Health Care
A Grotesque Twist to the Los Angeles Homeless-Hospital Saga
Only three days ago, I wondered what Los Angeles hoped to achieve by passing an ordnance forbidding hospitals from discharging ER patients without their written consent. As I noted, many homeless people would be happy to stay in the hospital for quite a while under such circumstances. I also blamed ...
John R. Graham
August 7, 2008
Biotech at risk for broadside hit
Ethics bill would be malpractice On the last day of July, the Massachusetts Legislature passed the Act to Promote Cost Containment, Transparency and Efficiency in the Delivery of Quality Health Care. It’s both a mouthful and a mess. If Gov. Deval Patrick doesn’t veto the bill by Aug. 13, the ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 6, 2008
Crisis in the ER? The Solution is At Hand! (It’s Not More Taxpayer Dollars)
Three stories about the uninsured and emergency rooms came across the transom today. As I’ve written about in my analysis of the Schwarzenegger-Nuñez California Health Care Deforminator ABX1 1, the notion that the legions of uninsured crowding America’s ERs is the cause of the health care “crisis” is myth. Nevertheless, ...
John R. Graham
August 6, 2008
Gov. Schwarzenegger’s War on Choice in Health Insurance Heats Up
Ever since Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s California Health Care Deforminator ABX1 1 stumbled just short of the finish line last January, he and his Democratic allies in the legislature have been looking to move bits and pieces of the failed health reform plan forward. According to the Los Angeles Times’ Jordan ...
John R. Graham
August 5, 2008
Business & Economics
The Case for Womanism
Dee Dee Myers was the first woman to serve as White House Press Secretary and the youngest ever at 31. She served under President Bill Clinton. Now she has taken on a more demanding task in Why Women Should Rule the World, a manifesto for what we might call Womanism. ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 5, 2008
New Los Angeles Ordnance Turns Hospitals Into Homeless Shelters
Enterprises that “collaborate” with government generally find that the costs come to outweigh the benefits. Those who seek a “seat at the table” often end up being the main course. (Thanks to Bridgett Wagner of the Heritage Foundation for the metaphor.) And in the end, you cannot buy politicians off; ...
John R. Graham
August 4, 2008
Unbalanced billing In California hospitals
Imagine if you bought an airline ticket to fly from San Francisco to Chicago and after the flight you received an extra bill from the co-pilot for what he claims is a fair price for his services. He is unsatisfied with the airline’s pay and would like you and your ...
John R. Graham
August 3, 2008
HHS Devises Another Strategy for Health Information Technology
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has released a plan to “coordinate the federal government’s health IT efforts, which seek to achieve nationwide implementation of an interoperable health IT infrastructure throughout both the public ...
Dr. Sanjit Bagchi
August 1, 2008
Rhode Island Governor Offers Proposal for Consumer-Driven Medicaid Overhaul
Rhode Island Gov. Don Carcieri (R) has offered a proposal to save taxpayers $67 million by overhauling Rite Care, the state’s Medicaid program. Under the proposal, details of which are still being worked out between the state legislature and the Department of Human Services, Rhode Island would agree to a ...
Krystle Russin
August 1, 2008
Health Care
AHIP Cedes Initiative to Government in Health Care Overhaul Proposal
Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), a trade association representing more than 1,300 health insurance providers, has offered a proposal it says could help the United States reduce total spending on health care by more than $145 billion in the next decade while improving quality. Experts acknowledge the association’s insight into the ...
Dr. Sanjit Bagchi
August 1, 2008
A Grotesque Twist to the Los Angeles Homeless-Hospital Saga
Only three days ago, I wondered what Los Angeles hoped to achieve by passing an ordnance forbidding hospitals from discharging ER patients without their written consent. As I noted, many homeless people would be happy to stay in the hospital for quite a while under such circumstances. I also blamed ...
Biotech at risk for broadside hit
Ethics bill would be malpractice On the last day of July, the Massachusetts Legislature passed the Act to Promote Cost Containment, Transparency and Efficiency in the Delivery of Quality Health Care. It’s both a mouthful and a mess. If Gov. Deval Patrick doesn’t veto the bill by Aug. 13, the ...
Crisis in the ER? The Solution is At Hand! (It’s Not More Taxpayer Dollars)
Three stories about the uninsured and emergency rooms came across the transom today. As I’ve written about in my analysis of the Schwarzenegger-Nuñez California Health Care Deforminator ABX1 1, the notion that the legions of uninsured crowding America’s ERs is the cause of the health care “crisis” is myth. Nevertheless, ...
Gov. Schwarzenegger’s War on Choice in Health Insurance Heats Up
Ever since Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s California Health Care Deforminator ABX1 1 stumbled just short of the finish line last January, he and his Democratic allies in the legislature have been looking to move bits and pieces of the failed health reform plan forward. According to the Los Angeles Times’ Jordan ...
The Case for Womanism
Dee Dee Myers was the first woman to serve as White House Press Secretary and the youngest ever at 31. She served under President Bill Clinton. Now she has taken on a more demanding task in Why Women Should Rule the World, a manifesto for what we might call Womanism. ...
New Los Angeles Ordnance Turns Hospitals Into Homeless Shelters
Enterprises that “collaborate” with government generally find that the costs come to outweigh the benefits. Those who seek a “seat at the table” often end up being the main course. (Thanks to Bridgett Wagner of the Heritage Foundation for the metaphor.) And in the end, you cannot buy politicians off; ...
Unbalanced billing In California hospitals
Imagine if you bought an airline ticket to fly from San Francisco to Chicago and after the flight you received an extra bill from the co-pilot for what he claims is a fair price for his services. He is unsatisfied with the airline’s pay and would like you and your ...
HHS Devises Another Strategy for Health Information Technology
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has released a plan to “coordinate the federal government’s health IT efforts, which seek to achieve nationwide implementation of an interoperable health IT infrastructure throughout both the public ...
Rhode Island Governor Offers Proposal for Consumer-Driven Medicaid Overhaul
Rhode Island Gov. Don Carcieri (R) has offered a proposal to save taxpayers $67 million by overhauling Rite Care, the state’s Medicaid program. Under the proposal, details of which are still being worked out between the state legislature and the Department of Human Services, Rhode Island would agree to a ...
AHIP Cedes Initiative to Government in Health Care Overhaul Proposal
Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), a trade association representing more than 1,300 health insurance providers, has offered a proposal it says could help the United States reduce total spending on health care by more than $145 billion in the next decade while improving quality. Experts acknowledge the association’s insight into the ...