Health Care
‘RomneyCare’ should keep Mitt off McCain ticket
Scripps News Service, August 26, 2008 Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 26, 2008 Socialized Medicine Blog (Australia), September 2, 2008 Just as most folks maintain a healthy distance from those with contagious diseases, John McCain would be wise to keep Willard Mitt Romney at arm’s length. Choosing him for vice president would ...
Deroy Murdock
August 26, 2008
The governor’s war on health insurance choice
Ever since Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ABX1 1 stumbled just short of the finish line last January, he and his Democratic allies in the Legislature have been looking to move bits and pieces of the failed health reform plan forward. Amazingly, one that he favors is sponsored by the legislator who ...
John R. Graham
August 26, 2008
The Case Against Socialized Medicine
Powerline (MN), August 25, 2008 Nissan Forums/Infiniti Forums, August 25, 2008 Health care reform may have receded slightly as a campaign issue this year, as focus shifts to even more immediate concerns like the cost of filling our cars with gas. Although a bad employment picture can cost some Americans ...
Paul Mirengoff
August 25, 2008
Is the grass greener with socialized medicine?
With Democrats convinced 2008 is their year, the campaign trail is awash with promises to make universal health care a reality by the end of the next president’s first term. The basic argument of those who support a government takeover of the health care system is familiar. As New York ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 23, 2008
Why Governor Schwarzenegger’s – and Organized Medicine’s – War on Choice in Health Insurance Will Backfire
Ever since Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ABX1 1 stumbled just short of the finish line last January, he and his Democratic allies in the legislature have been looking to move bits and pieces of the failed health reform plan forward. Amazingly, one that he favors is sponsored by the legislator who ...
John R. Graham
August 20, 2008
Code for drug reps should fend off new regulations
The pharmaceutical industry’s trade group just announced a new voluntary code of conduct. The updated rules, which take effect on Jan. 1, severely restrict drug company sales reps from giving gifts and purchasing meals for doctors. The rules also impose new regulations on consulting arrangements between physicians and drug companies. ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 20, 2008
Questions about a Blues For-Profit Conversion in New Jersey
New Jersey’s biggest health plan, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield, has applied to the state to convert to for-profit status. As discussed by the Philadephia Inquirer, the state will likely require Horizon BCBS to disgorge its retained earnings into a charitable foundation that will fund expanded health care – as ...
John R. Graham
August 19, 2008
Maryland in middle of pack on health care control, private insurance access
Maryland ranked 31st among all states in a new study that measures the degree to which patients, health professionals, entrepreneurs and taxpayers have control over their health care. The state also ranked 24th for access to care through the private insurance market and 38th for the quality of its tort ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 19, 2008
Study: Md. 31st for individual health care control
A new study designed to measure the degree of control Americans have over their own health care ranks Maryland 31st in the country. The U.S. Index of Health Ownership was released Thursday by the Pacific Research Institute, a private research and policy analysis group. Study author John R. Graham, the ...
Ashley Andyshak
August 18, 2008
Is There A “Cost Shift” from Cutting Medicaid?
One zombie that just will not die, no matter how many stakes are driven into it, is the argument that the health care “crisis” is driven by hordes of uninsured people who crowd the ERs for “uncompensated” care, shifting a so-called “hidden tax” onto people with health insurance. This is ...
John R. Graham
August 17, 2008
‘RomneyCare’ should keep Mitt off McCain ticket
Scripps News Service, August 26, 2008 Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 26, 2008 Socialized Medicine Blog (Australia), September 2, 2008 Just as most folks maintain a healthy distance from those with contagious diseases, John McCain would be wise to keep Willard Mitt Romney at arm’s length. Choosing him for vice president would ...
The governor’s war on health insurance choice
Ever since Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ABX1 1 stumbled just short of the finish line last January, he and his Democratic allies in the Legislature have been looking to move bits and pieces of the failed health reform plan forward. Amazingly, one that he favors is sponsored by the legislator who ...
The Case Against Socialized Medicine
Powerline (MN), August 25, 2008 Nissan Forums/Infiniti Forums, August 25, 2008 Health care reform may have receded slightly as a campaign issue this year, as focus shifts to even more immediate concerns like the cost of filling our cars with gas. Although a bad employment picture can cost some Americans ...
Is the grass greener with socialized medicine?
With Democrats convinced 2008 is their year, the campaign trail is awash with promises to make universal health care a reality by the end of the next president’s first term. The basic argument of those who support a government takeover of the health care system is familiar. As New York ...
Why Governor Schwarzenegger’s – and Organized Medicine’s – War on Choice in Health Insurance Will Backfire
Ever since Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ABX1 1 stumbled just short of the finish line last January, he and his Democratic allies in the legislature have been looking to move bits and pieces of the failed health reform plan forward. Amazingly, one that he favors is sponsored by the legislator who ...
Code for drug reps should fend off new regulations
The pharmaceutical industry’s trade group just announced a new voluntary code of conduct. The updated rules, which take effect on Jan. 1, severely restrict drug company sales reps from giving gifts and purchasing meals for doctors. The rules also impose new regulations on consulting arrangements between physicians and drug companies. ...
Questions about a Blues For-Profit Conversion in New Jersey
New Jersey’s biggest health plan, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield, has applied to the state to convert to for-profit status. As discussed by the Philadephia Inquirer, the state will likely require Horizon BCBS to disgorge its retained earnings into a charitable foundation that will fund expanded health care – as ...
Maryland in middle of pack on health care control, private insurance access
Maryland ranked 31st among all states in a new study that measures the degree to which patients, health professionals, entrepreneurs and taxpayers have control over their health care. The state also ranked 24th for access to care through the private insurance market and 38th for the quality of its tort ...
Study: Md. 31st for individual health care control
A new study designed to measure the degree of control Americans have over their own health care ranks Maryland 31st in the country. The U.S. Index of Health Ownership was released Thursday by the Pacific Research Institute, a private research and policy analysis group. Study author John R. Graham, the ...
Is There A “Cost Shift” from Cutting Medicaid?
One zombie that just will not die, no matter how many stakes are driven into it, is the argument that the health care “crisis” is driven by hordes of uninsured people who crowd the ERs for “uncompensated” care, shifting a so-called “hidden tax” onto people with health insurance. This is ...