Health Care
Business & Economics
INSURANCE: Small business owners try to manage higher premiums.
Turns out, New York is really a red state. That’s according to the Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy, a San Francisco-based non-profit organization that characterizes each state’s litigation climate by designating one of three colors to it — red, yellow or green. Red isn’t good. “New York’s liability climate ...
Dave Hill
August 17, 2008
U.S. Index of Health Ownership 2nd Edition Is Here
Alabama up, Utah down, New York still in the basement: Where’s your state? Pacific Research Instite has published the 2nd edition of the U.S. Index of Health Ownership, the only ranking of health care in the states that uses criteria of individual choice. Americans lack the basic freedom to make ...
John R. Graham
August 15, 2008
WSJ Examines Recent Ruling Strengthening Legal Job Protections For Women Seeking Fertility Treatment
Wall Street Journal on Wednesday examined a recent ruling by a three-judge panel of the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that could strengthen legal job protections for women undergoing fertility treatments. The ruling, the first of its kind at the federal appeals-court level, stated that women who need time ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 15, 2008
National Think Tank Releases State Rankings on Health Ownership
National Think Tank Releases State Rankings on Health Ownership Alabama Comes Out on Top, New York Finishes Last San Francisco-Americans lack the basic freedom to make their own health care decisions according to the second edition of the U.S. Index of Health Ownership, an annual report by the Pacific Research ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 14, 2008
Health Care
2008 U.S. Index of Health Ownership
National Think Tank Releases State Rankings on Health Ownership Alabama Comes Out on Top, New York Finishes Last San Francisco-Americans lack the basic freedom to make their own health care decisions according to the second edition of the U.S. Index of Health Ownership, an annual report by the Pacific Research ...
John R. Graham
August 14, 2008
The Real Cost of Mandated Infertility Treatment is Increasing
One of the most expensive benefits mandated by some states is infertility treatment. I was pleased to be interviewed by Sue Shellenbarger of the Wall Street Journal for her article on the issue. Ms. Shellenbarger quotes me as noting that 13 states mandate treatment for in vitro fertilization. Not reported ...
John R. Graham
August 13, 2008
Massachusetts Businesses Joining Health Care Coalition to Deal With Costs of Connector
Olympia Business Watch, August 13, 2008 Washington lawmakers need to take a real close look at what is happening in Massachusetts on health care. With the cost over runs for the “Connector”, Massachusetts businesses are joining a national coalition to slow premium growth and ease the financial burden on employers. ...
Don Brunell
August 13, 2008
Business & Economics
Neo-Prohibitionism, Alcohol Taxes, and Central Planning in California
The last time I had a critical look at the neo-prohibitionists, it was via a pamphlet opposing a tobacco tax hike in California. Now, the Marin Institute has completed a “landmark” study suggesting that we need to hike alcohol taxes in the Golden State. And landmark it certainly is: the ...
John R. Graham
August 12, 2008
Government Spending
Ranking Health Care in the States: The Most Important Input is the Patient
State-Based Health Reforms Demand State-Based Performance Measurements This month, PRI publishes the second edition of the U.S. Index of Health Ownership (IHOP), the only project that ranks states’ health care according to principles of individual choice. This is very different from other rankings of health care in the states, because ...
John R. Graham
August 12, 2008
Unbalanced Billing in California Hospitals: the Sacramento Bee Weighs In
The Sacramento Bee, our, our fair capital’s daily newspaper, has editorialized on the issue of “balance billing”, whereby ER doctors and hospitals which are not in a patient’s health plan’s network, send high-priced (and unexpected) bills to patients. Interestingly, although the editorial leans against the health plans, it approves of ...
John R. Graham
August 11, 2008
INSURANCE: Small business owners try to manage higher premiums.
Turns out, New York is really a red state. That’s according to the Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy, a San Francisco-based non-profit organization that characterizes each state’s litigation climate by designating one of three colors to it — red, yellow or green. Red isn’t good. “New York’s liability climate ...
U.S. Index of Health Ownership 2nd Edition Is Here
Alabama up, Utah down, New York still in the basement: Where’s your state? Pacific Research Instite has published the 2nd edition of the U.S. Index of Health Ownership, the only ranking of health care in the states that uses criteria of individual choice. Americans lack the basic freedom to make ...
WSJ Examines Recent Ruling Strengthening Legal Job Protections For Women Seeking Fertility Treatment
Wall Street Journal on Wednesday examined a recent ruling by a three-judge panel of the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that could strengthen legal job protections for women undergoing fertility treatments. The ruling, the first of its kind at the federal appeals-court level, stated that women who need time ...
National Think Tank Releases State Rankings on Health Ownership
National Think Tank Releases State Rankings on Health Ownership Alabama Comes Out on Top, New York Finishes Last San Francisco-Americans lack the basic freedom to make their own health care decisions according to the second edition of the U.S. Index of Health Ownership, an annual report by the Pacific Research ...
2008 U.S. Index of Health Ownership
National Think Tank Releases State Rankings on Health Ownership Alabama Comes Out on Top, New York Finishes Last San Francisco-Americans lack the basic freedom to make their own health care decisions according to the second edition of the U.S. Index of Health Ownership, an annual report by the Pacific Research ...
The Real Cost of Mandated Infertility Treatment is Increasing
One of the most expensive benefits mandated by some states is infertility treatment. I was pleased to be interviewed by Sue Shellenbarger of the Wall Street Journal for her article on the issue. Ms. Shellenbarger quotes me as noting that 13 states mandate treatment for in vitro fertilization. Not reported ...
Massachusetts Businesses Joining Health Care Coalition to Deal With Costs of Connector
Olympia Business Watch, August 13, 2008 Washington lawmakers need to take a real close look at what is happening in Massachusetts on health care. With the cost over runs for the “Connector”, Massachusetts businesses are joining a national coalition to slow premium growth and ease the financial burden on employers. ...
Neo-Prohibitionism, Alcohol Taxes, and Central Planning in California
The last time I had a critical look at the neo-prohibitionists, it was via a pamphlet opposing a tobacco tax hike in California. Now, the Marin Institute has completed a “landmark” study suggesting that we need to hike alcohol taxes in the Golden State. And landmark it certainly is: the ...
Ranking Health Care in the States: The Most Important Input is the Patient
State-Based Health Reforms Demand State-Based Performance Measurements This month, PRI publishes the second edition of the U.S. Index of Health Ownership (IHOP), the only project that ranks states’ health care according to principles of individual choice. This is very different from other rankings of health care in the states, because ...
Unbalanced Billing in California Hospitals: the Sacramento Bee Weighs In
The Sacramento Bee, our, our fair capital’s daily newspaper, has editorialized on the issue of “balance billing”, whereby ER doctors and hospitals which are not in a patient’s health plan’s network, send high-priced (and unexpected) bills to patients. Interestingly, although the editorial leans against the health plans, it approves of ...