiting, health “reform”, State Senator Sheila Kuehl delivered a chilling post-mortem: “We are winning.” “We” are the advocates for government-monopoly health care. Ms. Kuehl has been leading a gang of militant trade unionists and ...
Florida Frees up Hospital Market, at Least a Little
One of the dopiest rules that states impose on competition in health care is Certificate of Need (CON) laws for hospitals. Basically, CON allows entrenched hospitals to use political power to prevent new ones from opening up, in a futle attempt to contain costs. Roy Cordato of the John Locke ...
Health care lessons from Down Under
Health care reform is still on the table in California, which should consider carefully the achievements and failings of foreign systems. Canada is the usual candidate, but Australia’s health care strategies deserve a closer look. The negative effects of Australia’s government-run health system are predictable and apparent: limited distribution of ...